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Everything posted by DLDL

  1. To be honest I don’t know, if anyone know about shared mythras files please tell me.
  2. Hello everyone I need someone who can create automatic +30 skills for me " you can buy it from npc or donation store from Alt + b" for H5 Please pm if you can do it.
  3. it's just simple like l2 lionna you can buy it from donation store or npc.
  4. Hello everyone How are you I hope your'e fine. Actually I'm looking for +30 Skills code [H5] for fandc files, who can help me please reply on this topic I need it for upcoming project we need auto enchant to +30 skills.
  5. Bad services ever, I'm sorry to say that but I don't trust you specially when you don't reply to configure my l2jguard protection before one year. If you want my word don't trust in this website. I lost 100$ on shit :/.
  6. It's completed and works fine for me, I can do it for anyone (free).
  7. Hello guys , i want ask you if there command to start olympiad valdition or not ?
  8. great developer ,you can trust in him
  9. hello i'm looking for java developer , who can work with me only for 5 hours for more informaiton contact me on discord or skype discord : [Dev]Helios1289 skype : live:rasood.1515
  10. do you want ArabicUilities code ? /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.l2jserver; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ArabicUtilities { /** * the path of teh fonts file must be under assets folder */ /** * Helper function is to check if the character passed, is Arabic * @param target The Character to check Against * @return true if the Character is Arabic letter, otherwise returns false */ private static boolean isArabicCharacter(char target){ //Iterate over the 36 Characters in ARABIC_GLPHIES Matrix for(int i = 0; i < ArabicReshaper.ARABIC_GLPHIES.length;i++){ //Check if the target Character exist in ARABIC_GLPHIES Matrix if(ArabicReshaper.ARABIC_GLPHIES[i][0]==target) return true; } for(int i = 0; i < ArabicReshaper.HARAKATE.length;i++){ //Check if the target Character exist in ARABIC_GLPHIES Matrix if(ArabicReshaper.HARAKATE[i]==target) return true; } return false; } /** * Helper function to split Sentence By Space * @param sentence the Sentence to Split into Array of Words * @return Array Of words */ private static String[] getWords(String sentence){ if (sentence != null) { return sentence.split("\\s"); } return new String[0]; } /** * Helper function to check if the word has Arabic Letters * @param word The to check Against * @return true if the word has Arabic letters, false otherwise */ public static boolean hasArabicLetters(String word){ //Iterate over the word to check all the word's letters for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ if(isArabicCharacter(word.charAt(i))) return true; } return false; } /** * Helper function to check if the word is all Arabic Word * @param word The word to check against * @return true if the word is Arabic Word, false otherwise */ public static boolean isArabicWord(String word){ //Iterate over the Word for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ if(!isArabicCharacter(word.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; } /** * Helper function to split the Mixed Word into words with only Arabic, and English Words * @param word The Mixed Word * @return The Array of the Words of each Word may exist inside that word */ private static String[] getWordsFromMixedWord(String word){ //The return result of words List<String> finalWords = new ArrayList<>(); //Temp word to hold the current word String tempWord=""; //Iterate over the Word Length for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++){ //Check if the Character is Arabic Character if(isArabicCharacter(word.charAt(i))){ //Check if the tempWord is not empty, and what left in tempWord is not Arabic Word if(!tempWord.equals("") && !isArabicWord(tempWord)) { //add the Word into the Array finalWords.add(tempWord); //initiate the tempWord again tempWord=""+word.charAt(i); }else{ //Not to add the tempWord, but to add the character to the rest of the characters tempWord+=word.charAt(i); } }else{ //Check if the tempWord is not empty, and what left in tempWord is Arabic Word if(!tempWord.equals("") && isArabicWord(tempWord)){ //add the Word into the Array finalWords.add(tempWord); //initiate the tempWord again tempWord=""+word.charAt(i); }else{ //Not to add the tempWord, but to add the character to the rest of the characters tempWord+=word.charAt(i); } } } //add remaining tempWord to finalWords if (!tempWord.equals("")) { finalWords.add(tempWord); } String[] theWords=new String[finalWords.size()]; theWords=finalWords.toArray(theWords); return theWords; } public static String reshape(String allText) { if (allText != null) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); String[] sentences = allText.