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Posts posted by Flavio

  1. My friend thinks like..:


    There is major problem, they're just saying there are minor problems cuz we would probably leave if there was major problem, if they're really testing skills and minors why wouldn't they open beta, would be a lot easier.




    I dont know though, maybe he's wrong, maybe they're busy with their lifes so they need lots of time for minor things to be fixed, no one knows really, though sync is saying they're testing various spawn places, skills and some fort things (today, 11am).


    They lost lot of players by this 12day+ delay, though im staying since i dont want to go IA, and this one looks promising. Though i wont wait for another week, its just too much compared to date they already had to start

  2. If everything goes fine I think it will open today.


    It didnt open yesterday nor it will today. Sync in shout just said

    "I'd say as soon as possible, in the next few days. Have some things left to clear up. "


    Yeah, getting tired myself.. thought it will open today, but according to sync's msg, it wont open even tomorrow.

  3. Final Tests


    The server is currently under private final test status. You know what it means.




    So not too long, maybe tomorrow, day after tomorrow, maybe even today, no one knows, stop asking questions bout time, if someone knew im sure they would share it (staff too).

  4. Is it possible to Edit text on a signature without having .PSD?


    I saw a good signature but the site is on german and so is signature (Race,Class,Server is in german) and i'm bout to PM admin to send me.






  5. Staring:

    - Flavio

    - Cavatina (a chick from AionInternational)

    - Ryu (haters gonna hate)



    - I was messing with Cavatina, told her imma make a char and use her main toon name, class, side.


    Right Click > View Image > Zoom In > Scroll to begining



  6. y ragemaker ftw


    wanna upload masterpiece

    next day open damn lol

    search for his masterpiece, cant find masteriece

    start saying FUFUFUFUFUFU damnlol FU


    If i had a dollar for every word i understood, I'd have 0 dollars.

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