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Posts posted by xxPaNtHeRxx

  1. 19 hours ago, maneco said:

    Any know what happen with L2Npc server crash some times? Rare issue, how to i`m fix this?

    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, [CallStack][tid:7][tick:3][0] Begin
    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, [CallStack][tid:7][tick:3][3][2] void __cdecl CIOSocketEx<class CIOBufferEx<16384> >::Close(void)
    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, [CallStack][tid:7][tick:3][1][0] void __cdecl IOThreadCallback::IOThread_common(void)
    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, [CallStack][tid:7][tick:3][2][1] void IOThread_common 1
    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, [CallStack][tid:7][tick:3][4][3] void __cdecl NpcSocket::OnClose(void)
    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, dwTime[0] < 80 !!!!!!!
    10/27/2023 08:07:19.309, [CallStack][tid:7][tick:3][5] End
    10/27/2023 08:07:38.949, [NO_ERROR] Did not receive PONG from NPCServer. (now:1698404858, last-pong:1698404838, diff:20)
    10/27/2023 08:07:47.511, NPC Removing DONE!!! Total Count[45301] Time[28s]
    10/27/2023 08:07:47.511, NPC Removing DONE!!! Total Count[45301] Time[28s]
    10/27/2023 08:07:47.511, NPC Removing DONE!!! Total Count[45301] Time[28s]
    10/27/2023 08:08:18.948, [NO_ERROR] Did not receive PONG from NPCServer. (now:1698404898, last-pong:1698404838, diff:60)
    Update Version : Please insert a chaotic throne version!
    Crashed Thread[1]
    Server Up Time : Fri Oct 27 07:28:11 2023
    Current Time : Fri Oct 27 08:07:19 2023
    Elapsed Time : 0 days 0 hours 39 minutes 8 seconds
    IOBufferPool - 3997 / 4000, PendingWrite 0 bytes (0 buffer count)
    Detail IO Buffer Pool Size for each Thread
    (0) : Free(1000) / Total(1000)
    (1) : Free(998) / Total(1000)
    (2) : Free(1000) / Total(1000)
    (3) : Free(999) / Total(1000)
    =============== object report
    user[10], npc[45324]
    [CurrentThreadId : 10972 Current Time : 2023/10/27 08:07:19] =========
    Unknown exception type in module ntdll.dll at 0033:0x00007FFCF110797D.
    start at 2023/10/27 07:28:11
    1 Registers:
    RAX=0x0000000000000002 CS=0033 RIP=0x00007FFCF110797D EFLGS=0x00007FFC00000206
    RBX=0x00000000E95B4801 SS=002b RSP=0x00000000D143F360 RBP=0x00000000506054A8
    RDX=0x00000000004A441F ES=002b RDI=0x0000000000000055 GS=002b
    R08=0x0000000000506583 R12=0x0000000000030F98
    R09=0x00000000DA9AE994 R13=0x00000000ABCE4530
    R10=0x00000000FFFFFFFF R14=0x0000000065D00001
    R11=0x00000000CE964930 R15=0x00000000E95B4884
    Bytes at CS:RIP:
    65 48 8b 0c 25 60 00 00 00 80 79 02 00 75 05 80
    Stack dump:
    00000000D143F360: fffffffe ffffffff e95b4801 00000000 fffffffa 00000000 ce78cd68 00000000
    00000000D143F380: c0000008 00000081 00000000 00000000 f110797d 00007ffc 00000000 00000000
    00000000D143F3A0: 0069b178 00000000 fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 0060f3a0 00000000
    00000000D143F3C0: 0559b010 00000000 0045ef6b 00000000 da9b6e94 00000000 0044f0e4 00000000
    00000000D143F3E0: e18ef900 00000000 e17f9804 00000000 fffffffe ffffffff da9b6e94 00000000
    00000000D143F400: ffffffff 00000000 004f6c41 00000000 abce4530 00000000 004e78f2 00000000
    00000000D143F420: fffffffe ffffffff 0044f1f6 00000000 e18efab4 00000000 00030f98 00000000
