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Posts posted by Balrog•

  1. skype : Pilitsakos




    Name : Pilitss
    Hello im old member but i lose my account and i create new :D



    My service is HQ and very cheap !



    What i can do? : i can design everything rework forum,website,logos,animation logo,banners, etc. 


    I dont have time to edit this topic so you can find me on skype : Pilitsakos





    Soon i will upload previews.





    Have a nice day :*







    New website v1 for sell !

    Website Info : Slider,PHP,PSD,Hover Buttons,Scripts




    too many servers open every day every week and every month , all claim theyr server is the best but we all know that ppl are behind the game and our nature is to be greedy and corrupted and to lie so we can achieve our donations and fame  :)

    so mr chaosnetwork u need to come up with smth better than a new logo and some promises of a "nice" server cuz ppl are already full with this trash .

    i respect ppl work behind a server cuz i was part of it and i know what it means to get there , but most of new server have few days of work behind the "grand opening" so need to compare with the years of work and a small army of paid devs and strict game mechanincs to fix things around from NC , when most of so called server owners have no clue about the real l2 and they customise everything in a personal way calling it retail like.

    so mr chaosnetwork are u up for this ?





    :gtfo:  :rage:

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