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Posts posted by Karakan

  1. L2-Reunion is back !


    We are happy to announce the comeback of our beloved retail like
    Chronicle 4 low rate server.


    We spend lot of time fixing and testing stuff to bring you the L2 game-play

    you all loved back in 2006.

    Server went live: 01.06.2020

    We got a nice and little community already, which grows slowly but steady.

    Come and give it a try.



    Exp/Sp 5x
    Drop 5x
    Adena 5x
    Spoil 5x
    Raid Drop 1x



    * L2JLisvus C4 files
    * Dual-boxing: max. 2 clients/IP
    * Buffs/Song/Dance Times : retail like
    * Enchant Rates : retail like
    * Enchant safe : +4
    * Geo data and Pathfinding
    * Full Working Olympiad
    * All C4 locations and raids
    * C4 - Fishing
    * C4 - Baby Pets
    * C4 - Skill enchanting
    * C4 - 3rd Profession skills and quests


    Oldschool C4 gameplay :

    * No Vitality System
    * No Herbs
    * No Common Items
    * No Shadow Items
    * No Masterwork crafts

    Custom additions:

    * Apprentice Weapons for new characters
    * Quest Item seller for 1st and 2nd class transfer
    * Increased drop rates for vital quests

    * Enhanced rewards for low-level one-time quests
    * Offline buy/sell/manufacture system
    * Command to enable/disable Exp/Sp gain (.expon / .expoff)
    * Sorted Warehouse lists
    * Increased storage capacity of warehouses
    * In-game droplists (shift+left click)
    * Spoilers can learn Sweep Festival skill


    Join our forum and discord now for suggestions and discussions.


    Website : http://l2-reunion.com
    Forum : http://l2-reunion.com/forum
    Discord : https://discord.com/invite/UQEVUD4

    Stay tuned....
    We are back, and better then ever.

  2. L2-Reunion is back !


    We are happy to announce the comeback of our beloved retail like
    Chronicle 4 low rate server.


    We spend lot of time fixing and testing stuff to bring you the L2 gameplay

    you all loved back in 2006.

    Launch date : 01.06.2020  - 6 PM - GMT +2



    Exp/Sp 5x
    Drop 5x
    Adena 5x
    Spoil 5x
    Raid Drop 1x



    * L2JLisvus C4 files
    * Dualboxing allowed: max. 2 clients/IP
    * Buffs/Song/Dance Times : retail like
    * Enchant Rates : retail like
    * Enchant safe : +4
    * Geodata and Pathfinding
    * Full Working Olympiad
    * All C4 locations and raids
    * C4 - Fishing
    * C4 - Baby Pets
    * C4 - Skill enchanting
    * C4 - 3rd Profession skills and quests


    Oldschool C4 gameplay :

    * No Vitality System
    * No Herbs
    * No Common Items
    * No Shadow Items
    * No Masterwork crafts

    Custom additions:

    * Quest Item seller for 1st and 2nd class transfer
    * Increased drop rates for vital quests (2x)
    * Offline buy/sell/manufacture system
    * Voice command to enable/disable Exp/Sp gain (.expon / .expoff)
    * Sorted Warehouse lists
    * Increased storage capacity of warehouses
    * Ingame droplists (shift+left click)
    * Spoilers can learn Sweep Festival skill


    Join our forum and discord now for suggestions and discussions.


    Website : http://l2-reunion.com
    Forum : http://l2-reunion.com/forum
    Discord : https://discord.com/invite/UQEVUD4

    Stay tuned....
    We are back, and better then ever.

  3. On 12/27/2018 at 8:54 PM, DnR said:

    Today, there had been issues regarding forum domain.

    The domain was to expire in 6 days, and i had to take care of it.

    Unfortunately, domain renewal in forumotion was too expensive so I had to buy it from another provider.

    For the time being, you can access forums using the link below.






    Keep up the great work m8.

    I know you wont give up.

    Thanks for the best L2 project.

    • Like 1
  4. At least it's finally something new



    Nothing new here lol

    There were plenty of PK-Free servers out there few years ago.


    Anyways.....server won't last long.

    You'll loose players sooner or later.

    L2 Community nowadays is full with PVP addicted kids.


    And making it a "sub-stack" make things even worse.^^

  5. changelog 21.02.2015

    - Fix for skill Unlock : works without pressing CTRL
    - Fix for skill Lucky  : lvl difference check
    - Effect fix for paralyze skills: no petrification animation
    - Bug fix for "Private Store - Buy" and "Private Store - Manufacture"
    title visibility for other players
  6. L2-Reunion is an international low rate L2 server located in Germany.

    We were tired of all the new Star Wars & WhatNot additions
     NcSoft made to the Game, and decided to step back to
    the REAL Lineage 2 we all loved.

    Our goal is to provide you the best oldschool L2 gameplay experience.
    We work hard to bring the old nostalgia from those days back.

    Server is close to retail as possible ,with just few custom features
    to make it more enjoyable.


    Our moto is: Back to the Roots of L2 !

    Server Features:

    Intel Core i7-2600 Quad-Core
    16 GB DDR3 RAM
    2 x 3 TB SATA 6 Gb/s HDD
    100 Mbit/s connection

    Lineage II - The Chaotic Chronicle - Scions of Destiny (C4)

    * XP 5x
    * SP 5x
    * Drop 5x
    * Raid Boss Drop 3x
    * Adena 5x

    * Quest Rewards 5x

    * Spoil:
    Materials: 5x amount, 1x chance
    Others: 5x chance, 1x amount
    More info : HERE

    * Buff Times : retail like
    * Songs/Dances : 5min
    * Enchant safe : +4
    * Enchant chance : retail like
    * Olympiad
    * Geodata and Pathfinding
    * All castles siegable

    * All c4 hunting zones :
    - Dimensional Rift
    - Forge of the Gods
    - Varka Silenos Outpost
    - Ketra Orc Outpost
    - Imperial Tomb
    - Wall of Argos
    - Hot Springs
    - Beast Farm
    - Swamp of Screams
    - Valley of Saints
    - Forest of the Dead

    Oldschool c4 gameplay :
    * No Vitality System
    * No Herbs
    * No Buffing Npcs
    * No Common Items
    * No Shadow Items
    * No Masterwork crafts

    Custom additions:
    * Newbie Guide buffs till level 40
    * Adventurers/Travelers weapons
    * increased rewards for low-level "1-time" quests
    * Quest Item seller (1st & 2nd class)
    * Sub-class without quests
    * Champion monsters
    * Custom L2-Day Event
    * Offline trading/crafting
    * Ingame droplist (shift+left click)
    * Manually enable/disable Xp gain (.expon / .expoff)


    Come and try it out!!!

  7. Latest updates



    - Fixed Master of Enchanting Event exploit

    - Started to implementing H5 Dragon Valley/Antharas Lair monsters

    - Corrected few Raid Bosses Atk/Def stats

    - Fixed the Buffer Npc


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