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Posts posted by ADAL13

  1. Hi,

    well i started to play in theabyss about 2 weeks ago, now, me and my friends are 50~ so I want to trade my old things in Infinity x5 for items here, in theabyss x7

    List of some items:

    Draco Bow +0

    DC Light set [enchanted some parts don't remeber whichs xD]

    Majestic/BO Jewelly

    Karmian +5 set..

    and more things in my ware,

    If interested plis post here,

    offer in items, adena.


    Bests Regards;


  2. Wow Great Job man. My best regards. At least a bot in spanish :P

    I can help u to translate it into english.

    And please can u make it work on Dragon-Network?

    It will be a little complicate but I hope u will get it.

    Later I will PM u.

    Bests regards;

  3. Hellow well I'm wondering if there is a form in l2walker that when your shadow weapons disappear it automatically equips other shadow weapon placed in your invetory. Is that possible? How?

    Cause I was sawing all the options and nothing... maybe with a script but there isn't a command like CHAR P.ATK lower than X do that so?

    Any solution?


  4. why I get this critical error when the l2 walker client just pass at selection character window?

    All works perfect but i get this critical, i followed the guide step by step and it's strange cause one 1week ago it worked but then i format my pc and install l2 client interlude again and do all again but don't work. I get this on l2 walker client anyone knows?

    2008.8.22 01:01:40

    OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

    CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 1003 MHz with 575MB RAM

    Video : RADEON 9200 PRO Family (Microsoft Corporation) (6462)


    CreateVertexShader failed(D3DERR_INVALIDCALL).


    History: CreateShader <- FD3DVertexShader::FD3DVertexShader <- UD3DRenderDevice::GetVertexShader <- FD3DRenderInterface::SetVertexStreams <- USubSkeletalMeshInstance::Render <- USkeletalMeshInstance::Render <- FDynamicActor::Render <- Actor <- TranslucentRendering <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


  5. Hi people well I'm back to the world of L2, I tried to bot into L2 Dex Romania, and what I got?

    "Access Failed, please try later"

    I read the rules on the web (www.lineage.ro) and it says that if you tried to bot you will be permanently banned but, what does it means? it means IP Ban? Mac Ban? Account Ban? Because I registered a new account and it says the same. So? What can I do? Because I changed my private IP but the public IP doesn't change, I have static IP so? Maybe to enter with proxy or something like that? I saw the "proxy bypass ban ip" thread opened in this forum but it says me "proxy links fails" or simply the client says "Access Failed, please try later"

    I tried the ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns and nothing :(

    Thanks you in advance

  6. So, if i understand it correctly it's very similar of I did on my last server I proxificate the conection with Proxifier to SOCKS 5 and in this proxy i setted the WPC of Sauron with the scripts and then i run l2walker IG and login in the server with the connection kept proxificate in the sauron's wpc so i can pass the login, it's the same thing but u mustn't use any kind of script only u must run the program to reproxificate the connection to walker client no? But for this u must use a Proxifier program or something like that no?

    Well in other order of things THANKS U FOR UR TIME AND KNOWLEDGE!

  7. So, if i understood correctly, the loader hacks the core.dll calls and it adds a new encryption right?

    This new encryption, replaces blowfish, or just is an addon? That could be a problem.


    It could be posible to follow the code and analyse it. Then, it will only need a little bit of codding of a FS script. But anyway I am not playing L2 atm, so i can't help.


    I suppose that is that. But, I think that WPC FS language is limited in this way, maybe make a simple dll in C++?


  8. We should show this little protection for bigger cracker groups (vitality, FLT, Reloaded, razor1911, hatred etc). Who know how can we reach them? BTW it's not risky for them, cuz these servers are already illegal, and bakeice is just an unofficial spyware.

    OMG, probarly they won't do a bypass, I think that the protection is easy and a programer with knowledge about C++ and OllyDBG and how works L2 can bypass it. (I don't know C++/OLly i'm trying to learn it)

  9. First advance:

    I can proxificate the LS packets with Proxifier+WPF 6.05 of Sauron. But I have a bad notice for you,  the token isn't the default cuz if I proxificate the connection without any script I get the Init packet decripted and the rest of the LS encripted cuz they are encrypted with the token blowfish and if proxificate the connection with this script


    gSys.tLA2BFToken:=Hstr('33 31 3D 2D 25 26 40 21 5E 2B 5D 5B 3B 27 2E 5D 39 34 2D 00');


    I get the same packets still encripted so that isn't the correct token


  10. Yeah man, I'll explain me, I already know the IP and Port, that's because when I enter for first time to Arena, I proxificated the connection. I don't try with your system,

    See, with the Official Launcher of Dragon i get 9packets on the login server, some of them encrypted, so the servers uses some kind of protection, so what i'm looking from you is tell me what did you do exactly on the system to allow enter with the IG, u understand me?

    Because if you tell me that, I can make an idea how the protection works and make a script to pass it

    Ah I know also the ProtocolVersion.

    I saw that the server changes the ip of the LS and GS because in GS is

    well here are the data:




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