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Posts posted by toastgodsupreme

  1. IA is the most wiped server I even seen I have one friend who wiped many times lol.

    The first day you are 55 lvl and the other week you are 1 lvl.. lolz


    Well that's bullshit since there hasn't been a wipe since February of 2011. And that was the only one we ever did or will do. Sooooooo suck it? Yeah.

  2. http://infiniteaion.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=54302


    1. 2.1 is here. This includes items, titles, skills, npc updates, etc.

    2. Fixed it so that dispel ignores toggles (though, it should have before, this is just an additional safety check).

    3. Possible fixes for some legion stuff.

    4. Bonus damage is no longer boosted by magic boost. This apparently was done in 1.9. Skills like Lightburst and Shadowburst will be most noticably affected.

    5. Added geodata checks for knockbacks to prevent falling through the ground.

    6. Initial implementation of restocking system for item vendors.

    7. Fixed summon group member so it ignores LoS requests.

    8. Added about 3k npc skills.

    9. Added a possible fix for the daeva weapon exchanger giving players the auction house window.

    10. Added a possible fix for pulling npcs with skills like Doom Lure.

    11. Added a possible fix for getting stunned while resting.

    12. For some reason certain summon types weren't going into combat while attacking and thus got retarded amounts of regen. Should be fixed now.

    13. Fix added to prevent people from logging out before a fort goes vuln then logging back in when the deity has spawned.

    14. Fixed it so that npcs whose corpses should disappear immediately will no longer wait the 30 second minimum for empty loot corpses. More efficient this way too.

    15. Fixed the amount of supplements required to improve items.

    16. Fixed some possible exploit fixes with soul bound items and whatnot.

    17. Initial implementation of NPC pathing. (Toasty is a liar, this didn't get completed yet)

    18. Fixed non-summons (traps, etc) so they won't aggro surrounding mobs.

    19. Fix for double broadcasts in party/alliance.

    20. Initial work on siege weapons.

    21. Added support for multiple polymorph effects.

    22. Misc quest work, will let Alleta fill this in.

    23. Fixed all the floating gatherables using geodata.

    24. Fixed all floating npcs that should not be flying.

    25. Fixed a few things you don't care about.


    Because of 2.1, a lot of improvements were made to the server overall and we don't need to detail those fixes. But that's why this list appears short for the amount of time between the last update (plus Thanksgiving holiday).



    still i think aion atomix is the best server and most populated out there


    lol, from their features page:

    Supported Client PATCH: NA/EU



    Have fun with your Aion-Unique based server and it's 50 players (not to mention the fact that it doesn't look like any development outside of the AU project is being done there, hahaha, so sad). The 5,000+ players on Infinite will be having fun while you're sitting in your empty town for hours looking for a group.




    And tonight's update here at Infinite:


  4. 4vendeta is cool


    Too bad they're not actually compatible and they just copy shit from our website at www.infiniteaion.com


    1. Private stores. You can now set up your own shop to sell goods to other players.

    2. Legions. Full support for creating, disbanding, and inviting other players to your legion.

    3. Manastones and Godstones. Yes, you can haz upgrades.

    4. Mail system. Regular mail will show up to your recipient's mailbox while express mail will give them the chance to summon a mail npc to deliver it to them.

    Posted by: Alex


    Pretty much stolen word for word from our website.


    So vendeta is apparently run by retards. Have fun playing there.

  5. Kind of forgot about these forums, lulz.


    It'd be best if you all just followed:



    But to catch you up...











    Those are all the updates we've done since I've last posted here I believe. Oh wait, I think the last ones I posted were in January here. Hrm, well, you guys can go back in our updates section and see about those. :)


    After our next update, we're looking to get some things fixed that players have been asking for for a while now. Not going to say what specifically but yeah. ;)


    @Thelasthero Read the guides on our forums. They provide solutions to just about any possible error you could get. If players would just read them more often it would save everyone time.


    @Fя0zenInside™ Goog has had a thread in the announcement area for a LONG time concerning that topic. The only 3 people who can truly comment on that is myself, Erb, and Goog. Frankly, all three of us are tired of talking about it. It'll happen when it happens. And right now, we're not even thinking about that, we're too busy fixing things and making all those other servers look retarded in comparison (and we're doing a damn good job of it I might say). :)


  6. 1/23/10

    1. Added support for armor/item set bonuses.

    2. Added proper support for on attacked activation skills.

    3. Added support for skill power bonuses (Ex: behind, stunned enemy, etc).

    4. Added support for Illusion gates.

    5. Added support for passives which only apply while you are flying. So you may notice that your power, crit, defense, whatever might have gone down a bit, that's because the flight check wasn't working previously and you were always getting the bonus.

