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Posts posted by Gahvilia

  1. Thank you very much for your reply,


    After reading your post, i decided that I'm gonna start from scratch messing with the executables on my own.

    I have a very basic assembly knowledge, i was planning on expanding this knowledge regardless of my current need for it.So it's a good thing.


    And there are two last things i want to ask:

    1. If you have a set of  tutorials about reverse engineering and cracking you followed that you suggest as "good", please link them for me. I would appreciate it. If not it's completely fine.
    2. How can i do more than just a hooking? E.x. expanding the executable with some c++ code. i believe that the extenders ppl buy were made this way,
  2. Hello there guys,


    Just started messing around with L2Off servers, and there are many questions I'd like to see answered. It would be very nice if you guys could help me achieve that.


    First of all, some things about me, so that you can better understand what i want to do.

    I'm 20 yo, studying software engineering in a university here at my country. I love Lineage2 and i was curious to learn how it was made and how were these private servers i used to play was created.

    So i started with the later. The first thing i did was searching on google using the following sentence: "Lineage2 server development". Back then the first result was a L2j server emulator, providing some nightly builds and some easy to follow tutorials. After a while, i managed to get my first server running, but something seemed wrong (tons of bugs, skills not working ,missing geodata e.t.c), I've searched for many other l2j packs ,repeated the process of building the server only to see the same results.

    I ended up on some forums (RageZone) which was then the most active community regarding this stuff, and after talking to some guys there, i was excited to see that besides L2j server packs there were others called OFF packs (I've seen this section before on forums but never visited them :/). To keep things sort, since then I've read a lot about L2Off development, i built a server (using the PPC release which i can't find now) which was supposed to be working but i couldn't test because i didn't have the right tools (I had a Pentium D computer back then with 512mb ram). I lost my interest, but now 5-6 years later, i got the right stuff and decided to start over again.


    1. To begin with, I'm interested in building an interlude server, using any pack and extender that works .

    Seeing that many things are similar to back then, besides extenders (i don't recall using any of them) i think i wont have any problems getting through this step.

    I just want to get through the process again, see how Geodata works, how easy is to modify server properties e.t.c.


    2. I want to try developing something on my own, I've already found this nice article about extenders, but i was wondering if there is any source code available out there.

    What is also bugging me, is how big extenders like DepMax64, dvamp and Vangant/Kation were made.

    Did they use the above method to implement all these features, and to fix all these bugs?

    Where did these executables (L2Server,L2Npc,L2Cached,L2Authd etc) came from?


    3. Regarding the article mentioned above, i believe it is best to make a post there, but i want to keep things in one place, in order to find them easier.

    How can i find which function to alter in order to add, change a feature or fix a bug. Is there a list with known methods and functions?


    4. How to check if an extender has backdoors in it?


    5. How are these servers treated by NCSOFT, if they care at all.


    This post may be updated.

    Please refrain from flaming if i asked something stupid, since I'm a noob regarding this stuff.

    Sorry for my grammar and mistakes of any kind, I'll try to improve it.


    Thanks in advance.

    Friendly, Dimitris.


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