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  1. before all good afternoo I have a problem to create accounts on my website, the sql are fine but maybe I can't find the problem in the registration php .. I leave the code any help is welcome I searched but did not see anything strange and I already tried all the possible options Thank you in advance <?php if(!$indexing) { echo "<script>document.location.replace('./');</script>"; exit; } ?> <span id='accLoc'></span> <h1>Account</h1> <div class='horMenu'> <a href='javascript:void(0);' class='act'><?php echo $LANG[12032]; ?></a> <a href='?page=changepass#accLoc'><?php echo $LANG[12022]; ?></a> <a href='?page=forgot#accLoc'><?php echo $LANG[12034]; ?></a> </div> <div class='pddInner'> <?php $desativarReg = 0; $dateReg = mktime($reg['hr'],$reg['min'],0,$reg['mes'],$reg['dia'],$reg['ano']); if($dateReg > time()) { echo "<div class='rmsg error'>".$LANG[12977]."<br /> ".date('d F, Y \- H:i', $dateReg)."</div>"; $desativarReg = 1; } ?> <div class='rulesbox'> <?php require('pages/rules.php'); ?> </div> <form class='usarJquery registerForm' method='POST' action='./?engine=create_account'> <?php $_SESSION['key'] = md5(time().rand(100,999).$uniqueKey); echo "<input type='hidden' name='key' value='".$_SESSION['key']."' />"; ?> <label class='rmsg warn'> <input type='checkbox' id='acceptrules' value='1' /> <b><?php echo $LANG[12994]; ?></b> </label> <?php echo $LANG[12067]; ?> <br /><br /> <label class='formpadrao accr_login'> <div> <div class='desc'>* Login:</div> <div class='camp'><input type='text' name='login' id='login' maxlength='14' value='<?php echo ((isset($_GET['l'])) ? vCode($_GET['l']) : ''); ?>' autocomplete='off' /></div> </div> </label> <?php if($suffixActive == 1) { ?> <style>#finalLogin { font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px; }</style> <label class='formpadrao' id='the_suffix'> <div> <div class='desc'>Login - <?php echo $LANG[10997]; ?>:</div> <div class='camp'> <select name='suffix' id='suffix'> <?php $subLetter = array(0 => 'C', 1 => 'D', 2 => 'Y', 3 => 'H', 4 => 'K', 5 => 'N', 6 => 'R', 7 => 'S', 8 => 'Z', 9 => 'X'); $_SESSION['suffix'][1] = (rand(100,996)+1); $_SESSION['suffix'][2] = (rand(100,996)+2); $_SESSION['suffix'][3] = (rand(100,996)+3); $_SESSION['suffix'][4] = strtr(rand(100,996)+1, $subLetter); $_SESSION['suffix'][5] = strtr(rand(100,996)+2, $subLetter); $_SESSION['suffix'][6] = strtr(rand(100,996)+3, $subLetter); echo " <option value='1'>".$_SESSION['suffix'][1]."</option> <option value='2'>".$_SESSION['suffix'][2]."</option> <option value='3'>".$_SESSION['suffix'][3]."</option> <option value='4'>".$_SESSION['suffix'][4]."</option> <option value='5'>".$_SESSION['suffix'][5]."</option> <option value='6'>".$_SESSION['suffix'][6]."</option> "; ?> </select> </div> </div> </label> <div class='rmsg warn' style='margin-bottom: 2px;'> <?php echo "<span id='sfxMsg1'>".$LANG[10995]."</span><span id='sfxMsg2' style='display:none;'>".$LANG[29004]."</span><br /> <a href='#' id='whatIsPrefix' style='font-style:italic;'>".$LANG[30509]."</a>"; if($forceSuffix != 1) { ?> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <label><input id='disableSuffix' type='checkbox' name='nosuffix' value='1' /> <i><?php echo $LANG[10996]; ?></i></label> <?php } ?> <script> $(function() { $('#disableSuffix').prop('checked', false); $('select#suffix option').eq(<?php echo intval(rand(0, 5)); ?