    6. Fixed a few issues with the login server not allowing people to login.

    7. Added many missing spawns to different maps, over 250 to just the Abyss.

    8. Certain quest related mobs in Heiron should no longer be "immortal".

    9. Added more accurate abyss point bonuses for killing mobs based on player rank and level vs the mob. DO NOT POST ABOUT ABYSS POINTS. DO NOT CARE. WE HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION WE NEED.



    1. Added proper flight timer to glide.

    2. Added proper flight reuse timers.

    3. Corrected DOT damage, it will now get the skill level bonus.

    4. Added more accurate character size constraints.

    5. Fix for skills that require bows to be equipped to apply bonuses.

    6. Fixed bug with set bonuses on relog.

    7. Random quest work. (As usual)

    8. Few etc bug fixes in Heiron.

    9. Updated buylists with data.

  7. We had a little DDoS but it's stopped. :) No worries. No matter how much we get DDoS'ed, we're still going to develop and stay ahead of every single other server out there.


    Updates 01/20/09 (Version


    Postby Erb on Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:34 am

    1. We are now compatible with

    You MUST use the new launcher. No other method will allow you to connect to Infinite's servers. All posts regarding this change will be DELETED.

    You MUST update your client. If you are using with a bin32, you have to delete your bin32 folder then repair your client. Make sure to download the most recent no_ip_restrict file from Fyrre's website ( http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ ).

    2. Fixed a few npcs that weren't showing up (sanctum teleporters).

    3. Fixed casting skills on dead targets.

    4. Some Abyss quests updated/added.

    5. Fixed a number of npc stats for npcs in Morheim.

    6. Added a bunch of missing npcs in Theobomos along with some npc stat updates for more there.

    7. Minor update to the magic damage formula.

    8. Fixed NPCs that were friendly but allowed you to attack them.

    9. Helms will now show.

    10. Godstone skill activation added (along with skills that have a chance to activate).

    11. Offhand attacks for dual wielding fixed.

    12. Resolved the issue of random disconnects for a small number players by redoing some internal safety checks.




  8. 01/13/10 - Updates

    1. Fixed offline recall.

    2. Slightly reduced spawn times for mobs using the spawn templates (only by about 30 seconds).

    3. Redid resistances since the last skill update had broken them.

    4. Updated quests for Heiron, Theobomos, Pandaemonium, Brusthonin, and Eltnen.

    5. Added some missing spawns for Theobomos, Heiron, and a few other areas.

    6. Server side prevention for speaking while dead.

    7. Disallowed activation of powershards while in shop mode and while dead.

    8. Initial support for repeatable quests added.

    9. Fixed certain buffs being able to be cast on npcs.


    Update 2:


    1. Updated a number of flight and teleporter coords. Most of them were just small adjustments to prevent players from clipping through the terrain when landing.

    2. Added missing teleporter to mist mane village to get atop the tree. If there are more that are missing, please post info on them so I can grab them on retail.

    3. Updated more bind prices for areas. Adding them as I get them on retail. If anyone knows of a site that has them all listed out, please post in the data collection area.

    4. Curse of Roots disabled, again.

    5. Fixed issues with duels after update.

    6. Fixed certain npcs that weren't showing properly.



    01/15/10 - Updates

    1. Fixes for shield skills. (Such as stone skin)

    2. Fixed a few bugs with certain buffs not stacking with one another.

    3. Various quest fixes.

    4. Few code optimizations and possible bug fixes.

    5. Purged all CHARACTERS that have not been accessed for at least 2 months on Siel. There will be no restoration of purged characters. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. All threads concerning this matter will be purged as well.



    And you're a fucking thief.


    From our thread in the IA forums:



    And your copy/pasted version:

    As many of you will notice, we are nowhere near done with our server. We will be doing constant development to the server to implement new features.


    We are currently in an Alpha phase.


    Current Rates:


        * Xp: 100x

        * Drop: 100x



    What we currently have completed:


        * Proper character stats for all classes.

        * Proper Hp/Mp Regeneration.

        * Complete and proper Xp requirements for each level.

        * Retail-like Xp bonuses for level differences between players and mobs in PvE.

        * DP skill system.

        * DP bonuses for level, rank, and rating differences between players and mobs in PvE.

        * Npc death and respawn system. We plan on redoing this soon to make it match retail even closer.

        * Advanced skill engine supporting hundreds of working skills with retail values. Including skills leveling up and giving proper increases to power and mp consumption.

        * Stigmas are now usable by players. For the moment, no quest is needed. You just need to be the appropriate level.

        * Abyss is open and automatically accessible by level 25 characters. Not all abyss features are implemented yet, but the area is open, mobs spawned and most drops implemented.

        * Basic NPC interaction with nearly complete retail-like faction system.

        * Inventories. With full support for expansions.

        * Loot system with loot priority.

        * Hot-bar/options/macro saving.

        * Basic NPC Shops.

        * Full teleport system and flight paths.

        * Dual Wielding.

        * Consumables.

        * Proper equipment restrictions based on level, race, and class.

        * Hundreds of quests. With thousands already done, we continuously add more with each update.

