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Posts posted by Withmain

  1. Sorry about all my sux questions but i have not that good english and its not to easy to understand all.

    So i have 350mbit download 50mbit upload speed at home but i got problem opening ports ,my internet company block and i read much thats risky ,attacks are possible if i open like this.

    So i stars searching for host companyes but i have no idea how works.

    İ found a plan (example) i click on it he gives me new window with 

    Hostname - Root password - NS 1 - NS2 

    For server database i work with Navicat. 

    So for open the server with hosting how can i complete them ,do i need to send my database files or server files there?

    Or if i send them whrn i want to add some stuff at my serv  how i reach files? 


  2.  IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
     Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
     Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

    At internet protocol version 4/Use folowing IP address how i need to change ?


    192.168.0.                                                       TCP                                                     UDP                                                     TOUS                                                                                           Actif                                             Inactif

    actives lf help :)

  3. Hello guys there i want to ask you how can i set my server online:
    i tryed much but always erors:


    # ================================================================
    # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!!
    # ================================================================

    # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname
    ExternalHostname =

    # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname
    InternalHostname =

    # Bind ip of the loginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs
    LoginserverHostname = *
    LoginserverPort = 2106

    # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned
    LoginTryBeforeBan = 20


    # Enter here (ip) address of your game server, or use the symbol *
    GameserverHostname = *
    GameserverPort = 7777

    # Configure your external ip
    ExternalHostname =

    # Configure your internal ip
    InternalHostname =

    # Bunch ID and game server. It is better not to change.
    LoginPort = 9014
    LoginHost =

    # Database Pool Type
    # Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP
    # c3p0: more stable
    # BoneCP: more performance
    DatabasePoolType = c3p0



    i have static ip so

    whatsmyip hostname


    or ip adress 


    as port at db i have 3306 mysql 5.1

    I changed all external/internal/hostnames one by one at ls/gs but i failed at making it network server

    i sended to my friend l2.ini with ip when i changed at ls/gs but always failed

    where is the problem ,i searched all at google..

    Do can someone help me ???



  4. Can i have l2jfrozen buffer or l2jfrozen pack/npc ?
    cuz at navicat db/custom_npc i have just the class master cat and i can spawn it without problems 

    but at gameserver/config/powerpak/powerpak.prop file i enable all but i cannot spawn it


    +powerpak.prop files buffer copyes


    # Npc Buffer - scheme buffer - set buffs - single buffs
    BufferNpcId = 50019
    BufferEnabled = True
    BufferUseCommand = true
    BufferCommand = buffs
    BufferPrice = 1
    BufferUseBBS = true
    #list = skillId,skillLvl;skillId,skillLvl;....
    FighterSkillList = 1204,2;1035,3;1036,2;4344,3;1045,6;1048,6;1068,3;1077,3;1086,2;1259,3;1268,3;271,1;274,1;275,1;310,1;264,1;269,1;304,1;268,1;1356,1;1388,3;
    MageSkillList = 1204,2;1035,3;1036,2;4344,3;1045,6;1048,6;1078,6;1085,3;1062,2;1259,3;1059,3;273,1;276,1;365,1;264,1;268,1;304,1;267,1;1389,3;1355,1;
    # Max schemes that a player can store. Please, do not use too big values
    # Default value: 4 (one per subclass...)
    NPCBufferMaxSchemesPerChar = 4
    # Max skills that a player can store in each scheme. Please, do not use too big values.
    # This value should match to max buffs a player can carry
    # Default value: 24 (max buffs are 20+4 in retail)
    NPCBufferMaxSkllsperScheme = 36
    # This enables/disables storing character schemes at server shutdown to database
    # Default = True
    NPCBufferStoreSchemes = True
    # This is to bypasss SQL Adena amount reference so that you can set the same cost for all
    # or even setting them for free.
    # Free = 0
    # Disabled = -1 (if you want to read adena from SQL) 
    # Default value: -1
    NPCBufferStaticCostPerBuff = 0

    but i cannot spawn it do i do some mistakes at configs or do i miss some configs? 

    or do i need to to install something at db on ?

  5. Hello everyone so i opened one topic like *creating server from zero* and  Tryskell friend from forum send me 2 videos 



    First one was no problem but second one as his 
    gameserver/config/server file is not same as mine 


    so ill will leave a link for my 

    server+loginserver properties

    my ip is static and how can i make this server online i check hole forum+others

    i tryed maybe 1-2 hours still unsuccesfull

    like when i change loginserver ip hes not starting.. or i leave loginserver with* and trying to change at gameserver/config/server

    gameserver tryes to connect at server but cant..

    EDIT i tryed post files but failed. ill try show the differences ;/

    please some help 


    if  Tryskell comes ill be more happy cus i continue his video :) 


    Thx anyway :)


    # ================================================================
    #                          Gameserver setting
    # ================================================================

    # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *
    Hostname = *

    # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs.
    GameserverHostname = *
    GameserverPort = 7777

    # The Loginserver host and port.
    LoginHost =
    LoginPort = 9014

    # This is the server id that the gameserver will request.
    RequestServerID = 1

    # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved).
    AcceptAlternateID = True




    #                         Loginserver

    # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname
    Hostname = localhost

    # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs
    LoginserverHostname = *
    LoginserverPort = 2106

    # The Loginserver host and port.
    LoginHostname = *
    LoginPort = 9014

    # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned
    LoginTryBeforeBan = 3

    # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600)
    LoginBlockAfterBan = 600

    # If set to true, any GameServer can register on your login's free slots
    AcceptNewGameServer = False

    # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown. Default : true.
    ShowLicence = True

    1. ---java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java  (revision 371)
    2. +++java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java  (working copy)
    the --- so i delete all inside ? 
    +++ copy these? 
    can someone help me from where to where i need to copy as example ?
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