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Posts posted by iOllie

  1. 23 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

    no idea but still mouse/sorin servers  > random servers > saga 


    second day +16 weap, now u keep those enchants at donate with 10-15% chance, what a scammers 

    Well what this have to do with me i don't understand!

  2. Sorry why i am getting Mentioned on this post about this crap servers?







    This look like a copy/paste from somewhere id like to know from where.

    or open discord with broswer to understand that this =Rean= is @iOllie 

    you dont need to go school to find this out


    And what this have to do with me

  3. 3 hours ago, AchYlek said:

    897 users = 100 real  100 bots and 100 phantoms  , so? trust me u will die faster then before 

    Well if you check that photo is google analytics. is not in-game and this have nothing to do with bots or phantoms. Is users clicking on website daily. 


    3 hours ago, AchYlek said:

    saga name = paid clans and 2 weeks and dead (last saga) now those clans wont join anymore since they was bored 

    About that yeah people still keep saying 2 week  , payed clans etc etc but this is up to players to belive and check how in-game gonna be. I do trust their words this time when they say no pay clan no bot and no donation.

  4. 2 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

    im boting since when was first release of adrenaline, before i was farming 12h+ daily and get bored , so after 6y i will join only servers where are bots, since atleast there are ppl too ... 


    servers w/o bots are dead right now 

    this is a funny topics because there is half community who say "server suck full bot bla bla bla" and quit and there is other half of community who say "server no bot suck i don't play" and don't join .

    • Upvote 1
  5. Just now, AchYlek said:

    it should be , since saga admin was banning first 3 days after u should bot everywhere ;D primeval still top for bot at saga 

    Well it should not be allowed at all coz is ruining this dead game more. So i please everyone who want to open a h5 server open it without bot. Community will get used to a game without bot anyway.

  6. 1 minute ago, AchYlek said:

    still ppl better pay 20$ for adrenaline than any ingame bot :D 


    20$ is 1-2h in work, and u  dont need waste your time for farm items 

    well me tbh idc for bot coz h5 is the most ez chronicle to get equipped u get geared in 3 days max on any mid-rate what i don't like in bot is people abuse the pvp scripts. anyway this is not the topic to talk about it.

  7. Just now, AchYlek said:

    even ncsoft get brain and made ingame bot , guess why? its 15y old game and ppl geting tired sitting near pc and play that game


    for me last lionnka was best, i was boting 1 week w/o geting ban and still there was ppl and was fun, since brazon get kicked from team and didnt banned me every 1h 


    but right now servers w/o bots are dead.. guess why? when u go to any location and see 0 ppl u will leave 

    Well soon there might be a in-game bot for h5 from l2saga simlar to the essence one.

  8. 6 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

    there no exist 100% bot and interface protection, so ya ppl will leave since there will be boters and they cant bot 


    also 90% ppl want just bot and after only pvp , so no bot = no ppl  = no fun , np 


    i wanna see ppl in 2k20 who just click to mobs 8h daily to get equip,... :D 

    Well ofcourse there is bot and interface protection , but most of servers don't do it because they know that people play with bot and without bot means less people thats why they allow it. 

    Well there is people who still like the game and enjoy playing it the way it should be played. 

    This is funny tho because everyone cry " server full bot full bot " and when it comes to a server which don't allow bot people don't play it xDDD

  9. 3 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

    sorry im player who never get dp or something and still i was over equiped than others , like now last lionka 

    so ya maybe i flame that cps / clans geting 10k dp at mouse servers but i can make equip in 2 days




    i tried  1 time saga, it  died faster than any mouse servers ever, guess why? bcs ppl was crying about they geting 1 shot from all 


    also my friend cps was get bored since they was full equiped with no farm

    Well achy ive heard l2saga will be no bot - no interface - no donation gear i really want to see how the players will be to this shit.
    Will this give a more life to server or no. 

    What you think?


  10. Just now, AchYlek said:

    about this, if i want join server first i look forum , if its dead ya i wont even download system , better 10000 fake topics than 30 posts after 1 month of adverting 

    For you maybe because you like forums but other people don't even care they want just to play. Also because the EU payed clans and CP's getting free premium and DP from other servers and they put their clans members on their forums so they get attention but trust me that attention will be max 1-2 weeks coz this is how the community is.

    7 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

    let me say this... 


    why i should go to mid rate where i kill all rbs in 10sec? where is any drama of my pt or something? u get bored


    why i should get in pvp 50k? i will leave since mage wont hit 50k 


    there is biggest fail, saga make everything "retail"  thats problem, u get bored after 2 days since u geting everything fast... u can aoe full soa with titan after 2 days 


    u report something and saga admin will say " its retail gtfo"  ya sure for mid rate u cant have 100% retail all things 

    So you understand and know that it is retail it work or not work for mid-rate is something else but also this depend on the players themselves to decide play a crap server 1-2 week or play a retail server 1-2 week.

    Which i keep saying that sometimes is not even fault of server but is from players.

  11. 1 hour ago, AchYlek said:

    just look your forum, 34 posts ? its dead totally 



    Also about this i want to say that trust me if they want they can make 1000 fake topics and fake  accounts to make it like any other shit but they play fair and they don't want to lie to their people. coz trust me is better to have 200 people and trusted than have 1000 who jump from 1 server to another every week.
    And yeah this is the H5 mid rate community max 1.5k players whoever is there and saying that have a bigger amount than 800 is lying to himself and community

  12. 1 minute ago, AchYlek said:

    it was sunshide at saga who was hiting 50k with paladin, if u want know dmg from titan  @adidaskipowah he can confirm it,


    mouse server is totally trash balanced, he make balance for his friend cps, 1 time they want play archers, he boost archers, after they want play mages he boost mages etc, so this fraps is nothing 

    Well ill still keep my word and say even louder that Saga have better files in EU so far.
    99% of skills of working properly how should work , balance is 100% better than any server in EU crap. Yeah it have their own issues which alot of servers do have. But when it comes to quality they have quality and i never saw or heard on l2saga about black market from Admins or GM's. Maybe in 2014 - 2015 but since 2018 i know this server there is quality on staff and gameplay what is missing is that community need to understand that mouse servers are wrong because what you face more on l2saga is people who complain about stuff that are different from mouse and they say or cry about it.

    They even cry why GEM DRAGON's are in groups so imagine how bad the community is thats why they jump from a server to another. 

    On starting of h5 mid-rates in 2011-2012 there were less servers and people were not jumping servers like now because they get a free premium or w/e. 


  13. 7 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

    me edited post , np, and yea it was paladin with blunt and double icons 

    i found this old fraps from the boys 

     Tell me please achylek where you see 20k damage on this paladin on mouse sever. 
    And on Saga ill bet you real money right now if you provide me that paladin was hitting that much damage because ill never belive. Yes ill belive titan but paladin never. So stop lying please max damage paladin was doing was in l2saga was 8k Crit which i tested myself.

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