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  1. ◄√i®uS►'s post in Editing Boots And Gloves Textures was marked as the answer   
    Look for .sp
  2. ◄√i®uS►'s post in Custom Npc was marked as the answer   
    Change the NPC you need
    template id
  3. ◄√i®uS►'s post in Help Find The Animation was marked as the answer   



  4. ◄√i®uS►'s post in Help To Edit L2Ui_Ct1.utx High Five was marked as the answer   
    texture must match the format if the format of the package RGBA8, then you must have a texture format .tga
  5. ◄√i®uS►'s post in Masks For Interlude From H5 was marked as the answer   
    пришлось поискать за вас...(RUS)
    had to look for you ... (ENG)
  6. ◄√i®uS►'s post in Texture Stacking When Switching Weapons was marked as the answer   
    теперь должно нормально работать (RUS)
    should now work properly (ENG)
  7. ◄√i®uS►'s post in [Help] Adapt God Npc To Interlude was marked as the answer   
    did everything just was not included in the alpha channel in the file
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