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Posts posted by lecassis

  1. is where bake ice encrypts all packets, and send it to server. What you have to do is find a way to reempplace the normal encryptation of L2, with the bake ice encryptation, using maybe a cracked DLL from bake ice or something.


    After that, change the ports that L2 normally uses ( 7777 bla bla) in the engine.dll, that is easy. And IP in the l2.ini i think too.




    npkpdb.dll  npkcrypt.dll    <<<<<<<< i would love to know what these files do





  2. bake ice use`s apihook and troyan code, that is WHY many antivirus will detect it like suspicious, it creates a kind of backdoors   (any fukking soft made by chineesse has backdoors, that its a fact).


    After using bake ice, pro-firewalls will detect that some guy every 60 minutes will try to get into your PC, allways with a chinese IP.


    i found that part of the AUTH-server-side its made by NC soft ( loool )


    Think this: 50/100 ppl that downloads patchs from lots of servers to play, has posted on those server`s forums this: "OMG i cant play omg omg my antivirus says !"··%$·$|@#~|@#~"  and admins, can only say: dont worry, disable antivirus when you play, its all right


    So i can only say this: dont play on any server that uses bake ice, because its dangerous. I wont a retard chinese guy watching or reading my stuff while im playing in a server trought bake ice.



    PS: It would be greatfully that some1 manage to crack it, not just to bot, or w/e, but to play safe


    Ok, but it's part of the encrypted code, used by the APIHOOK  coding. it might sounds like a virus, but don't worry, it's just a piece of the code of the BAKEICE's libraries.

    apparently it can't be cracked, yet, because the APIHOOK change and hide process, net traffic, and a several functions of the WINAPI

    In fact, any launcher of any server opens hidden backdoors in a way to stablish connections with the game servers; but it's a great possibility to leave ports, or anything, open in our computer and in the game server. if we can't know the functions of APIHOOK it would be a good access for WHO knows these coding...

    this are the first translated paragraph of the BAKEICE readme:

    Thank use BAKE ICE landers!

    //------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------

    BAKE ICE landers use a lot of system underlying technology


    1: embedded code compilation APIHOOK


    2: View plug modules plug button shielding exhaled


    3: The main function of the point of entry to protect game


    4: Game encryption function replacement


    5: Second landing packet encryption


    6: block transmission and unknown Transmission

  4. hello guys, i put here the bake ice, so it will help you find a way to crack it and finally bot on any server, all we know now all teh servers are going under bake ice ( grrrr). I dont know about decompilers or that kind of stuff, but some one here i bet will find out how it works.


    This is the bake ice un-packed, with the configurator, DLL´s, auth method and stuff, it will be more easy to find a way to bypass it maybe with it.


    I managed to configure the bake ice of some serverswith it, but i didnt found out how to bypass it. Turksauron found a way, in another post, but it is a " light" bake ice, it isnt using the DLL´s and auth of the rest of servers, so you can use IG walker, but the "hard" bake ice`d servers you cant do anything.



    here is the " raw " bake ice:






    GL to the genious brains, hope this will be usefull

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