    00000000D143F440: 00030efc 00000000 1383b1e4 00000001 0010000f 00001fa3 002b0033 0053002b
    00000000D143F460: 002b002b 00000202 004f386f 00000000 da9b6e94 00000000 1344b860 00000001
    00000000D143F480: da9ae994 00000000 e18ef9b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00400000 00000000
    00000000D143F4A0: fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 40ea1980 e95b4801 00000000 d143f360 00000000
    00000000D143F4C0: 506054a8 00000000 fffffffa 00000000 00000055 00000000 004e4042 00000000
    00000000D143F4E0: fffffffe ffffffff 00030f98 00000000 00400000 00000000 00030f98 00000000
    00000000D143F500: abce4530 00000000 65d00001 00000000 e95b4884 00000000 f110797d 00007ffc
    00000000D143F520: 0000027f 00000000 00598538 00000000 d143fdc8 00000000 00001fa3 00000000
    00000000D143F540: 00000800 00000000 d143f570 00000000 05511b60 00000000 e9b1ed00 00000000
    00000000D143F560: fffffffe ffffffff 00030f98 00000000 00400000 00000000 11100994 00000001
    00000000D143F580: d05dd790 00000000 ade910b0 00000000 abce4530 00000000 da9ac694 00000000
    00000000D143F5A0: ade910e8 00000000 004d0bb5 00000000 00000051 00000000 0000531b 00000000
    00000000D143F5C0: ac272060 00000000 11100994 00000001 d05dd790 00000000 a4000281 00007ffc
    build date ver = Jan 01 2012_00:00:00
    build archive = /Programming/Work/Server/Main/L2Server
    GuardInfo :
    IOThread [0][start: 1384692937][0 ms] (good): void __cdecl IOThreadCallback::IOThread_common(void) -> void IOThread_common 1
    Lock Stack :
    IOThread [1][start: 1384692937][0 ms] (ahehe): void __cdecl IOThreadCallback::IOThread_common(void) -> void IOThread_common 1 -> bool __cdecl CServerSocket::SkillUsePacket(class CSocket *,const unsigned char *) -> void __cdecl User::Spelled(class CSharedCreatureData *,int,int)
    Lock Stack :
    IOThread [2][start: 1384692937][0 ms] (good): void __cdecl IOThreadCallback::IOThread_common(void) -> void IOThread_common 1
    Lock Stack :
    IOThread [3][start: 1384692937][0 ms] (good): void __cdecl IOThreadCallback::IOThread_common(void) -> void IOThread_common 1
    Lock Stack :
    PremiumThread [9][start: 0][1384692937 ms] (good):
    Lock Stack :
    GIPThread [10][start: 0][1384692937 ms] (good):
    Lock Stack :
    LogThread [13][start: 1382352593][2340344 ms] (good):
    Lock Stack :
    PerfMonThread [14][start: 0][1384692937 ms] (good):
    Lock Stack :
    MainThread [15][start: 0][1384692937 ms] (good):
    Lock Stack :
    ListenThread [16][start: 1384692937][0 ms] (good): void __cdecl NPCServer::Run(void) -> unsigned __stdcall WaitThread(void *)
    Lock Stack :
    GuardInfo end
    Call stack:
    Address Frame Function SourceFile
    0x00007FFCF110797D 0x00000000D143F8F0
    0x00007FFCF10B457D 0x00000000D143F920
    0x0000000000537E5E 0x00000000D143FD10
    0x0000000000514DEF 0x00000000D143FDA0
    0x0000000000418FAC 0x00000000D143FDE0
    0x000000000044E5C4 0x00000000D143FE60
    0x000000000044E761 0x00000000D143FE90
    0x000000000044E873 0x00000000D143FEC0
    0x0000000000556537 0x00000000D143FEF0
    0x000000000055660F 0x00000000D143FF20
    0x00007FFCEFC74DE0 0x00000000D143FF50
    0x00007FFCF107ED9B 0x00000000D143FFD0
    [(10972) 2023/10/27 08:07:19]: *.\ioc.cpp:206(Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 2012) exception


    which pack are you using?