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) { result.append(reshapeSentence(sentences[i])); //don't append the line feed to the final sentence if (i < sentences.length - 1) { result.append("\n"); } } return result.toString(); } return null; } /** * The Main Reshaping Function to be Used in Android Program * @param sentence * @return the Reshaped Text */ public static String reshapeSentence(String sentence){ //get the Words from the Text String[] words=getWords(sentence); //prepare the Reshaped Text StringBuffer reshapedText=new StringBuffer(""); //Iterate over the Words for(int i=words.length-1;i>=0;i--){ //Check if the Word has Arabic Letters if(hasArabicLetters(words[i])){ //Check if the Whole word is Arabic if(isArabicWord(words[i])){ //Initiate the ArabicReshaper functionality ArabicReshaper arabicReshaper = new ArabicReshaper(words[i]); //Append the Reshaped Arabic Word to the Reshaped Whole Text String initial = arabicReshaper.getReshapedWord(); StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(initial); text = text.reverse(); initial = text.toString(); reshapedText.append(initial); }else{ //The word has Arabic Letters, but its not an Arabic Word, its a mixed word //Extract words from the words (split Arabic, and English) String [] mixedWords=getWordsFromMixedWord(words[i]); //iterate over mixed Words for(int j=0;j<mixedWords.length;j++){ //Initiate the ArabicReshaper functionality ArabicReshaper arabicReshaper=new ArabicReshaper(mixedWords[j]); //Append the Reshaped Arabic Word to the Reshaped Whole Text reshapedText.append(arabicReshaper.getReshapedWord()); } } }else{//The word doesn't have any Arabic Letters //Just append the word to the whole reshaped Text reshapedText.append(words[i]); } //Append the space to separate between words reshapedText.append(" "); } //return the final reshaped whole text return reshapedText.toString(); } }
  11. package instances; import l2ro.commons.threading.RunnableImpl; import l2ro.commons.util.Rnd; import l2ro.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import l2ro.gameserver.ai.CtrlEvent; import l2ro.gameserver.listener.actor.OnCurrentHpDamageListener; import l2ro.gameserver.listener.actor.OnDeathListener; import l2ro.gameserver.listener.zone.OnZoneEnterLeaveListener; import l2ro.gameserver.model.Creature; import l2ro.gameserver.model.Player; import l2ro.gameserver.model.Skill; import l2ro.gameserver.model.Zone; import l2ro.gameserver.model.entity.Reflection; import l2ro.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance; import l2ro.gameserver.network.serverpackets.*; import l2ro.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowScreenMessage.ScreenMessageAlign; import l2ro.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.NpcString; import l2ro.gameserver.tables.SkillTable; import l2ro.gameserver.utils.Location; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; /** * @author pchayka * <p/> * Данж Frintezza для Freya Throne */ public class Frintezza extends Reflection { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Frintezza.class); private static final int HallAlarmDevice = 18328; private static final int DarkChoirPlayer = 18339; private static final int _weakScarletId = 29046; private static final int _strongScarletId = 29047; private static final int TeleportCube = 29061; private static final int _frintezzasSwordId = 7903; private static final int DewdropItem = 8556; private static final int[] hallADoors = {17130051, 17130052, 17130053, 17130054, 17130055, 17130056, 17130057, 17130058}; private static final int[] corridorADoors = {17130042, 17130043}; private static final int[] hallBDoors = {17130061, 17130062, 17130063, 17130064, 17130065, 17130066, 17130067, 17130068, 17130069, 17130070}; private static final int[] corridorBDoors = {17130045, 17130046}; private static final int[] blockANpcs = {18329, 18330, 18331, 18333}; private static final int[] blockBNpcs = {18334, 18335, 18336, 18337, 18338}; private static int _intervalOfFrintezzaSongs = 30000; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class NpcLocation extends Location { public int npcId; public NpcLocation() { } public NpcLocation(int x, int y, int z, int heading, int npcId) { super(x, y, z, heading); this.npcId = npcId; } } //The Boss private static NpcLocation frintezzaSpawn = new NpcLocation(-87784, -155090, -9080, 16048, 29045); // Weak Scarlet Van Halisha. private static NpcLocation scarletSpawnWeak = new NpcLocation(-87784, -153288, -9176, 16384, 29046); // Portrait spawns - 4 portraits = 4 spawns private static NpcLocation[] portraitSpawns = {new NpcLocation(-86136, -153960, -9168, 35048, 29048), new NpcLocation(-86184, -152456, -9168, 28205, 29049), new NpcLocation(-89368, -152456, -9168, 64817, 29048), new