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Everything posted by ˚کe®κ

  1. java pk guard take a look in my server www.l2emerland.com
  2. auto to ip pu exeis valei exei kleisto to port kai dn mporeis na kaneis sundesh stn database
  3. cry for what?you cry cuz your server is in my list soz. and btw my connection is 1mb download and 256kb upload suchs hard!
  4. you talk about this? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=73684.0 is fake and cant crash any ucoz site my killer send 500 times faster the command
  5. say to your friend give you his program i dont know any bug for increase slots
  6. new version of L2J-killer is ready features: lag server: freeze game: i will upload video soon
  7. Oh, also.. The NOOBISH ERROR is a two lines mmocore fix. Dragons attacker is 2 lines code to fix it. Although, why everybody has fixed the "pro" noobish error and l2jattacker and nobody can fix the "vb coded program"
  8. I do not really care what any newbie in here says. I just know what I am doing. And by the way, yes, I told that it is 20 minutes work in VB. But why nobody else coded it? Eh? When coding you don't need only programming skills, but a clear mind and the proper ammount of IQ as well ;]
  9. I have studied developing languages at the college, and I have finished my studies + got my degree as a programmer. killer allrdy coded in c++ and perl.
  10. l2jkiller coded in c++ now is more powerfull and dangerous i will not share it in public
  11. i know than it need more power but is fixed in log in. im trying to make it ddoser
  12. i cant connect in game and the attacker cant attack 7777 port
  13. L2Azshara victim of L2J-KILLER i downz0r it 3 times
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