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Posts posted by Ident

  1. is there something like this?...

    i got burned in googling but i found nothing...i also used search here in mxch to...but nothing.

    so..if someone has something like this and he could share it with me i will be pleased....

    i say again...i need it working for 3.1.3 patch.....

    thx in advance




    click on the green button ---> (INGYENES)

  2. Aion's graphic engine is CRYengine wich is way better than L2's old engine.


    and the other guy (froufrou) says play with wow and with aion and you will see that is copy from wow, but that guy doesent tried aion (and i think also didnt tried wow) cuz its a bullsh1t and aion have nothing to do with wow...


    And as ultrawolf say'd:


    "play Aion and leave L2. After some time I'll leave Aion and start L3. Cheesy that's the way of life." :)

  3. haha the last 2 guys isnt read what i wrote :D


    both (l2j and l2off too) have a lot of bugs ;) You just see that on l2off that it have much less, cuz of the missing features and see many bugs in l2j cuz of the too much implementation :D great huhh? :D

  4. First of all: ALL THE L2J AND L2OFF HAVE A LOT OF BUGS!



    l2j pro:



    - very stable with a lot of work, less work when you know where to search for packets for optimizing

    - a lot of ppl in the development in any team of it

    - a lot of features that can make the game something that isnt LineageII anymore, but something new

    - its good for low-rate and high-rate also

    - when something is missing, its simple to implement it

    - when something isnt working as it should, its simple to fix it

    - with a good dev. team everything is possible

    - l2j are much faster to follow the new chronicles



    l2j contra:



    - a lot of things working only on meanings

    - everybody can have it and handle it with a very low knowledge (i mean n00b server of n00b kids)

    - need a really fast and powerfull server to handle 1500+ ppl and/or if you want to have geodata too

    - need a lot of work in the code to be a stable server and need a lot of cleaning in the code, also some fixes in the packets that are messed up

    - security problems, that needs a lot of thinking about how to solve them

    - a lot of ppl think that when he have a server with a lot of custom sh1ts, that is Lineage II. They fail on low rates or never ever played on a really close working low rate that try to serv the original feeling, nor official



    L2OFF, pro:



    - very stable, cuz of the coding procedure and structure

    - very secure

    - it can handle a lot of player without touching it

    - when you implement something, it will work as you coded it

    - the best choise for a stable low rate with high population without changing chronicle

    - less bugs (but more missing features!)



    L2OFF, contra:



    - a hell lot of missing features

    - minor bugs (i saw on every server that runs l2off the "snipe bug" for hawkeye's)

    - slow develop

    - you need more IT knowledge to set it up, start it and manage it (but its a good thing too, the n00bs dont choose it for sure)

    - you need to pay to have the latest releases, wich is illegal, but have it isnt (i talk about only c++ based, not the stoled c4 one)

    - it have only a small community to develop it (c++ isnt the most liked coding language)

    - c++ is a hard language so bugfixes needs a high knowledge of it, like the new feature implementations too (thats why it have a slow development and a small community)


    This "fight" between the L2J and L2OFF is like the "fight" between Windows and LINUX. Both are great, but LINUX needs more knowledge. But LINUX goes now on the way to touch the home users aswell, just watch some KDE or GNOME interface wich is beautiful and day by day easier to handle it. I hope that L2OFF will have a bigger community in the future and will follow much easier and faster the new chronicles to serve the players closest to the original game feeling as possible it just can.

  5. there isnt "THE BEST" just something that fit better for ur gameplay :P


    @:  ° •иίκoک ™• °


    did you played with Aion or just watched videos? Its not the same... You cannot compare videos with the real ingame playing... And dont talk about something that you never ever has tried. ;)


    And for the topic...


    how the hell can you make a question like this on a forum where the players 99% are playing on private servers? :D

  6. You can enter in the real Aion at the Chinese one, China will open 2 more new realm for test from may 15 to may 30. In june, Japan will open their own servers with free test realms too, EN/US realms will open also in this year at the 4th quarter, also Russia will open their realms in december,


    So everyone can try it on official realms, google is ur friend ;)


    I hope a great future for the aion-emu project (aion-emu.com) but everyone knows that private servers arent official ones and have nothing to do with the original game and feeling :P Maybe 2-3 year in that emu project will show something that seems like Aion, until im sure that i will pay for it, cuz wont be so expensive, 4-5 pizza :)


    Btw here are my screenshots about my little Asmodian Gladiator, 52 MB, 112 pictures, enjoy:




    ohh and http://www.aion-extreme.net/ cannot reach it... chek ur site, the problem isnt on my side ;)



    edit: its ok now :P

  7. how can compare if Aion has not yet reached full


    again lol...


    Aion got already released in Korea and China as product and NOT as beta anymore. Only the english client isnt yet finished 100%, just until lvl 33 at this moment, so it is the main reason why isnt released in EU/US and they will have also french and german languages. Russian 4Games that purchased Lineage II also purchased AION and will release it in the 3rd Q in this year, they working on translating the client as they already done with Lineage II (cyrill).


    Read some news damn it :P

  8. Graphzz <3 littler bro of l2


    lolz. Cannot compare the 2 graph, Aion pwnz L2 graph and L2 use a very old graphic engine with shitty textures (compared to Aion textures).


    So Aion is awsome not only in graphics, but in gameplay too. And dont forget that scripts of mobs are cool too, the dont just still in some place and maybe once in a week moving or something, they really live AI of Aion is really interesting. L2 have also some funny AI, but not that many like Aion.


    And the world/terrain. Water and weather effects are awsome. You just still at some spot, rain comes and ur char look at the sky and take a leaf on hes head :D The gameplay is very similar to WoW for first try, but after some levels you will be sure about that isnt :) There arent so many grind quests (kill 10 of xxx, and 6 of xxx) also collecting quests are NOT similar any that i saw in some other mmorpg's. You can really enjoy the levelling and isnt a pain in the @ss like it is in L2 (Lvl 83 char without botting in L2 on official even with vitality is a waste of time, a HUUUUGE time).


    So NC made really this new game, Aion for a great game, that have all the great things of the most popular games at the market. I have try it, i like it and i will play it! :)


    ps: in Aion you dont have g@y elf guys :D


    When you want to see more, here is a guy who made HD movies from the beginning and some levelling, pure gameplay, more than 30 videos:





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