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Posts posted by Assassina

  1. Search doCast method


           if(this instanceof L2PcInstance && ((L2PcInstance)this).isInOlympiadMode() && 
           		(skill.getId() == 1) || (skill.getId() == 2))
           	SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THIS_SKILL_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_THE_OLYMPIAD_EVENT);

    no man its a passive skill. as apo2459 said i need something like the removal of the clan skills but i want to be able to change the skills id because the clan skills are not removed through id it just says "remove all clan skills from the passive skill list".


    im just saying its a passive skill so it should be REMOVED not unable to be used.

  2. the last days ive opened some topics but nobody answers them. the other topics in the same section are normally answered in a few minutes after they are created but my topics are visited only by members that dont know me from my old posts. look:






    so after this i make the conclusion that ive done something wrong and u dont like me so maybe we could discuss it here....


    so what do u say? did i really do something wrong? :-\

  3. sorry this doesnt work because i want the skill to be removed not to make the character unable to use it because its a passive skill so it doesnt really matter if u are unable to use it since u still have it in your skill list. it should be removed from every characters pasive skill list once they enter oly. :-\


    something else pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese :(

  4. sorry this doesnt work because i want the skill to be removed not to make the character unable to use it because its a passive skill so it doesnt really matter if u are unable to use it since u still have it in your skill list. it should be removed from every characters pasive skill list once they enter oly. :-\


    something else pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese :(

  5. hello.


    ive added a skill for more max mp and every player in my server has that skill (its passive). my problem is that it unbalances oly so is there a way to remove it when players enter to an oly match? just remove the skill and then add it again when the match is over. thats all. is there a way to do it please?


    i would search for other "remove skills" shares and i would adapt them to oly but i couldnt find any thats why im asking for your help guys.


    so i say again what i need: i just need when somebody enters to an oly match a certain passive skill he has to be removed. the skill id is 9999 if this helps u :P


    aaaaa and thanks in advance xD

  6. no man


    archangel michael will be in vocals (because angels sing)

    peter will be in bass (because he chooses who goes to heaven so he can make some noise :P)

    in drums will be god (i dont know why but he should be somewhere in the band :P)

    hmmmmm and lucifer will be in guitar because he likes heavy metal and electric guitars xD


    PS sry if i lost the subject xD


    btw where is jesus? :P

  7. If that's what they want...... in the end they will realize what a stupid action they have done.They all a fashion.Here is Gr b4 one and a half year we were FULL of emos. Now? barely 3 emos left all over the country.

    why do u care about emos that much? dont tell me u are just an antiracist and u wanted to promote ur antiracistic propaganda and u found the emo subject to do that. nooooo thats not true i think u are emo or u are intending to be or u were an emo and ur father cut ur hair when he learned u are gay......


    hmmmm yeap just joking for the gay thing :P


    im always joking anyway xD

  8. Sure thing. Racism is discriminating people for something they cannot change and they are not faulty for.

    yeap thats what i meant. so its discriminating people for how they were born like. if they were born black, jew etc. for example. so discriminating emos is not racism :)

  9. i think that racism can be only against a race but what is a race? a race is people who were BORN different. so if we hate a group of people that werent born different but they choose to be different just to pose we are not racists.


    the bad thing about emos is that though everyone is always insulting them in the internet etc in real life they all are friends with them. and for me someone is emo even if he doesnt have an emo haircut but he has an emo behavior. :)

  10. Read our rules carefully before acting someone informed.

    i did and i didnt find any rule about bumping and i have seen too many people bumping their own topics. also its in the rules that u are not allowed to reply off topic but u just did 2 times. this is supposed to be easy u guys create whole php codes for stats and u cant tell me where i can find a stats code with only names and rows? lol

  11. lol no i am allowed to bump my topic since none replies.


    ive searched too many times and i couldnt find anything. i want it to be top 10 online only row and name NOT sex, lvl, clan etc. ONLY ROW AND NAME. thats why i cant find anyhting. i thought its easy to create thats why i was expecting a quick answer :S

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