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Posts posted by DarkCore

  1. Welcome back to Lineage II Carnage Interlude private server!

    Server will be just like it was, without any custom items and non stoppable PVP's!

    At the momment, server is in developing stage, so the exact launch time will be announced later.

    Bellow this post you can find short video clip about old Carnage server!






    Server Features


    EXP: 5000x.

    SP: 5000x.

    Adena: 5000x.



    Max: +16

    Safe: +3

    Chanse: 65%

    Blessed: 78%

    Crystal: 100%



    Start: 18:00

    End: 00:00

    Heroes every Sunday after olympiad.



    TVT, CTF, Deathmatch Event.

    Chronicle - Interlude

    No CUSTOM items.

    Shop (All Grades)

    Buffer (All buffs)

    Pet Buffer.

    Class Changer.

    Custom Gatekeeper

    Custom Zones.

    Special farm zones

    100% working CS/CH.

    100% working olympiad.

    No Sub-Class quest.

    No Nobless quest.

    Random raid boss spawn by gm.

    More information in game.

  2. Welcome back to Lineage II Carnage Interlude private server!

    Server will be just like it was, without any custom items and non stoppable PVP's!

    At the momment, server is in developing stage, so the exact launch time will be announced later.

    Bellow this post you can find short video clip about old Carnage server!


    We are going to start server next Saturday (23/02/13) 18:00 GMT+2!

    So invite all your friends, gather to clans and wait for Carnage to start!



  3. This server is not mine, i'm just playing there.

    Server is fully fixed, u can't find any errors in it.

    Classes are strongly balanced.

    There are no dance/song/3rd proff buffs in buffer, and it makes server more interesting, because bladedancers, swordsings and other support is usefull.

    Also there are no gay Elegia armors ;D






    * Enchant rates : 75%, 100% blessed. Max armor +10; Weapon +12.


    * Rates: 1000x all.


    * All day olympiad!


    * Heroes every week.


    * Olympiad: Only s-grade +0


    * Kamaloka


    * Raids


    * Daily siege


    and much more!

  4. Im trying to add buffer to server (eon interlude) and i'm getting an error.

    Anyone can help me with the script?


    Here is the the code ending:


    #Spel Force

    if event == "109":




    return "10.htm"



    if htmltext != event:



    return htmltext


    def onTalk (self,npc,player):

      st = player.getQuestState(qn)

      htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>"


      return InitialHtml



    QUEST      = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc)


    for npcId in NPC:




    And the error:


  5.     * Team vs Team:

          Standard Team vs Team fight with 2 teams.

        * DeatMatch:

          Free for all. The one with the most kills wins.

        * Domination:

          One zone. 2 teams. If the count of team 1 players inside the zone is greater than the count of team 2 players, then team 1 gets one point per sec.

        * Last Man Standing:

          Free for all. The last survivor wins.

        * VIP Team vs Team:

          Standard Team vs Team with a random VIP player in both teams. Killing the VIP = +1 score for the team. The VIP is different at each respawn.

        * Lucky Chests:

          On start a lot of chests spawns. On click they opens. Theres a chance that the chest explodes and the player dies, and get resurrected a few secs later. The player with the most opened chests wins.

        * Zombie:

          One random zombie player chasing the others. If he hits someone he become a zombie. The last non-zombie wins.

        * Simon Says:

          In each round Simon the NPC says a random text. The players have to say it too. The last one who says and everyone who says a wrong word lose. The winner of the last round wins.

        * Double Domination:

          2 team, 2 zone. The team gets a score if they hold both of the zones for 10 seconds.

        * Capture the Flag:

          Standard Capture the Flag with 2 teams.

        * Russian Roulette:

          The event spawns 6 "russian". In each round every player choose one. One of the russian, and everyone who choosed him dies. The survivors of the last round wins.

        * Bomb Fight:

          2 teams. Every player gets a new skill. When they use it it spawns a bomb which explodes after 1-2 seconds and kills everyone in a certain radius.

        * Mutant:

          One player become a mutant. The others have to kill him. The mutant have increased stats. If someone kills him, the killer will be the next mutant. If the mutant kills someone he gets a point. The player with the most points wins at the end of the event

        * Battlefield:

          2 teams. There are a few points which the teams can capture. In every second the teams score increased by the count of the points captured by the team. The team with the most poins wins.


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