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Everything posted by CrazyManiac

  1. Kalutera enas sta9eros H/Y para laptop kai s krataei k perissotero kairo.... gt exei perisoterh diarkeia kai dn uparxei provlima stin epanafortisi mpatarias klp.....
  2. Para polu kalo!!!!! Doulevei k se mena episis ^^.! Kalh douleia!!!!!!! ;D ;D. Kai to epsaxna kairo!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
  3. Why NcSoft want to attack us.?? I don't think that attack was came from NcSoft but from korean Servers...... Anyway I wish the best Maxtor
  4. Welcome To MxC Gaming Community!!!! Before getting started read our Forum Rules!!!!!!! :)
  5. Συγγνωμη αλλα γιατι βριζεις μανες χωρις λογο??? Καλο θα ητανε να το αποφευγεις αυτο... Γιατι δεν σε οδηγει πουθενα..... μονο σε bannable offence....
  6. vasika eides sto shop pou exei ena staff p s leei gia +2 karma???? apo ekei to peire..... Increase your karma by 2 opote apo 0 p eixe peire to staff ekeino k to ekane +2 to karma tou...
  7. will be better if u don't use bad words...... Also Good luck to your server.... I don't think just like L][Athebaldt with full of bugs..... Is it???
  8. Welcome To MaxCheaters Gaming Forum!!!!! Before getting started plz Read Forum Rules!!!!!!!! :) Have a Nice Stay!!! Yours Babylon
  9. www.infinitel2.com Function Server with a lot of Players!!!!!! And they have got RvB=Red Vs Blue Server... When u kill an enemy u get 1 adena.... They also got KOH(King Of The Hill) Event,Zombies and more!!!!!! I think it's really take your time with a lot of Fun and PvP Experience! Yours Babylon
  10. L][Athebaldt=PvP Server..... L][MxC Mid Rate Server And got different things the one server with other..... Can't be The Same... But this where makes server bad is the bugs in it..... U will find a lot of them everyday almost..... And Some times they make Wipe and that's make the people to getting bored to do the same things every time after wipe.....
  11. I told you all guys.That's not a completely server.... And have a lot of problems etc..... I don't think that anyone can spend his time in this server..... Maxcheaters server is More balanced and protected from bugs server than L][Athebaldt.....
  12. How much sure are you and you tell that they will not wipe.... I remember that Duracell was wiped more than 5 times per week.... :S for any kind of Master server's problem..... I think that he need to buy a New one!....
  13. You are not Right SuBzZ3Ro.... If people makes good shares will get karma one time.... no sooo many times.... Anyway... To come back to this topic I accept with you to one thing that his idea is amazing!!!!!! And i think that some people from here will help......
  14. Εαν λυθηκε το προβλημα παρακαλω πολυ εναν Mod Να κλειδωσει αυτο το τοπικ για να αποφυγουμε τα Spam.... Ευχαριστω πολυ!
  15. Popo se polles omades pesame axx0ax0ax0x0ax0a New Jersea(omada) xP
  16. I suggest to Any Mod lock this topic... The issue Ends here....... thx... Yours Babylon
  17. Manchester United (omada)
  18. Be Admin there and when u become send me pm in a few days and then u will see what i am meaning.... when i am saying GTP server..... ;)
  19. Welcome To MxC Gaming Forum!!!! Before getting started read our forum Rules!!!! :) Yours Babylon
  20. Server is Sux!!!!!!! Noone will join anymore!!!! Cause All have been removed from The Server.... Let Duracell play alone with their Net Members.... a0xax0x0ax0x0ax0a.... From the 1st time i was Admin in gracia final server was bad.... Every time was down..... Only for 2 days was online and not with a lot of members..... Just SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thousand sorry j1maras22 but you are admin to a sux server..... Yours babylon
  21. No point about this One! you haven't add something different.... And that's shows the sig sux..... If u add Text also will be better!
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