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Posts posted by dendrinos

  1. as it seems you inserted Wrong some tables/zones.. backup your server and start over.

    απ'ότι φαίνεται έχεις βάλει λάθος μερικά tables/zones.. κάνε backup τον server και ξεκίνα απ την αρχή.


    Sorry for using greek (i translated exactly the answer!)

    i used them because i dont know if the user know how to speak english!

  2. if you read the Ol's buffs.. it say what the buff does!

    i think you got brain.. use it :D


    For example.. (Temporary increase players m.def) BOTH parties :D
    (Temporary increase players critical chance) Fighters party! get it? ;p defensive and speed to both!

    attacking on fighters and casting (m.atk.castspd etc.) on mage :D

  3. hello mate :D nice thought.. there is no such a thing.. but! you can use a program called Key Presser :D
    i use this on c6..
    it works for all programs.. not only for l2. so you put your cp at f12 ;p and you just optionize the program to press f12..
    for best results and no waste of cp pots.. i recommend to use it ONLY when u are at clanwars etc.. that you need to use it ALL time..
    here is a directlink : http://download.venturedownload.com/mania/query.php?q=Key_Presser_1.3.1.rar&ti1=1500000&ti2=0&ti3=2014-04-18T18%3A35%3A08.842417%2B00%3A00


    use it at your own risk.. (not punishable with ban)

    but its not scanned.. you can find other links that are scanned!

  4. totally fake.. or you made that up..

    or your friend its not really character and have any gm rights but no colorname/speed etc .. so he could use //create_item [id] on his self.. the button 1 probably is a macro with this command, or he is a gmchar and votecoins just gaven from a game master or administrator..


    the fact that it is fake wont change ;)

  5. Καλησπέρα παιδιά..

    αναρωτιέμαι αν έχει κανείς το pack του l2 emerland/l2justice

    ή κάποιο >80% παρόμοιο!

    το ψάχνω περίπου 2 χρόνια και δεν βρίσκω τίποτα..

    θέλω να ανοίξω server ίδιο με τον l2 emerland..

    ο σερβερ ήταν c6 με black vesper(weapons custom glow) το farm ηταν euros 100ρια 200ρια 500ρια€


    αν τον θυμάστε και έχετε το pack η καποιο που να μοιάζει τουλάχιστων στο 80% και μπορείτε να μου το δώσετε δωρεάν η με ενα πολυ μικρο ανταλαγμα (έχω οικονομικό πρόβλημα) θα κάνατε έναν άνθρωπο χαρουμενο :')



    ευχαριστώ προκαταρκτικά!

  6. Hello mate.. there is an option at gameserver's Config.. 

    at my packet its custom option..


    its like this 


    # ---------------------------------------

    # Clan Full (Comand)                    -

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Enable and Disable Command //clanfull

    EnableClanSystem = True


    # Clan Skills reward

    # Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln

    ClanSkills = 370,3;371,3;372,3;373,3;374,3;375,3;376,3;377,3;378,3;379,3;380,3;381,3;382,3;383,3;384,3;385,3;386,3;387,3;388,3;389,3;390,3;391,1;


    # Clan Level Reward

    ClanSetLevel = 8

    # Clan Reputation Points reward

    ReputationScore = 15000


    # ---------------------------------------

    # Npc Crest                             -

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Show clan, alliance crests for territory NPC's.

    # Default: False

    ShowNpcCrest = True

    # ---------------------------------------

    # All in One                            -

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Enable Aio Effect

    AllowAioEffect = True

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Announces                             -

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Announce Castle Lords on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceCastleLords = True

    # Announce character Aio on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceAioLogin = True


    # Announce character Hero on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceHeroLogin = True

    # Announce character Noble on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceNobleLogin = False


    # Announce character Donator on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceDonatorLogin = True

    # Announce new char on enter game. default = false

    AnnounceNewbieLogin = True


    # ---------------------------------------

    # Auto Reestart                         -

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Enable and Disable Auto Restart

    EnableRestartSystem = True


    # If EnableRestartSystem = True Describe hours of the day

    # Example: 00:00,12:00 (hh:mm,hh:mm...)

    # NOTE: Separate ":" mm:hh and "," others restart time

    RestartByTimeOfDay = 00:00,12:00,08:00

    # Seconds to restart the server ( 360 = 5 Minutes )

    # default = 360

    RestartSeconds = 360

    # ---------------------------------------

    # Disable Weapons for Classes           -

    # ---------------------------------------

    #Disable weapons for classes: write here classes id

    # classId              className

    # 88                   Duelist

    # 89                   DreadNought

    # 90                   Phoenix Knight

    #you can find others into char_templates database table

    # Example

    #DisableBowForClasses = 88, 89, 90

    AltDisableBow = True

    DisableBowForClasses = 88,89,90,91,99,105,112,113,114

    AltDisableDagger = True

    DisableDaggerForClasses =


    AltDisableSword = True

    DisableSwordForClasses =

    AltDisableBlunt = True

    DisableBluntForClasses =


    AltDisableDual = True

    DisableDualForClasses =

    AltDisablePole = True

    DisablePoleForClasses =


    AltDisableBigSword = True

    DisableBigSwordForClasses =

    AltDisableBigblunt = True

    DisableBigBluntForClasses =


    AltDisableDualfist = True

    DisableDualFistForClasses = 

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