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Posts posted by iOllie

  1. Just now, AchYlek said:

    it was paladin who was hit 50k, i wont talk about titan 


    even at mouse server we can hit 20k++ if u know how, but hiting 50k ya sure , its best files 

    oh dude stop lying is not true that paladin was hitting that much damage if you want ill provide you proper test of Critical Cap on l2saga server

  2. 1 hour ago, AchYlek said:

    just look your forum, 34 posts ? its dead totally 



    and main website videos where even my "cp"  3 guys who owned all cps almost , please u had 1 time paid clans and got good online, after 1 week all paid clans left 


    your files was so good when we was hiting 50k to everyone lf "iOllie" to confirm it how good u have eu files 




    its lagging since i was at dual box and bp was at bot forget decrease background performance


    also your afk spaming "wts something" to trade chat is so trash 


    Dude, TITAN with frenzy , zealot and ape ofcourse he will do crazy damage that's how it should be. 
    You want to have critical CAP like on mouse where you hit 5k Critical Max?

    This is normal and i thought u had a bit of experience to understand it.
    Also i compared L2Saga files with any other EU files and yes they are much much better than any EU files.
    Ill leave you with this FRAPS to understand that Critical Cap for Meele is a normal thing and if you tell me that averia had shit files i swear ill flame you.



    16 hours ago, AchYlek said:

    so? as i know u make adverting for l2saga maybe u are gm too, and saga is corrupted same lvl like sorin/mouse 


    its can be happened, lets see ... but we know that tyga is not famous streamer, only rapper so idk how much he will get viewers 

    First of all if i was a gm i was going to advertise myself saga on this forum , This have nothing to do related with my advertising services , So don't give fake infos like "L2SAGA IS FLAMING L2TALES".
    I speak as a player and i speak on the facts. L2Tales was good in 2010 when this community was bigger and better. Now the H5 Community in EU is dead and if Stalone goes with Brazon it will kill it more. Simple as that.


    11 hours ago, Pleyne said:

    Saga GMs/admin cant never ever talk about tales projects. Why? Kostas a.k.a saga admin bought files of l2tales which I was using back in the days and anyone could buy them from guy named Ady.( The guy who got files from mouse when he was in l2tales team). Dude, you started your project on vampir files, asking me if they are legit to buy from Ady. Wtf??? You should never cut feeding hand as your project is based on it. If anyone reading this thinking wtf are you talking about - search l2tales files for sell(saga started from them and grew). Same for Mythras source for here (it's

    based on same shared source as l2saga). - you can all download files and start same as Saga started. Later on they bought same donation system as in tales(based on L2CCCP) and tried to have 1:1 features as tales(again, i can give nickname of kostas in mxc and you will find his post of buying 1:1 donate panel from tales).

    Why i'm defending tales? Vampir gave fucking huge inovation for h5 or any lineage project(Saga and Alex(mouse)/sorin projects are always trying to get those features). Tales featutres are used by russian projects as well (i'm talking about open-team a.k.a. top russian sources behind private ones and pain-team and /

    L2scripts trying to copy that and sell as vip sources loooooool). Tales is all about new ideas, which all projects can take ideas from.

    @Pleyne first of all no Saga Team is talking to this topic about Tales or any other project. I personally talk as player.
    Saga files are much much much much much better than ANY other files i saw in EU. Yeah maybe in 2014 they used same files like any other server who was opening those days. 

    None here is talking about IDEAS AND FEATURES OR FILES. 

    Check L2Tales forum , is a copy paste of L2Lionna forum , Revolution , Remedy , ToS and waiting for more of those Pay to Play clans. 
    All those clans get items or money to play on servers coz i also played and worked with them so i know how the things are.
    What am saying is that this should not be like that because it will kill the server. Like always happens. Play 2 weeks get free items and money and quit. Not only tales but any kind of server will die like that.


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  4. 1 minute ago, `Sanctus said:

    i know who u are and what you're doing but i wasn't reffering to you bud.
    I'm reffering to those who purposely spread false rumors and hate. They know who they are.

    Also , i ain't asslick anyone. Tales was by far the best and most enjoyable hi5 server i've played. But this is just my opinion.

    About brazon , yeah it looks bad cause of his reputation , but as far as i know he is pretty limited in terms of access.

    Also this not depends on server owners but also the community. Trust me there is a lot of good server owners out there who really try to make stuff works and want a fair server but the community itself is shit. I worked as gm and cm alot of times and people are like 24/7 pming you and saying give me free premium and i join ur server . Give me 300 Donation Coins for each cp and i bring clan with 6+ Cp this is how brazon/sorin/mouse teached this community for the past 3-4 years and this will not change now.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 8 hours ago, `Sanctus said:

    stop all that bullshit about tales. Tales this and that.


    Tales is the GOAT. end of story.

    Nobody comes even close , not saga , not era - lionna and the rest of the crap.