NpcLocation(-89416, -153976, -9168, 57730, 29049)}; // Demon spawns - 4 portraits = 4 demons private static NpcLocation[] demonSpawns = {new NpcLocation(-86136, -153960, -9168, 35048, 29050), new NpcLocation(-86184, -152456, -9168, 28205, 29051), new NpcLocation(-89368, -152456, -9168, 64817, 29051), new NpcLocation(-89416, -153976, -9168, 57730, 29050)}; private NpcInstance _frintezzaDummy, frintezza, weakScarlet, strongScarlet; private NpcInstance[] portraits = new NpcInstance[4]; private NpcInstance[] demons = new NpcInstance[4]; private int _scarletMorph = 0; private static final long battleStartDelay = 5 * 60000L; // 5min private DeathListener _deathListener = new DeathListener(); private CurrentHpListener _currentHpListener = new CurrentHpListener(); private ZoneListener _zoneListener = new ZoneListener(); private ScheduledFuture<?> musicTask; @Override protected void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); getZone("[Frintezza]").addListener(_zoneListener); for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) n.addListener(_deathListener); blockUnblockNpcs(true, blockANpcs); } private class FrintezzaStart extends RunnableImpl { @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(1), 1000); } } private class Spawn extends RunnableImpl { private int _taskId = 0; public Spawn(int taskId) { _taskId = taskId; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { try { switch (_taskId) { case 1: // spawn. _frintezzaDummy = spawn(new NpcLocation(-87784, -155096, -9080, 16048, 29059)); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(2), 1000); break; case 2: closeDoor(corridorBDoors[1]); frintezza = spawn(frintezzaSpawn); showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 500, 90, 0, 6500, 8000, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { portraits[i] = spawn(portraitSpawns[i]); portraits[i].startImmobilized(); demons[i] = spawn(demonSpawns[i]); } blockAll(true); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(3), 6500); break; case 3: showSocialActionMovie(_frintezzaDummy, 1800, 90, 8, 6500, 7000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(4), 900); break; case 4: showSocialActionMovie(_frintezzaDummy, 140, 90, 10, 2500, 4500, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(5), 4000); break; case 5: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 40, 75, -10, 0, 1000, 0); showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 40, 75, -10, 0, 12000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(6), 1350); break; case 6: frintezza.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(frintezza.getObjectId(), 2)); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(7), 7000); break; case 7: _frintezzaDummy.deleteMe(); _frintezzaDummy = null; ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(8), 1000); break; case 8: showSocialActionMovie(demons[0], 140, 0, 3, 22000, 3000, 1); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(9), 2800); break; case 9: showSocialActionMovie(demons[1], 140, 0, 3, 22000, 3000, 1); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(10), 2800); break; case 10: showSocialActionMovie(demons[2], 140, 180, 3, 22000, 3000, 1); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(11), 2800); break; case 11: showSocialActionMovie(demons[3], 140, 180, 3, 22000, 3000, 1); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(12), 3000); break; case 12: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 240, 90, 0, 0, 1000, 0); showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 240, 90, 25, 5500, 10000, 3); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(13), 3000); break; case 13: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 100, 195, 35, 0, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(14), 700); break; case 14: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 100, 195, 35, 0, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(15), 1300); break; case 15: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 120, 180, 45, 1500, 10000, 0); frintezza.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(frintezza, frintezza, 5006, 1, 34000, 0)); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(16), 1500); break; case 16: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 520, 135, 45, 8000, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(17), 7500); break; case 17: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 1500, 110, 25, 10000, 13000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(18), 9500); break; case 18: weakScarlet = spawn(scarletSpawnWeak); block(weakScarlet, true); weakScarlet.addListener(_currentHpListener); weakScarlet.