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Posts posted by Karasu

  1. Today we reveal Referral system where people can earn $ that can be spent in donation dervices, E shop ( soon released ) or you can take money out. It's nothing big deal but if you got alot of friends that follow you, then theese players deserve to take % of their referrals when ever they donate ( system is automated,  we are not greedy ). Basically when example person refers with his referral link 25+ players, each time one of theese players make donation , your account will recive the %.


    Today we will finish up uploading Client to torrent & final translation on website that will be used, and its ready to go. Beta in 4 days.


    Great system. Good luck with server!

    You did nice promotion so you shouldnt have any problem!

  2. yes advertising is so low.


    or l2 is too dead

    Dreams was once top server with 3k+ real online!


    I appreciate Ghost patience & work, also his passion for l2!

    Dreams was my most favorite server of all the times and ive played it since 2008 to 2011 / His server gives a total different vibe than any other l2 server that ever existed

  3. if we gather 12 no in the poll project wont run , if we gother 30 yes it will start

    sec to log my mxc accounts to vote no


     / edit

    you rly care about what mxc vote? lol...

  4. p.s 2 for the prev. guy, no you didn't join to our test server. I would've known you. The only garbage here is your talk. Take care.


    Why ,you think my skype is called Karasu? rofl ,You dont remember G Alecs skype when i asked u for system patch? joined,tested,blocked you



    That garbage pack dont worth more than 100 euro considering the shitload of bugs it has. You are just scamming people so lol, youre very funny man.


    oh look, someone is mad, his name is l2 scripts



    PS: Fixed language to make you feel more comfortable


    So unless you fix your prices considering your poor quality, nobody will buy your crap! No wondering they share your stuff

    Why mad? : (

  5. Ertheia is total garbage. I joined their test server and it was the worst buggest horrorland i ever joined, well its ok to play it with some friends for fun, maybe in 2 years will be ready

    L2 is dead anyway and ertheia will be forgotten untill it gets ready for a live server


    Thanks for share by the way! I can have some fun now

  6. The fuck is wrong with you. 

    I only logged here to post a video recently and my name pops up on every 2 days server topic from some admin that open a server to get donations for an ANIME SITE. 

    Now for Stalone, making a good high rate server is impossible because the community is just too retarded. Even if you do a really good server ppl will just quit because reasons such as they don't like skill animations. Best of luck if u gonna try again. 

    I don't even like Juan. Only reason I helped him before 1 year or 2 was Chyba. 

    I don't open a server because I don't wanna get cancer from this community. 

    Why would I donate for a server that I know will die in less than 2 months. If I'd wanna waste money I'd rather pay your hooker. At least that would be money well spent. 

    You are willing to live a life from an anime site and donations from l2 servers, yet u are telling me I've got no future. Fair enough. 

    Wanna be entertained? Just go fuck a duck. 


    Hi davidakos ,sup ,still bitching ?

  7. wrong vlad lickballz axel faggot


    The players leave server when they get bored. Is the community fault and wiping the server wont bring the kids back.

    Thats why is necessary new projects, to GET ALL THE PLAYERS BACK


    You want me to keep sv with 20 online 1 year? gtfo you do it and spend money on dedi  :y u no?:  ,fag who never opened a server or donated to even consider crying/complaining/hating ,shit kid with no future ROFL  :not bad:  ,keep me entertained , i like it.

  8. Now i read this top retarded romanian guy :)))))


    Yep and he pulled, he got over 500 online, the fail is not my problem




    yep youre part of that retarded community

    Congratulations, you have something to be proud in life for  :happyforever:


    L2 died with trashes ppl like you...

    No more svs for you homos, go back to trash aeron

  9. Well i joined here 2 days ago and checking it out,

    Nukers nerfed? I think your hands are nerfed to play this game

    Every server has fake online, but this has more then 200 (i would say top 500 which is kinda good in 2k15 in this situation) and 50% less bots then on any other server

    Geo sux? Its actually really good though

    I bet you are the one of guys actually that got banned for botting and posting now here a fake review.


    I smell an gm a$$licker

    and beatnuts is the worst whinner/cryer in mxc history.

  10. OMG A GIRL!



    Stalone likes to pay artists painting this useless crap

    But anyway looks good for the eyes at least 


    Isnt that Helene? who twitch all servers "so bad at l2"


    EDIT: I just saw helene written there, yeah right... 

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