        * Transformations with full faction support.

        * Party system with basic loot right and xp share implemented. Still working to add full support to include all party capabilities.

        * NPC titles and levels for most NPCs.

        * Damage formulas. Still tweaking to get them to match retail 100% but we're VERY close at this point.

        * Complete trade system.

        * Weather system.

        * Gathering. Still in development to get it 100% retail-like, but for now we have a basic implementation.

        * Duel system.

        * Retail-like channel system to allow thousands of players to occupy one zone without causing issues.

        * Full mail system with both regular and express mail available.

        * Personal warehouses. We're still working on adding the account warehouse feature.

        * Manastones.

        * Godstones.

        * Item dyes.

        * Legions. Still in development, but basic legion support is implemented.

        * Private stores.


    So with that, it's very obvious your server is just a lie. Good luck with that and all your future failures!

  10. yes i belive that infinite is better but when are u guys gonna be online ? :S i want to play + i get this error when i try to run aion any ideas? Critical error: error loading Dll: Xrenderd3d9.dll error code 126


    Right now all we can do is wait it out. They're trying to extort money and the InfiniteAION source code (and before any loltards come in here and go "amg it's just aion-emu servar pack!" it's not. In fact, there's no open source AION project even half as complete as ours) from us. Eventually they'll realize we're not going to give them either and move their attack to someone who will pay them.


    So yeah, be patient. Trust me, this sucks for everyone, not just you guys.

  11. hello guys i want to ask infite aion private server close??


    No, it's not. It's being attacked by retards. 2.5gbps DDoS. L2Inc and other servers are being hit as well along with the infinitel2 servers.


    yes it closed as scaros said! So :(


    Uh huh, because obviously he's the official spokesperson for InfiniteAION, right?


    i think it just wiped and it will be back soon but i am not sure


    No, there is no wipe yet. If there was, we would've said so. Jesus christ you guys are dumb. I tell you in game to stop speculating about the wipe because it hasn't even been discussed internally. It's a long way off.


    They say they are having dos attack...

    Shit now i will lost my mage 6 lvl




    DDOS attack = bullshit.


    its something else, either they couldnt afford the Server or they didnt have the time to fix the crap.


    Ddos attack in my ass.


    Yeah, we JUST moved the server to Germany on a paid host and we decided to close it. That makes a lot of sense... you know, except NOT. ::) Seriously, where do you fuckers come up with these dumb theories? And it's a real attack. Had you paid attention in IRC you would know that.




    Development has NOT stopped and once the DDoS attacks are over we will be back up. This is the same group of people who DDoS'ed Frintezza, Azure, and other L2 servers a few weeks ago trying to extort money from them. And they're trying the same bullshit tactics with us.

  12. 1. Our project has NOT stopped. Just being DDoS'ed.


    2. They haven't surpassed anyone. lol Let alone us. Just look at their bug report section to get a feel for what they're missing...


    1. many skills not working like heal

    2. if u attack mob its kinda big lag

    3. no quest

    4. equip dont work

    5. charakter creation not work like that how i wanted

    6. no loots


    1. We have HUNDREDS of skills working.

    2. No lag when you attack or get attacked (wtf, why would that even happen, lol)

    3. We have over a thousand quests completed.

    4. Not only do equips work, but we have proper item restrictions.

    5. No comment. Ours isn't perfect either, still tweaking it.

    6. We have loot done for many areas. Still working on populating a full droplist. This takes time.


    So yeah, don't say these guys are ahead of www.infiniteaion.com. lol They're just not being DDoS'ed like we are (not to mention the fact that we have over 100k registered users in about 2-3 months and over 3000 online at the same time on the weekends).

  13. anyones know how long the server will be offline?


    is it hard fix that "DDoS"?


    Considering that at one point they were pulling 90-100mb/s upload from the servers, yes, it's hard to fix. And unfortunately we were unable to get ahold of the host yesterday. Hopefully today will be different. This appears to be the same group of people who a few weeks ago, DDoS'ed the shit out of Frintezza, Azure, and others. Right now they're hitting infinite, l2inc and a few more we know about.

  14. Ehi guys the only problem of this server is that there are to many ppls.... :)


    ;) We're working on instancing.


    is bad have many people in one server ? lol... who understand the people...



    its the only good private server in arround the bad thing have many bugs and they will wipe again ...and will be more wipes until they make the stable server as official


    1. It's stable.


    2. Yes, there are plans to wipe, but not for a while unless something gets added that absolutely requires a player wipe to happen.


    Did Server wipe? cuz thats i heard and i didnt start yet :-\


    No... people are idiots.

  15. Oh..oh my god.This team is unstopable.We must act now, to give a and to those attacks .Next target : L2 Pride  xD  +500 people online. xD  All the big servers will be over.Cuz of some stup!d russian kids...


    I'm still waiting for them to go back to L2Inc just to see what happens, lol.

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