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Posts posted by dekko

  1. hello to everyone i will not ask to anyone make anythink for me i just need some help or a topic or everythink that can help me to understand how to adapt a Code on aCis pack if someone can plz help me..... Thnx for your time.... 

  2. Hello guyies i have a acis pack 420 rev i have a problem with the bufffer when i create the scheme and after press den support now nothink happends..... after this i find a another code on MaxCheaters about a buffer that have fighter & Mage set buffs that was awsome but still did't work when i press on buffs nothink happends...So i have 2 dayies to sleep right now plz someone Help me and if is possipble add a code with a buffer for 420 rev with Fighter & Mage Set....

    Thanx for your Time..... :D

  3. hello guyes i have to sleep 2 dayies i have a big problem with my buffer i use aCis 420 rev and the buffer didnt suport my buffes i create the schreme and  nothink happends... then i find a share that hade Fighter or Mage suport that was better but again i press on the fighter buffs and nothink happends... plz if someone can post a code on a Buffer with Mage & Archer Set...

    thenx for your time anywayies :D

  4. First off all thenx for sharing and for all the help that you give to us... :D... second one mor problem in the Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/skillhandlers/Resurrect.java i do not have the line that you tell to paste under it..... andi i have (X) on 2 other files escape.java and getplayier.java.... plz give me some instractions and thnx again :D

  5. Din't work..... i create the L2Npc,add the jave to costum/server,, edit the script.cfg,,startgameserver and when i spawn the npc and click on it just tell me Quest.. :/  whats wrong??

  6. geia sas paidia katevasa to acis pack alla exw ena thema. eixa mia buffer apo l2jfrozen h opoia eixe .py arxio ala3a ta import alla ota to etre3a mou evgale ena error kai m leei:

    ========>Error on: C:\Users\Dev\Desktop\aCis Pack\aCis_Server\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\20701_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log

    Line: -1 - Column: -1
    No engine registered for extension (py)<===========
    kapoios pou na mpwrei na m pei na kanw plz gt exw trelathh....
    efxaristw gia ton xrono sas.. :D


  7. thats good but how can i do it from config??


    Sorry, but there are 2 things to be pointed out.


    1. It's shit code :D  You don't need this and personally I would create a map with a config for that :P

    L2ItemInstance item

    2. It's useless since the same thing that you want to do is inside classes folder. You can define items for all newbie classes :troll:

    <items val="1147;1146;10;2369;5588" />

    But well, nice try :happyforever:

    how can i do this??

  8. kalhspera mages katevasa ena l2jserver svn to perasa sto eclipse kai exei X se ena arxio mesa sta java p legete FaenorScriptEngine.java mipws 3erei kaneis ti prepei na kanw? kai m vgazei afto to error otan to trexw ant 1 Buildfile: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build.xml

        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\classes
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\dist
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\dist\login
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\dist\gameserver
         [exec] Result: 1
        [javac] Compiling 1213 source files to C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\classes
        [javac] javac: invalid target release: 1.8
        [javac] Usage: javac <options> <source files>
        [javac] use -help for a list of possible options
    C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build.xml:51: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    Total time: 5 seconds
  9. Hello Guys i have one compile pack L2jFrozen and i would like to know how can i use a java code on it as i read on some other topics this cant be posible so i find l2jfrozen SVN (  http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2jFrozenInterlude/trunk/  ) i add it on SVN repositories on eclipse but when checkout finished and i open the files to put the codes that i need then to comple the pack and take the files i add and to put it in to my pack.... i reallize i didnt had the Java folder is it normal i did somethink mistake or what happent?? and can i  put some java codes on my compile pack??? thnx for your time if you can help help plz :D

  10. είναι καλύτερα να πάρεις ένα Source και να κάνεις εκεί πάνω δουλειές παρά ένα Compiled, άλλο που δεν μπορείς να πειράξεις τα Java των Compilted, μόνο με Decompile και αυτό πάλι θα σε φάει το κεφάλι.

    άμα έχεις l2j-frozen υπάρχουν Shares που είναι μέσο python Και όχι java! αυτοί οι δυο τρόποι θα σε σώσουν μόνο

    1) python Password Manager

    2) ένα καινούργιο Source για να το δουλεύεις με eclipse.

    Nase kala file mou eisai o prwtos meta apo 15000 post 300000 pms p m eipe kati alla ama s einai efkolo na m peis h na m di3eis kapoio tutorial pws na perasw to source xwreis na gamisw to pack p exw ftia3ei mexri twra tha me voithage ama theleis sthle m to skype sou se PM na se kanw add kai euxaristw kai pallh

  11. dose m t skype s se pm na sto fti

    file m epidei exw compile pack mipws tha mpwrouses na m peis pws na to perasw etimo to npc ida to post p eipes sto alo paidi pws na to kanei etimo sto eclipse alla poio code akrivos pernaw?? ama mpwreis plz kane me add skype Doctorgr gt exw psa3ei padou kai prwth fora vlepw enan p na leei pws ginete kai bravo sou... ama mpwreseis plz kane me add gt thelw na perasw kai kati alla npc alla den 3erw pws na ta fria3w thnx for your time btw....eisai magas :D

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