  2. On 3/21/2023 at 1:31 PM, lol3 said:

    Hello guys,
    While reading this forum I found two nice PTS extenders, that have good response from other forum member
    First of all it is L2OFF:

    And from eressea

    Which of the PTS teams implemented L2 H5 better?

    i agree with afonbka  extender from eressea is beter but need some correction's you can download the source from this extender and fix some bugs .

  3. On 1/31/2023 at 8:13 PM, LORd_RiVE said:


    It's garbage because you don't like that you can't ask for money for something that is publicly available for free and it works perfectly. Nobody cares what original files remain in there, as long it works fine and does not bother anyone except your little eyes.



    Yeah thats your personal opinion based on purely your feelings. Every file can be modified with that Dat Editor i just linked. So your point is moot again.


    Dude, you came here to advertise your client which you sell for money, talking shit about a system which is publicly available for free and it works just fine. As i said, sure yours may be cleaner and cooks nicer coffee, but you're asking money for it from every single person who needs it. You and me both knows no system folder worths $70...

    i edit the post because the ibb.co    maybe die and all the links dead lol 😛




    Patch ENG for 287 Classic client KR




    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, LORd_RiVE said:

    Okay, seriously, i wouldn't even dare to call this a server share & files topic, since not a single person managed to share a working client which can be used with the server files which are also long long gone. Yet there are people who are posting screenshots of their clients being ingame, yet not one of them managed to share at least their system dir or something.


    So here's the link from a guy who at least reshared most of the files which got shared on ragezone during those 22 pages long discussion from Fryye.



    But seriously, this is just a pathetic, @irk for example has a working system directory with killed gg and whatnot, yet couldn't even share that.


    So, here is the patched system which works with the korean 287 protocol client:


    If someone doesn't have the client, they can download from torrent here are 2 versions for the 287 protocol
    KR Client 2 VERSIONS G574+G573 torrent


    KR Client Torrent

  5. On 7/4/2018 at 8:48 AM, dasik0509 said:


    I would like to edit the Korean system dat, which is the grand crusade version, into English. The protocol is 162. If you use L2Miko to decompile it, you will get a critical error when you run it with l2.exe. Is there a way to solve this? I know that the rsa value is different and I am looking for someone who can help me solve the problem.


    so, contect to me 🙂


    skype : dasik0508 or polaris

    162 client is korean Orfen version not GC  if you have it can upload this?

  6. 5 hours ago, Blitzkrieg said:

    This guide should be combined with creating proper server AI for your monster. It can add variety / interest to a pve fight as a monster can get 'revived' based on your own conditions.


    1) Firstly, we need to reverse the death animation of the NPC. Here is a great guide from youtube: 3dsmax guide


    2) We export our new animation with ActorX Exporter.


    3) In editor we import the retail animation pack. Then click 'animation append' to merge it with your custom animation.




    4) For the revived mob, edit entereventgrp.dat and add desired entry effect:
    33072 0 a,none\0 0.00000000 0.00000000 0 1 LineageEffect. e_u619_echmus_ae deathrise


    5) Create server AI to synchronize death of first mob and revival of second mob






    Thank you for the tutorial !!


    Any tutorial for this 5) Create server AI to synchronize death of first mob and revival of second mob

  7. 2 hours ago, Splinter said:

    Well, "superpoint.txt" script only has information about positions, but has missing delays, so you can to write one script for generate "superpoint.bin" but this won't be acurrate.


    Best solution, use "superpoint.bin" from Classic 3.0, extract datas from here for create GD superpoint.

    you have right, i added superpoint from classic and working fine !

