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Everything posted by УVІL™

  1. egw re gmt eimai 2a lukeiou kai t xronou k teleiwnw :( dn thelw na teleiwsw sxoleio.tha kanw kana tei meta... :P
  2. apo na kwlovarame oli mera kalitera na pigenoume sxoleio.auto lew egw...
  3. xaxxaxaxa a re Frank . kateutheian vrikes tn lush gia na ta ksodepsei :p
  4. you just can see the updates in messages and friends request and $H!T$ :p
  5. ohhhh amazing share k4rma !!! thanks! !!! 1st post ;D
  6. Stef i have errors in aplying patches. a lot of errors. they can't import anything.just the announcements.txt file works in applying patches. or is my wrong? better upload an compiled pack with the all of timeline for people can test it.
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=79078.0 pare to diko m ama dn s kanei dokimase kapio allo.
  8. ox aderfe 10000000000000000000000000000000 soz diavasa lathos.ksereis smr ekana 20 pc format k zalistika :/ Soz re c... :/
  9. nai alla sinexeia m les oti t ekana copy paste apo auton kai t ekane autos post meta apo emena.to ekana prwtos. kai meta t ekane auto.anyway soz alla me trelanes r aderfe...
  10. ti den katalaveneis re? egw t ekana kai autos t ekane meta... TI DEN KATALAVENEIS??? autos t ekane copy paste apo mena dn kserw k gw pou.
  11. totally agree with you file m.ligo orimotita dn vlaptei.
  12. oxi ! exeis plirosei pote se admin gia na faei o allos in game ban?
  13. Dominator Rocks IN All Clients Until Interlude. is the best !
  14. maybe you dont changed the ip from l2.ini ?
  15. :) kapios mod mporei na lock the topic efoson to provlima lithike !
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