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(weakScarlet, weakScarlet, 5016, 1, 3000, 0)); Earthquake eq = new Earthquake(weakScarlet.getLoc(), 50, 6); for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.broadcastPacket(eq); showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 1000, 160, 20, 6000, 6000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(19), 5500); break; case 19: showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 800, 160, 5, 1000, 10000, 2); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(20), 2100); break; case 20: showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 300, 60, 8, 0, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(21), 2000); break; case 21: showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 1000, 90, 10, 3000, 5000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(22), 3000); break; case 22: for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.leaveMovieMode(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Spawn(23), 2000); break; case 23: blockAll(false); spawn(new NpcLocation(-87904, -141296, -9168, 0, TeleportCube)); _scarletMorph = 1; musicTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Music(), 5000); break; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("Error on Frintezza Spawn", e); } } } private class Music extends RunnableImpl { @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { if (frintezza == null) return; int song = Math.max(1, Math.min(4, getSong())); NpcString song_name; switch (song) { case 1: song_name = NpcString.REQUIEM_OF_HATRED; break; case 2: song_name = NpcString.FRENETIC_TOCCATA; break; case 3: song_name = NpcString.FUGUE_OF_JUBILATION; break; case 4: song_name = NpcString.MOURNFUL_CHORALE_PRELUDE; break; default: return; } if (!frintezza.isBlocked()) { frintezza.broadcastPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(song_name, 3000, ScreenMessageAlign.TOP_CENTER, true, 1, -1, true)); frintezza.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(frintezza, frintezza, 5007, song, _intervalOfFrintezzaSongs, 0)); // Launch the song's effects (they start about 10 seconds after he starts to play) ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SongEffectLaunched(getSongTargets(song), song, 10000), 10000); } // Schedule a new song to be played in 30-40 seconds... musicTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Music(), _intervalOfFrintezzaSongs + Rnd.get(10000)); } /** * Depending on the song, returns the song's targets (either mobs or players) */ private List<Creature> getSongTargets(int songId) { List<Creature> targets = new ArrayList<Creature>(); if (songId < 4) // Target is the minions { if (weakScarlet != null && !weakScarlet.isDead()) targets.add(weakScarlet); if (strongScarlet != null && !strongScarlet.isDead()) targets.add(strongScarlet); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (portraits[i] != null && !portraits[i].isDead()) targets.add(portraits[i]); if (demons[i] != null && !demons[i].isDead()) targets.add(demons[i]); } } else // Target is the players for (Player pc : getPlayers()) if (!pc.isDead()) targets.add(pc); return targets; } /** * returns the chosen symphony for Frintezza to play * If the minions are injured he has 40% to play a healing song * If they are all dead, he will only play harmful player symphonies */ private int getSong() { if (minionsNeedHeal()) return 1; return Rnd.get(2, 4); } /** * Checks if Frintezza's minions need heal (only major minions are checked) Return a "need heal" = true only 40% of the time */ private boolean minionsNeedHeal() { if (!Rnd.chance(40)) return false; if (weakScarlet != null && !weakScarlet.isAlikeDead() && weakScarlet.getCurrentHp() < weakScarlet.getMaxHp() * 2 / 3) return true; if (strongScarlet != null && !strongScarlet.isAlikeDead() && strongScarlet.getCurrentHp() < strongScarlet.getMaxHp() * 2 / 3) return true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (portraits[i] != null && !portraits[i].isDead() && portraits[i].getCurrentHp() < portraits[i].getMaxHp() / 3) return true; if (demons[i] != null && !demons[i].isDead() && demons[i].getCurrentHp() < demons[i].getMaxHp() / 3) return true; } return false; } } /** * The song was played, this class checks it's affects (if any) */ private class SongEffectLaunched extends RunnableImpl { private final List<Creature> _targets; private final int _song, _currentTime; /** * @param targets - song's targets * @param song - song id 1-5 * @param currentTimeOfSong - skills during music play are consecutive, repeating */ public SongEffectLaunched(List<Creature> targets, int song, int currentTimeOfSong) { _targets = targets; _song = song; _currentTime = currentTimeOfSong; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { if (frintezza == null) return; // If the song time is over stop this loop if (_currentTime > _intervalOfFrintezzaSongs) return; // Skills are consecutive, so call them again SongEffectLaunched songLaunched = new