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Posts posted by Flavio

  1. One friendly tip.

    They are BORING. I mean their quests are boring , their OST-BGM is boring as hell too and furthermore " Arieluma " is like LOL in front of " Azphelumbra".

    But oh well since Darkslayer quited waiting i suppose i will roll Elyos (dunno which class ) in order to boost my brother , because he has psychological problems and he doesnt want to create Asmo.


    haha! Nah, i figured Asmo quests will be boring too since i've done them thousand of times. And i like Arieluma too even though its not a important factor when it comes to deciding sides lol.




    Famous (at least i know it lol) quote says:

    "If you cant beat them, join them, then beat them"

    Which in fact, will be possible on AInt since there's a PK Switch lol.

  2. im off waiting and really pissed and bored with this server.

    I wont be playing here guys and thats a final i unistalled aion since im bored of it as well.


    Good Luck.


    Im sure you're not the only one who quit. Lots of people are tired waiting and just left for another lowrate.


    Though i feel like playing Aion so i wont quit. The reason im waiting for this serv is cuz its supposed to be "epic", and i want to start on a new one (Tried AionWorld - 2weeks old, mobs were flying as usual for privates, so back to this one).

  3. look at ur name lol ... it sounds G4y ^^

    My name might sound gay, but its not non-sense or retarded like yours.


    - People doesnt have plural word,

    - Every name containing killer,assassin and such is retarded (champ, cool)

    - If you dont count statements from above, its still retarded




    Anyway not going off-topic anymore, i mean its such a waste of time replying to you even if it took me like 30secs.





    Well, looks like it wont open today so, lets see about tomorrow.

  4. Yeah, it has just been moved. Seems like they are doing their last changes.


    Whats just moved? Ticket system was implemented last night too.

    Nah, server can run even without Ticket System for a while, i guess they would just make another topic on forum.


    Well, tomorrow is the last day i'll wait i guess. "Seriously soon" has been said 2 days ago.

  5. You won't see too much ppl in PK mode, only maybe some twinks. When I was playing on the other server I never found anyone on PK mode.


    Still, i'll still have that feeling of someone being in stealth waiting for right moment to gank lol ^^

    But i guess not much people will use it (pk switch)...


    I see Ticket system on forums implemented. Not sure will they open today though.

  6. Any ETA about the server opening?


    No, forum is still down for "opening" so we cant reach staff anyhow.



    pff, so basically PKing = Pointless Risking (w/o item).


    And imo it will destroy faction co-operation, since you need to turn on PvE mode in order not to get killed by a PKer, but then again you must be prepared (in PvE mode off) if you see an ely (You're asmo). Its not much of a "need" to kill 'stupid' people in your own faction/race. Imo just a pointless feature which took them long to implement and balance.


    I like Asmos vs Elyos idea more, sorry.

  7. You have to add this and then it makes sense: You can buy a PK drop protection item at the webshop which will prevent you from dropping items on death.


    It doesnt make sense. Why would i PK my own race for nothing? No rewards at all, even with the shop item?

    So i should just spend money/credits for Anti-Drop Item and get nothing from PKing? lol, think a bit..

  8. Its new day, but i kinda cant have hope anymore lol. Dont care anymore really, though It annoys me when another they pass and serv is not up.


    By the way, i cant figure out whats the point of PK Switch.


    PKers DO NOT get AP/EXP from kills,

    PKers CAN drop items depends on PK level.


    Why would anyone in the world PK then?

  9. Well, the bomb event doesn't require too much and If they didn't delete the king of the hill it would be funny to see lvl 1-10 players pvping lol and maybe some new events thay added.


    haha. Imo events should be later, i kinda want to level first lol, but whatever. As long as server is up, i'll be happy. But i just doubt about opening today.

  10. Renegade(or sync, can't remember xD) said they were implementing events so maybe they want to have them ready for the start, they might want to do some events once we start and thats what they are doing. I hope it opens today.


    If what sync said is true, lets hope they decide to open today (quoting "deciding how much we want to have already ready for you.")


    Im not sure bout events though,  Cuz we'll be 10ish level. Maybe if event isnt related to level/gear/or whatever.

    Though, Player Appreciations would be nice lolo.

  11. I am not sure If they are the same staff that in BA but If they "lie" maybe is cause they don't want to let them know they were that staff they might have their reasons, If they really are.


    About closure, BA stayed like 7 months and its community was even less than AInt and they closed cause of some stupid players that didn't appreciate their work and were trolling all the time, If I am not wrong.


    I hope they wont fail again if they're same staff.


    Anyway, sync:


    "In all seriousness though, not long. The server is technically ready to be opened, now it's just a matter or preemptive measures and deciding how much we want to have already ready for you. " > Yesterday, Evening


    "A bit more" was 2weeks for him, lets see what does "not long" mean.

  12. Im not optimistic, hell no, get disappointed every day? No, pessimistic, it wont open today nor this week, /care off. You should do it too.


    I heard from one of members (wont name him) that they love to lie, apparently, they were staff of server which was closed back in time. And all they said, when i asked sync, is that they borrowed a code from that server, yet that person is denying, and says it isnt so. He says at least admins are same, and that they were staff from the server thats now closed.


    Well i kinda dont care bout this, as long as server wont close in a month or so.

  13. Nope, you are not the only one, but what he said doesn't maen every bug they found is fixed. I think when he says that the server is ready he is speaking about security and stability. So maybe they still need to fix some bugs they found testing and as they said Empyream Crucible is almost done, they may be trying to have it done for the opening. Just guessing.


    If they just fixed security and stabilty then they have lots of things to do lol. And maybe you and I got his sarcasm, but like 10 of them didnt lol. He shouldn't of said that if it was sarcastic ^^ But w/e. Still waiting

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