>).attr('selected', 'selected'); $('#finalLogin').text('_____'+$('select#suffix option:selected').text()); $('select#suffix').change(function(){ if($('#login').val().length != 0) { var loginAtual = $('#login').val(); } else { var loginAtual = '_____'; } $('#finalLogin').text(loginAtual+$('select#suffix option:selected').text()); }); $('input#login').keyup(function(){ if($('#login').val().length != 0) { var loginAtual = $('#login').val(); } else { var loginAtual = '_____'; } $('#finalLogin').text(loginAtual+$('select#suffix option:selected').text()); }); $('#disableSuffix').change(function() { if(!$('#the_suffix').hasClass('escondido')) { $('#login').attr('maxlength', '14'); $('#the_suffix').addClass('escondido').css({ 'display': 'none' }); $('#sfxMsg1').css({ 'display': 'none' }); $('#sfxMsg2').css({ 'display': 'inline-block' }); } else { $('#login').attr('maxlength', '11'); $('#the_suffix').removeClass('escondido').css({ 'display': 'table' }); $('#sfxMsg2').css({ 'display': 'none' }); $('#sfxMsg1').css({ 'display': 'inline-block' }); } }); $('a#whatIsPrefix').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('body').append("<div id='backblack'></div><div id='modal' style='display:none; height: auto !important;'><div><?php echo '<h1>'.$LANG[30509].'</h1>'.preg_replace('/\r?\n/','', $LANG[30510]); ?></div></div>"); $('#modal > div').css({ 'padding': '15px 20px 20px' }); $('#modal').css({ 'box-sizing': 'border-box', 'padding': '0', 'top': 'calc(50% - '+(($('#modal').height()+6)/2)+'px)' }).fadeIn('fast'); }); }); </script> </div> <?php } ?> <label class='formpadrao accr_pass'> <div> <div class='desc'> <?php echo $LANG[12049]; ?>:</div> <div class='camp'><input type='password' maxlength='25' name='pass' autocomplete='off' /></div> </div> </label> <label class='formpadrao accr_pass'> <div> <div class='desc'>* <?php echo $LANG[12048]; ?>:</div> <div class='camp'><input type='password' maxlength='25' name='pass2' autocomplete='off' /></div> </div> </label> <label class = 'formpadrao accr_email'> <div> <div class = 'desc'> * Correo electrónico: </div> <div class = 'camp'> <input type = 'text' maxlength = '100' name = valor 'email' = '<? php echo ((isset ($ _ GET [' l ']))? vCode ($ _ GET [' e ']):' '); ?> 'autocomplete =' off '/> </div> </div> </label> <label class = 'formpadrao accr_email'> <div> <div class = 'desc'> * <? php echo $ LANG [12010]; ?>: </div> <div class = 'camp'> <input type = 'text' maxlength = '100' name = 'email2' value = '' autocomplete = 'off' /> </div> </ div > </label> <? php if ($ captcha_register_on == 1) {?> <label class = 'formpadrao captcha'> <div> <div class = 'desc'> <img style = 'margin: 5px 0 0 0;' class = 'captchaImage' src = 'captcha / securimage_show.php? sid = <? php echo md5 (uniqid ())?>' /> </div> <div class = 'camp'> <input type = 'text' id = 'captchaInput' maxlength = '5' name = 'captcha' autocomplete = 'off' /> </div> <a tabindex='-1' href='#'> <img src = 'captcha / refresh.png '/> </a> </div> </label> <? php}?> <input type = 'submit' class = 'default dbig' value = '<? php echo $ LANG [12077]; ?> 'style =' margin: 20px auto; display: table; <? php echo ($ desativarReg == 1)? "opacidad: 0.6; cursor: predeterminado; ' discapacitado" : "'"; ?> /> </form> <input type = 'hidden' id = 'l12004' value = '<? php echo $ LANG [12004]; ?> '/> </div> <? php if ($ desativarReg == 1) { echo "<div class = 'rmsg error'>". $ LANG [12977]. "<br />" .date ('d F, Y \ - H: i ', $ dateReg). "</div>"; } ?> <br /> <br />
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