SongEffectLaunched(_targets, _song, _currentTime + _intervalOfFrintezzaSongs / 10); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(songLaunched, _intervalOfFrintezzaSongs / 10); frintezza.callSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5008, _song), _targets, false); } } private NpcInstance spawn(NpcLocation loc) { return addSpawnWithoutRespawn(loc.npcId, loc, 0); } /** * Shows a movie to the players in the lair. * * @param target - L2NpcInstance target is the center of this movie * @param dist - int distance from target * @param yaw - angle of movie (north = 90, south = 270, east = 0 , west = 180) * @param pitch - pitch > 0 looks up / pitch < 0 looks down * @param time - fast ++ or slow -- depends on the value * @param duration - How long to watch the movie * @param socialAction - 1,2,3,4 social actions / other values do nothing */ private void showSocialActionMovie(NpcInstance target, int dist, int yaw, int pitch, int time, int duration, int socialAction) { if (target == null) return; for (Player pc : getPlayers()) if (pc.getDistance(target) <= 2550) { pc.enterMovieMode(); pc.specialCamera(target, dist, yaw, pitch, time, duration); } else pc.leaveMovieMode(); if (socialAction > 0 && socialAction < 5) target.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(target.getObjectId(), socialAction)); } private void blockAll(boolean flag) { block(frintezza, flag); block(weakScarlet, flag); block(strongScarlet, flag); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { block(portraits[i], flag); block(demons[i], flag); } } private void block(NpcInstance npc, boolean flag) { if (npc == null || npc.isDead()) return; if (flag) { npc.abortAttack(true, false); npc.abortCast(true, true); npc.setTarget(null); if (npc.isMoving) npc.stopMove(); npc.block(); } else npc.unblock(); npc.setIsInvul(flag); } private class SecondMorph extends RunnableImpl { private int _taskId = 0; public SecondMorph(int taskId) { _taskId = taskId; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { try { switch (_taskId) { case 1: int angle = Math.abs((weakScarlet.getHeading() < 32768 ? 180 : 540) - (int) (weakScarlet.getHeading() / 182.044444444)); for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.enterMovieMode(); blockAll(true); showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 500, angle, 5, 500, 15000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SecondMorph(2), 2000); break; case 2: weakScarlet.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(weakScarlet.getObjectId(), 1)); weakScarlet.setCurrentHp(weakScarlet.getMaxHp() * 3 / 4, false); weakScarlet.setRHandId(_frintezzasSwordId); weakScarlet.broadcastCharInfo(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SecondMorph(3), 5500); break; case 3: weakScarlet.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(weakScarlet.getObjectId(), 4)); blockAll(false); Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5017, 1); skill.getEffects(weakScarlet, weakScarlet, false, false); for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.leaveMovieMode(); break; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("Error on Frintezza Second Morph", e); } } } private class ThirdMorph extends RunnableImpl { private int _taskId = 0; private int _angle = 0; public ThirdMorph(int taskId) { _taskId = taskId; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { try { switch (_taskId) { case 1: _angle = Math.abs((weakScarlet.getHeading() < 32768 ? 180 : 540) - (int) (weakScarlet.getHeading() / 182.044444444)); for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.enterMovieMode(); blockAll(true); frintezza.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillCanceled(frintezza.getObjectId())); frintezza.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(frintezza.getObjectId(), 4)); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(2), 100); break; case 2: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 250, 120, 15, 0, 1000, 0); showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 250, 120, 15, 0, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(3), 6500); break; case 3: frintezza.