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Posts posted by L2Virus

  1. Am I really supposed to think that good commets would come out of this forum?

    And who is "everyone"? paranoic who is a gm of other server? achyle who is a hidden corrupted gm of l2tales? that leaves only you and doomus.


    Dude ...... u are advertising ur server here .... so u should freaking expect bad/good comments about ur server and take into consideration . Coz most of ur players will come from FORUMS ..... not from Top Games websites !


    P.S. Players from this forum specialy ......... are Long time members and most of them try servers and give opinion about server !

    P.S.S Next time ..... Il Show screenshots of people actualy complaining about L2OvC .... one of the reasons is LAG !


  2. Server has Good Features ,

    Personal opinion ? ......

    As u say it is going to be a Long Term ...... a x10 - x15 EXP would be best :)

    Buffer ....... obvs not all buffs in buffer :)


    Defo i will try the server.

    Good luck

  3. Dude ...... L2OvC ...... had a good amount of players on it . The reason why the "community" is asking "new season" , it is because of Management ?

    Tell me something that u did bring new to the server , what improvements .

    The "NEW SEASON" crap that u bring everytime ... Server goes offline 1 freaking month for the new season to be LIVE . After server goes LIVE , in 3-4 months MAX ...... the new season comes :))


    Rinse and REPEAT !

    Offline for New Season , Live the New season 4 Months  !


    P.S. in 2 years now that i play different servers , everytime i did check l2ovc website all i saw is ..... "NEW SEASON"

    P.S.S ....... after i reached on your server to have Decent items ........... New season started , because donate got everything ( not that i cant afford to donate , but where to fun goes if i get everything in 1min )

  4. The ammount of "new season" u see on this server is actually not worth anyone time . 

    U did start with Interlude chronicle .... TESTED ALL CHRONICLE ... and now you go back to Interlude coz u find it more stable than any other versions of Lineage 2.


    This server reached to the most pathetic server in history of l2.

  5. Ravin .... did i hit the spot ? :)) well done mate

    Dont have time time to fix vote reward ? that one nice server ..........


    So .. opening servers non-stop is something fun for u and for player to waste their time.

  6. L2 Staris ...... Failed and closed :))

    Second one ... forgot name .... u had SAME server files as "demente" and didnt know how to fix vote rewards and closed :))

    Third one ..... open L2 Demente .... and officialy is a FAILURE of 10 players online :)).....


    If u have money ......... coz from what i see ..... u get dedicated , u get vip on mxc , why u dont pay for a actual developer to make u a decent server and pay for advertise ? :))


    EDIT : Second server u managed to get 50 players online .... and after 1 day ... everybody did go Archers and Necromancers .... why ? Crit on archer was INSANE and Curse of Gloom was 99% .........

    My guess is that u didnt fix any of this coz from 10 players u have on now ... i see 8 archers , 1 dagger , 1 necro :))

  7. I know where u got ur server files ...... did u balance the classes ? .....

    1 example ... :) Tyrant , check it out


    P.S ... there is no such thing as "Perfect balanced" when ur using custom crap

  8. Balance Changes:

    All stuns chance 100%, reuse 45 sec, duration 4-8 sec.

    All fears chance 100%, reuse 50 sec, duration 5-9 sec.

    All slows chance 100%, reuse 40 sec, duration 8-12 sec.

    All cancel target skills chance 100% reuse 45 sec.

    All silences chance 100%, reuse 35 sec, duration 4-8 sec.

    All sleeps chance 100%, reuse 30 sec, duration 7-11 sec.

    All immobilazed skills chance 100%, reuse 25 sec, duration 5-9 sec.

    All other debuffs chance 100%, reuse 1 min, duration 10-15 sec.

    (duration depends of target stats/skill mastery/buffs/debuffs)

    buffs reducing chance to debuffs/stins/mental attack now reduce time for debuffs.

    Those changes do not affect olympiad games.

    ...... OL ..... get a party and they kill everything with ur debuffs :))

  9. Well I would never re-open this server but la2arena team they have done so much work in less than 2 weeks so much staff has been improved. Why you don't join and have a look your self I did...!

    u sure are a dumb fu.ck then to redirect other people from ur server to another shi.t server .


    u think ppl are dumb ?

  10. Right ........ Il repost again on ur topic because .... dont know what happened but its gone the previous post u had.


    La2Arena website -> Click

    L2Resurrection website -> Click


    Ip Adresses


    La2arena =

    L2resurrection =


    L2resurrection failed AFTER 1 DAY OF OPENING . Website was down for a looooooong time . When la2arena website started to work ..... ur l2resurrection website started to work aswell ...........


    P.S. On first post u did make with this acc of ur u had Location : Australia ... and after i did post again .... u changed to Greece.


    Archers = INCREDIBLE CRITS .......... Op'ed as hell

    Mages = 400-500 MAX dmg .. with max enchanted items ....

    Tanks and others ... no point mentioning.

  11. What kind of developer are u ..... if the Actual Players ( 44 that u had online at lunch time ) ... cant get any vote ?

    Its so hard to put on Auto-Announcements the exact link of each Vote Banner ? so they could go and get the vote that is required to upgrade weapon/armor/jwls ?




    This is not called "Project"

    U did take bits from every Shared file on mxc and rgzne and mixed togheter .


    "Project" is called when u make ur OWN NPC , OWN ARMOR , OWN WEAPONS ......... etc

  12. 1. after 1 day ... website down.

    2. After 2 days still website down , nobody on to fix it .

    3. same files as L2Blaze ( if any1 did play will know that there was NO BALANCE AT ALL )

    4. If u make PK ......u die , then on the whole L2 Map .... u wont find any mob to get rid of it ( beside farming zone ) ... and u cant use GK to teleport.

  13. Frank , gona tell u this for your "Advertise Event"


    I dont play l2 long on any srv ... just 1-2 day maybe :) and im out coz didnt find any decent one .

    On all srvs i have been , i see ppl on world chat  ---> "l2deathwhisper bla bla bla"


    Now the problem :

    U think owners of other servers will not do anything ? wait untill ur srv gona get ddos attacks and other craps :)



    Wish u good luck with ur srv

  14. Hi there ,

    Still learning about servers ........... so i apologize if it sounds noobish :)

    Problem :

    After i kill monster in Inventory = 1 Top LS

    On image , shows more than 1 LS DROP




    What could be the problem ?

    Did go in droplist table ..... and it shows 1 aswell .

    Maybe i am wrong ....... Client side error ? If yes , Any1 can offer a small guide to fix it ? :)




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