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Posts posted by luxter

  1. Version of Lineage II : C4

    Rates (type) : High rate

    Features : One starting zone (prefer elven spawn zone) also leveling zone in same place u just start farm 10min and u got all S grade +3/4 max enchant on weapon 21 max enchant on armor 8 chance 66%. Custom armor which is hard to get adena on server is not problem u could farm 2.147.638.314 in 10min.

    Details : Epic armors u can only get by farming normal mats at zones like IT,etc. On server without safe zone (except elven spawn)

    Other : Weapon,armor cost is low but enchants are expensive 100kk each

    Rb jewels only from bosses which could be killed by one pt


  2. Agree for all.

    The old l2 servers had "something" cool that nobody know how to name it. This thing could be felt by players. And everybody saw sense to become better and better but they also accept mass pvp etc. Now in L2 First u`ll need max lvl full eq then go pvp so to go at pvp spot u`ll need near 2-3 month farm. I dont know what killed thoose servers maybe Dualbox allowed? When ppl fell the real Role playing then we could have better co-op cuz we knew our positions. And i think the best chronicle l2 was C4 when at 50lvl u could kill 78 lvl on siege;p ur dmg dont depends on lvl. Or that mass pvps 500 ppl vs 500 at sieges ahhh:) Sorry for my english skills i just wanted to share my opinion with ya.

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