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Everything posted by sufferwounds

  1. Hey can someone upload me a file that is nececery for the l2update to run ? i mean the check files thingy with the icon that says start like bakeiece post a link here and after i ensure you this works a mod lock it plox No the lineageii.exe they other file it called i think patch etc .... soz i didin't say it before
  2. nice guy should make a full rb guide and go to sticky
  3. profanos gia na ebala dio ram sto pc 512 tha eginan prosfata ara pezei na einai ddr2 profanos tha kanoune
  4. Na sou po ti tha skeftomouna stin thesi sou epidi prokite na spoudaso texnikos elenkse kala ta kalodia pote dn ksereis sou irthe kamia osmi otan eklise to reuma ? isos ipethermanthike o epeksergastis apo tin diakopi kai dn sou afinei na anikseis to pc gt to pc panta anigei otan o epeksegrastis einai kato apo mia sigkekrimeni thermokrasia pezei na kaike to polimprizo sou to exo pathei kalitera pigeneto se texniko gt jamba mporei na to agoraseis an elenkseis ola auta p sou eipa kai dn kanei tpt to pc tote qq sou trofodotiko
  5. dude i have to say that i have the same pc with you damn same proccecors same ex graphic card but i bought it with 1 gb ram you will need windows xp for sure if you going to buy ram buy 2 gb buy a new procecor cuz i knew how it works i have the same and upgrade your graphic card or throw your pc tha fuck out
  6. i am reffering most to the crackers they are rare to find and then when you find em they need a lot of money to complete a virtual job
  7. Let me break down what is a real fucking hacker ( i am not do not blame me but i fucking know) A real fucking hacker only uses cmd never download silly programs and consider his self a hacker he enters in a system even if it has 5 firewalls or anyother damn shit they don't stuck in the password screen !! so for those out there who are wannabe hackers they need to spent their lifes to be not making silly programs without even knowing wtf is hacking and you damn people do not admire damn program kids telling em hackers fuck this
  8. ante tha paro kamia apantisi apo kanenan p fasose kamia kai ponousan meta apo 1-2 meres i amigdales tou ?
  9. tespa egine kati me mia kopela p dn eixe kai ta igiestata dontia min fantastite xoris dontia kanonika aplos ligo kitrine ginete auti i kopela na me kolise amigdalitida an eixe malon ginete alla ama dn eixe ginete na koliseis apo ta mikrobia pou iparxoun sta dontia tis kai argotera na ekselixtei se amigdalitida?
  10. its full of spam yeah i agree making a second one topic doesn't help maybe make a youtube section and post there your videos but you don't get post count better
  11. I don't think this is a youtube topic anymore Its a spamzor topic it is like saying Post here to increase your posts Its better to someone to post his own vid and his own opinion at a topic camon will you ever enter to (youtube Spamzor thread) To watch videos? will you ever? You know me i am not a damn spamzor i have posted about 2 vids in the past You can't check my posts in my profile it might be 1 by day
  12. Lpn ithele mia na m kanei comment sto profile m kai elege oti to account m dn einai diathesimo kati tetia eno eina online kanonika kai kapia ali dn mporouse pali na mpei ti ginete? P.s Einai files m kai i dio dn einai agnostes My fb have a problem i want to get commented but it says my account is available something like this but my account is on works normaly i haven't changed any of settings never p.s The one that tried to comment me was a friend so don't be fooled and say it might no be your friend Please help me asap
  13. I need that dupe bug you know that bug with the pets you have to do dualbox trade put something in pet something in wherehouse something like that can you tell me how to do it properly?
  14. A damn hard punch i think noone could avoid this even in slow motion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOGd1MRGlo8&feature=related
  15. ftei i karta grafikon sou sigoura ekanes kanena overclock prosfata ? katebases kanena driver? ti antivirus exeis ? dose plirofories
  16. Me to Dedi ama pathei tpt i eteria tha prepei na epikinoniseis alla ase pou tha ginete xamos apo alos pou exoun nikiasei dedi ekini tin stigmi entaksei einai ligo gamiseta ama thes dedi ftiakse prota poli kala ton server sou kai meta eisai ok gt ama thes na kaneis kamia allagi ksereis gamiseta
  17. sufferwounds


    I like Best Heavy Metal,Thrash Metal,Drum And Bass,Techno,Trance, Reggae,Psychodelic
  18. the small files are transfer-able but i don't know why big files arent
  19. Hey i like the server i know there is one x1 i think 2 x 10 and one x 15 anyway i want to ask in all of this servers when you subclass the skills stuck? the armors can be bought ? or you craft em ? is the server balanced? how you can obtain this tatoo things ??
  20. sorry but lineage 2 is in rar so is smallest than 8 gb
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