    And before judging tales , take a look at your own dogshit of a server u got / helping ( saga , sorin)


    Thank you.


    and for those who didn't , please read this


    cut the asslick out of here and check the facts.
    First of all i am an advertiser i work for alot of servers if u can see in my topic and sorin was never one of them. 

    I do not own any server i am a player and i speak what i think for any server, i sure think that this shit will be max 2-3 weeks circus with a bunch of free donation coins and bot fiesta. Not because of Vercetti but because of Brazon. 

    What should i even read a server that wanna go big keep crying for Sorin Servers, he want to take advantage of it instead of going professional ? 
    A server who delete posts on the forum? 

  6. 2 hours ago, AchYlek said:

    actually brazon will have privi only for ban bots 

    Now that he is in Tales he is good but when he is on Mouse he is bad guys , you are lame
    you think iDestiny and Kallen and other clans is going to play there because is Tales? no bcz none even care they are coming bcz of brazon bcz they will get free premium and free items and server gonna be again a 2 week fiesta mark the words. I was going to like this server and give it a try even but since the moment i heard brazon is there i have to say it will be a fail

  7. Just now, AchYlek said:

    200on at gathering with unlimited boxes, omegalul even mouse still geting more ppl than this trash saga 

    Achy get a life mate why u even care.
    Also tell me how can be 200 ON when on epics they fight 80 vs 80?

  8. Forum warriors still exist in late 2k19? xDDDD
    Get some life guys none gives a fck anymore of this stuff.
    Sorin and Mouse keep opening servers every 3 weeks and all know is same owners does this make a difference why they shouldn't do the same? As long players don't care they will not care as well.
    Romos even opened a server with name of L2Saga :D 
    L2 IN 2K19 xDD

  9. On 4/19/2019 at 6:28 PM, Doomus said:

    Register dont work corrupted accounts INCOMING :) (waiting clans get all items first day) XD

    EDIT: dont join server its 100% corrupted and donators have vespers alrdy

    Register works fine u need only to login ur Master Account then Create IN-GAME Account.
    Corrupted? There is none with Vesper in server beside 3-4 CP's who are farming 12hours nonstop.


    13 hours ago, AchYlek said:

    biggest fail than l2tales and mid together, nice 100 on 

    About online i will tell you there is actually 800 to 1000 + / - players online Without Fake online or Bots.

    But Achylek lets be honest u say this because u cannot use Adrenaline? 

    Yes we had a rough Start with DDOS attack and Problems i would not lie to you , We started with 1.8k real online players and we almost lost half of the community because the problems , Now the server is stable and going on pretty good , no laggs no problems all going fine. 
    There was currently 897 Real players online. 


  10. 1 hour ago, adidaskipowah said:

    and btw nobody joined mouse server from those clans mby enchantress  bcose he get free items :D its mid rate server they all last 2-3weeks :D

    Thinking of ways to prevent it!!

  11. 12 hours ago, siriys_blek said:

    What happend with the server who started at January ? Two  servers in 4 month is kinda disturbing.

    Well we all know there is people opening server every 2 week and u have to cry to use we open server every 3 month?


    11 hours ago, AchYlek said:

    Server failed after 2 weeks bcs all paid clans left 

    Not true m8 , your friend mouse opened server 2 week after our opening and pming parties and clans one by one and offer money + free items just to leave us and go to them i can give u proofs for it. 
    And there were dogs inside server made big drama and say the admin /kill valakas because valakas got dmg reflected.

  12. 17 hours ago, adidaskipowah said:

    you better increase those rates alot bcose it was java drop rates in "pts" files last time atr stone price was 15kk whitch in normal servers usually 2-3kk :D also fix geodata mobs stuck everywhere and mages abuse it 


    The "PTS" stats is not anymore , there was not a problem with Geodata there was a problem with monster AI because we made aura flash working as PTS and it was removing target on monsters sometimes but now is all fixed!

    • Upvote 1
  13. 55829602_539458296545409_7659531383039066112_n.png?_nc_cat=104&_nc_ht=scontent.ftia5-1.fna&oh=471ae99d5b33ff717d1d0d1bed2f309b&oe=5D3C20EB


    Grand Opening: Friday-19-April-2019

    Website: http://l2saga.net
    Forum: https://forums.l2saga.net/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l2sagagaming/
    Skype: L2SagaSupport


    What's New? 

    ui-03-512.png Bot hunters are Hired for huting down bots and there will be stricted rules about people who abuse it. 
    55857814_309519523066266_2931437942570221568_n.png?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent.ftia5-1.fna&oh=63a980526dc94dd95d74d37e3bd77bdc&oe=5D06695C Added Mass Vote Reward And Vote Shop where you can buy Various In-Game stuff.
    awards_award_star_gold_medal_competitive_trophy_medal_winning_popularity_glory_high_awards_winners_badge_hero_victory_hit_proud_honor_leadership_competition_prize_premium_-512.png Achievements , Challenges , Daily Rewards have been reworked and made more profitable for your gameplay.
    13-512.pngRates have been increased and farm have been reworked to an easier state.

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