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Everything posted by MarGaZeaS

  1. dokimase na kaneis ta * kai to localhost ean eisai local h na t kaneis rename se localhost
  2. skilled dev i work this this guy @Psygrammatorthanks you boy trusted
  3. i have this error too replace import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.TextChannel; with import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.concrete.TextChannel; you have new version of jar file. melron use JDA-4.3.0_310-withDependencies.jar (4.3.0 310) and for .tolist (i use acis 401) replace .toList() with .collect(Collectors.toList())
  4. Hello maxcheaters is time to sell my pvp pack with many features working 4+years with alot of work(based l2jacis) my gameplay is exp-sp 1200x drop x1(custom) elfo autobot engine //balance (edit all classes stats) //balanceskills (edit skill chance) edit class damages with xml and config example damage to fighters damage to mages or damage sps to sph archer to sph sph to archer (you play with this :D) vote system in x votes vote system api vote buff (with config example l2network,hopzone vote in net/hop to get buff l2network vote only l2network) castle bonus passive dressme system works with vip (and if you no vip buy with event coin) some information about features newbie start system pvp/pk color system party zone system (config with xml time open like tvt) event system tvt/dm/ctf/killtheboss hero boss (make killer pt hero)work with config (bossid and time for hero)example use 5 boss and make hero for 2 hour flagzone system rb system (announce-dead and rb zone with bosses) pvp zone every 1 hour(add pvp zones with xml and edit times) solozone system(pvp solo zone with some configs) augmenter shop (with config edit level and item) edited enchant system with xml limits(register oly limit, chat and global chat limit) class item restriction xml online command raid info command spawn/respawn secure command vip system aio system hero system(enable if you want) casino system(enable if you want) donate manager deposit withdraw gold bar system offline shop new char title, subclass level,start level,start location random areas,pvp reward system,start item system, noble item/hero item(if you want enable) infinity ss-arrow-mana automana-autopots soe to main town config(custom loc) respawn to main town config(custom loc) olympiad only retail s grade +OlyRestrictedItems with config or change to play with a grade only example restart system with config custom items dynasty armor/weapons and 10 set wings this is a smart description from some features if anyone want more info about gameplay/npc and all info contact with me here with pm skype giwrgosmaster.gr or discord MarGaZeaS#4096 mods lock topic please
  5. L2WOP Server Grand Opening 24-2-23 20:00 GMT+2 Custom: Dynasty Armor | Dynasty Weapon Discord : https://discord.gg/wvqzwtH7WK https://l2wop.com/ Clan rewards leaders send me dm
  6. The server will go Live on 24h of February2023 20.00 GMT+2 Join us on an epic adventure and bring back your memories to present time! Epic fights , massive raid boss PvP's , remember your friends and slay your enemies! Make new allies and conquer vast territories of L2WOP, More information will be announced at our website https://l2wop.com/
  7. https://l2wop.com/ https://discord.gg/ugsYA4MmJ7
  8. Join us on an epic adventure and bring back your memories to present time! Epic fights , massive raid boss PvP's , remember your friends and slay your enemies! Make new allies and conquer vast territories of L2WOP, The server will go Live on 24th of February 2023 20.00 GMT+2 https://l2wop.com/ https://discord.gg/wvqzwtH7WK
  9. καλημερα φιλε μου δωσε μου ενα discord η skype αν μπορω να σε βοηθησω καπως
  10. Discord MarGaZeaS#4096 mxc message system is bugged.
  11. hi i add this code on acis 401 i have error on if (_grade != enchantItem.getItem().getCrystalType()) https://prnt.sc/pxDh8yDowhm3 edit* if anyone have the problem change to if (_grade.ordinal() != enchantItem.getItem().getCrystalType().ordinal()) thanks melron for help
  12. hi i have a problem with the code https://prnt.sc/5B6qsSTlMNja event start (message in the link) error on console (null in loading zones and if i delete tournamentzone.xml works without null and errors) Arenas.xml in TournamentData Folder TournamentZone.xml in zone folder any help? i no edit the xml files
  13. try 604800 seconts (128 hours 1 week) https://www.google.com/search?q=hours+to+sec&sxsrf=AOaemvKQ4vZZcC5Qnk3YU_y1boKxheNhQQ%3A1641760450523&ei=wkbbYYadH4Ld7_UP8PaN2As&ved=0ahUKEwiGhtajwqX1AhWC7rsIHXB7A7sQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=hours+to+sec&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEMsBMgUIABDLATIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIIxAnOgUIABCRAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQowI6BQguEIAEOgQILhBDOgQIABBDOgUILhCRAkoECEEYAEoECEYYAFAAWJQKYJ4LaABwAHgCgAGKBIgBhRmSAQswLjIuMy4zLjEuMZgBAKABAbgBA8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
  14. wts l2j pvp files ready to go pm me

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