  8. 5 hours ago, lch said:

    My English is poor, so I will try my best to express myself clearly.
    Because I am not a senior member, I cannot see the link of the post, so I don’t know if the package in the link is the same as mine, but I found that the superpoint.bin you repaired for the first time is only 1M, and the superpoint.bin in my geodata It is 2m.
    This time you convert superpointinfo.txt to superpoint.bin, the size is 3m. After I tried it, I found that there are more errors than my geodata. I realize that the geodata may be different.
    So I share this geodata, hoping to help you.



    Is this geodata with the most errors? or fixed? I'm sorry but I didn't understand.

  9. 5 hours ago, LORd_RiVE said:

    Okay kids, so i had some free time on my hand, so instead of doing manually all the superpoint stuff, i wrote a converter which turns the superpointinfo.txt into a superpoint.bin.


    So here's it, try it out, but as far as i could see it works properly.


    Nice!!😄 Does the Auto loot and Global chat work for you?

  10. 6 hours ago, LORd_RiVE said:

    Strange, the superpointsinfo.txt i have from this pack is much bigger than what you just posted, and there were only a single duplicate superpoint in it, the rest are slightly different coordinates on the z axis. But yours is definitely missing like 6 superpoints compared to the one in the "original" release.


    Nevermind, i just found the duplicates too 😄

    xmmm.. maybe i have diferent pack lol

    that's why this auto loot doesn't work either, i dont know 😛


    this is default superpoint.info from pack https://ibb.co/jbGVN6Z


    and this is after modified and remove duplicated nodes https://ibb.co/v4WpZ8f


    You mean the second one will be smaller in size since I have removed the duplicate nodes..

  11. 3 hours ago, LORd_RiVE said:


    Nice! You guys are amazing! Anyway so far i managed to fix the following missing paths:





    If i have some time i'll continue and post a new link.



    My GeoData seems to be proper, since all of the mobs and npcs are walking around doing their stuff.

    Autoloot also works just fine too.

    You'll make me work on this pack again 😛


    I fixed  superpoint.info for duplicate nodes  https://mega.nz/file/zQIkgR5Y#aPxmAVSh-Pkc6w6wXQZkC-x7Nw4EmqP-n1FKmPv_FLQ

    • Upvote 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Blitzkrieg said:

    @LORd_RiVE Try this, in shared superpoint the routes are missing (si_wang_road01 / si_wang_road02)



    the node ids its the same with another superpoint routes.. 


    I fixed with the corect route ids  





    It's a waste of time if you don't have the source code from the extender to be able to put some things like auto loot global chat world chat and so on.. geodata is useless you have to build geodata from scratch superpoint wasn't the only problem with escort if you see a lot of npc moving, in this pack they are static..  

    I hope you find a solution to all this and more. some ppl here have a solution but don't share it.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 37 minutes ago, LORd_RiVE said:

    Also what the hell, you were the one who actually had the exact same issue as i do, yet now you say it works for you, but you didn't say how did you fix it in the first place.

    I asked but none of the big developers here didn't answer me, I found the solution by myself by putting the original Authd and authgated from Gracia final and it worked.. thats all.


    I haven't made the superpoint and I'm not going to deal with this pack either, but I know that the problem with the escort is from the superpoint ..  I can fix it but I don't deal with the pack  anymore.

  14. 2 hours ago, LORd_RiVE said:

    Untrue. Tried it but when i try to log in with a 488 protocol client the authgate says that [WARN] Session id mismatch occurred.

    If i try to log in with the 479 protocol client it does work but then the game server says that it only supports the 488 protocol.


    Also totally unrealted issue, but there is an bugged quest [escort_of_ranger] not long after the game starts where you have to escort a dog to another dude, but the dog does not move it just stands there so the quest hangs there.

    You have Authd build 80919?


    the quest with the escort working if fix superpoint.


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