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(frintezza, frintezza, 5006, 1, 34000, 0)); showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 500, 70, 15, 3000, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(4), 3000); break; case 4: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 2500, 90, 12, 6000, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(5), 3000); break; case 5: showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 250, _angle, 12, 0, 1000, 0); showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 250, _angle, 12, 0, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(6), 500); break; case 6: weakScarlet.doDie(weakScarlet); showSocialActionMovie(weakScarlet, 450, _angle, 14, 8000, 8000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(7), 6250); break; case 7: NpcLocation loc = new NpcLocation(); loc.set(weakScarlet.getLoc()); loc.npcId = _strongScarletId; weakScarlet.deleteMe(); weakScarlet = null; strongScarlet = spawn(loc); strongScarlet.addListener(_deathListener); block(strongScarlet, true); showSocialActionMovie(strongScarlet, 450, _angle, 12, 500, 14000, 2); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(9), 5000); break; case 9: blockAll(false); for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.leaveMovieMode(); Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5017, 1); skill.getEffects(strongScarlet, strongScarlet, false, false); break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class Die extends RunnableImpl { private int _taskId = 0; public Die(int taskId) { _taskId = taskId; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { try { switch (_taskId) { case 1: blockAll(true); int _angle = Math.abs((strongScarlet.getHeading() < 32768 ? 180 : 540) - (int) (strongScarlet.getHeading() / 182.044444444)); showSocialActionMovie(strongScarlet, 300, _angle - 180, 5, 0, 7000, 0); showSocialActionMovie(strongScarlet, 200, _angle, 85, 4000, 10000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Die(2), 7500); break; case 2: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 100, 120, 5, 0, 7000, 0); showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 100, 90, 5, 5000, 15000, 0); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Die(3), 6000); break; case 3: showSocialActionMovie(frintezza, 900, 90, 25, 7000, 10000, 0); frintezza.doDie(frintezza); frintezza = null; ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Die(4), 7000); break; case 4: for (Player pc : getPlayers()) pc.leaveMovieMode(); cleanUp(); break; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("Error On Frintezza Death", e); } } } private void cleanUp() { startCollapseTimer(15 * 60 * 1000L); for (Player p : getPlayers()) p.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THIS_DUNGEON_WILL_EXPIRE_IN_S1_MINUTES).addNumber(15)); for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) n.deleteMe(); } // Hack: ToRemove when doors will operate normally in reflections private void blockUnblockNpcs(boolean block, int[] npcArray) { for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) if (ArrayUtils.contains(npcArray, n.getNpcId())) { if (block) { n.block(); n.setIsInvul(true); } else { n.unblock(); n.setIsInvul(false); } } } public class CurrentHpListener implements OnCurrentHpDamageListener { @Override public void onCurrentHpDamage(Creature actor, double damage, Creature attacker, Skill skill) { if (actor.isDead() || actor != weakScarlet) return; double newHp = actor.getCurrentHp() - damage; double maxHp = actor.getMaxHp(); switch (_scarletMorph) { case 1: if (newHp < 0.75 * maxHp) { _scarletMorph = 2; ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new SecondMorph(1), 1100); } break; case 2: if (newHp < 0.1 * maxHp) { _scarletMorph = 3; ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new ThirdMorph(1), 2000); } break; } } } private class DeathListener implements OnDeathListener { @Override public void onDeath(Creature self, Creature killer) { if (self.isNpc()) { if (self.getNpcId() == HallAlarmDevice) { for (int i = 0; i < hallADoors.length; i++) openDoor(hallADoors[i]); blockUnblockNpcs(false, blockANpcs); for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) if (ArrayUtils.contains(blockANpcs, n.getNpcId())) n.getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_AGGRESSION, getPlayers().get(Rnd.get(getPlayers().size())), 200); } else if (ArrayUtils.contains(blockANpcs, self.getNpcId())) { //ToCheck: find easier way for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) if (ArrayUtils.contains(blockANpcs, n.getNpcId()) && !n.isDead()) return; for (int i = 0; i < corridorADoors.length; i++) openDoor(corridorADoors[i]); blockUnblockNpcs(true, blockBNpcs); } else if (self.getNpcId() == DarkChoirPlayer) { for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) if (n.getNpcId() == DarkChoirPlayer && !n.isDead()) return; for (int i = 0; i < hallBDoors.length; i++) openDoor(hallBDoors[i]); blockUnblockNpcs(false, blockBNpcs); } else if (ArrayUtils.contains(blockBNpcs, self.getNpcId())) { if (Rnd.chance(10)) ((NpcInstance) self).dropItem(killer.getPlayer(), DewdropItem, 1); //ToCheck: find easier way for (NpcInstance n : getNpcs()) if ((ArrayUtils.contains(blockBNpcs, n.getNpcId()) || ArrayUtils.contains(blockANpcs, n.getNpcId())) && !n.isDead()) return; for (int i = 0; i < corridorBDoors.length; i++) openDoor(corridorBDoors[i]); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new FrintezzaStart(), battleStartDelay); } else if (self.getNpcId() == _weakScarletId) { self.decayMe(); return; } else if (self.getNpcId() == _strongScarletId) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new Die(1), 10); setReenterTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } } } public class ZoneListener implements OnZoneEnterLeaveListener { @Override public void onZoneEnter(Zone zone, Creature cha) { } @Override public void onZoneLeave(Zone zone, Creature cha) { if (cha.isNpc() && (cha.getNpcId() == _weakScarletId || cha.getNpcId() == _strongScarletId)) { cha.teleToLocation(new Location(-87784, -153304, -9176)); ((NpcInstance) cha).getAggroList().clear(true); cha.setCurrentHpMp(cha.getMaxHp(), cha.getMaxMp()); cha.broadcastCharInfo(); } } } @Override protected void onCollapse() { super.onCollapse(); if (musicTask != null) musicTask.cancel(true); } }
  12. Hi guys , i'm trying to change this java code from java 7 to java 8 who can help me please change it . i want change it , for L2RO-TEAM source /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.l2jserver.ArabicUtilities; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.NpcStringId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; /** * This class ... * * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/03/27 15:29:57 $ */ public final class CreatureSay extends L2GameServerPacket { // ddSS private static final String _S__4A_CREATURESAY = "[S] 4A CreatureSay"; private int _objectId; private int _textType; private String _charName = null; private int _charId = 0; private String _text = null; private int _npcString = -1; private List<String> _parameters; /** * @param objectId * @param messageType * @param charName * @param text */ public CreatureSay(int objectId, int messageType, String charName, String text) { _objectId = objectId; _textType = messageType; _charName = charName; _text = text; } public CreatureSay(int objectId, int messageType, int charId, NpcStringId npcString) { _objectId = objectId; _textType = messageType; _charId = charId; _npcString = npcString.getId(); } public CreatureSay(int objectId, int messageType, String charName, NpcStringId npcString) { _objectId = objectId; _textType = messageType; _charName = charName; _npcString = npcString.getId(); } public CreatureSay(int objectId, int messageType, int charId, SystemMessageId sysString) { _objectId = objectId; _textType = messageType; _charId = charId; _npcString = sysString.getId(); } /** * String parameter for argument S1,S2,.. in npcstring-e.dat * @param text */ public void addStringParameter(String text) { if (_parameters == null) _parameters = new ArrayList<>(); _parameters.add(text); } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0x4a); writeD(_objectId); writeD(_textType); if (_charName != null) writeS(_charName); else writeD(_charId); writeD(_npcString); // High Five NPCString ID if (_text != null) {//only edit this if (ArabicUtilities.hasArabicLetters(_text)) { String ttext = ArabicUtilities.reshapeSentence(_text); writeS(ttext); } else { writeS(_text); } }//only edit this else { if (_parameters != null) { for (String s : _parameters) writeS(s); } } } @Override public final void runImpl() { L2PcInstance _pci = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (_pci != null) { _pci.broadcastSnoop(_textType,_charName,_text); } } @Override public String getType() { return _S__4A_CREATURESAY; } }
  13. Hi guys , i have error in Frintezza instance , when frintezza reach number 3 transform he didn't spawn , i mean players in instance still in camera mode , who can help me please reply fast i use L2-RO Ava sources .
  14. Hi guys i'm looking for file in client side which let me type russian words who can help me reply fast please .
  15. hi guys i want open 2 gamesevers in one login panel with Fandc ro files .. how ?
  16. can you join with me team viewer ? try slove it , please if u can .
  17. i have this error , please help me fast my server online now , i don't know how this problem happen[29.05.18 05:39:27:607] ERROR npc.NpcTemplate: Unable to create instance of NPC 13042java.lang.IllegalArgumentExceptionat sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor53.newInstance(Unknown Source)at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)at l2ro.gameserver.templates.npc.NpcTemplate.getNewInstance(NpcTemplate.java:164)at l2ro.gameserver.model.Spawner.doSpawn0(Spawner.java:203)at l2ro.gameserver.model.HardSpawner.doSpawn(HardSpawner.java:54)at l2ro.gameserver.model.Spawner.init(Spawner.java:129)at l2ro.gameserver.instancemanager.SpawnManager.spawn(SpawnManager.java:202)at l2ro.gameserver.instancemanager.SpawnManager.spawnAll(SpawnManager.java:163)at l2ro.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:246)at l2ro.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:486)
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