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Posts posted by Godrics

  1. Kemosa & crabbed were based on pride pack. WG and nexus of hnoke never did so and despite of what you believe I can prove that anytime given I have free time to spend.


    Also regarding that part not all servers you referred opened just in order to grab the money and close after a while. From my point of view that happened only in the case of kemosa or hayze this person used someone's else work and fucked up his own server with the corruption of donations he has made available e.g. passive skills and so on. Crabbed was a decent server and never gave me the idea that it was built to grab people's money. Same goes for nexus of hnoke and my team's project.


    On the other hand about your project of course you tried in the beginning to handle it but then you realised how sweet the money is and overdid it with the donations as well which actually is ok because you spent time in order to create stuff and personally I know how hard this is to manage a whole project. I would have no problem to co operate with you if you realised that being just a good coder doesn't equal success to a project and if you thumps up those who with less knowledge have lead you into destruction and I'm sure you know that I mean.


    So all in all if you set an open invitation to the owners of those servers you referred I am open to conversation which doesn't mean I expect anything from that project.


    In fact I always have been open to discuss with open minded people but you weren't one of those you acted like you know everything and this is your biggest mistake nobody does know everything.


    You might be good on java I might be good on strategy management someone else might be good on knowing the aspects of the game and so on. So only in the case you respect equally people as people then you can go on.

  2. well..who is more pathetic ? we that we are talking/playing krobelus or krobelus that made maverickvzla global moderator? i liked the que that he know perfect english ^^not that i know xd anyway krobelus got not community not even 2 big clans as i watching ..revo just playing there cuz they got nothing to do, 150 ppl is nothing..Sorceri server had more on the seven opening ^^

    Yea before 5 - 6 years he may had but things are different in 2k17 so your comparison is outaded and doesn't make sense after all. Your point of view has no sense at all. Btw not trying to defend this krobelus. I don't know even who he is but I know who you are and everybody knows who trashdem is so that's why I'm posting to clear things out. Thus said as about trashdem he has always strong opinion for himself beeing the best and blahblah but it seems people have a different opinion and I'm one of them, the point is that he never learns 'nough said.

  3. I will watch it grow and the higher the online gets the more happy I will, you're just growing hype for my server, thats the purpose of your life


    Just because you know good coding doesn't mean that you can succeed. How many more times I have to destroy you to understand that ? You never learn..

  4. Awwww it hurts honey? Is ok it will pass  :-[


    Ps. i didn't bother read your text, i just saw is big so i guess you're on drama.

    Drama ? You are the drama queen of the forum what are you talking about queen ?


    Also your english are so greekish actually, "it will pass"  that expression doesn't even exist : d


    Ps: you didn't bother to read which means you will never grow up and never learn in your life. It's your choice though. Queen

  5. Congratulations for greek in an EN section. I guess sofoklis didn't mention your stupidy




    A moderator calling members retard. Good.

    You're so low quality i see why your clients flame you rofl   :-[


    PS. i forgot






    You're useless in this forum, you can't design, you can't code life sucks i know. Poor kid

    Also template? When i did the timelapses video i bet u didnt watch them but since u live in island i bet ur net can't load it LEL

    Since Ave is useless in this forum hopefully we have the useful one in here, who's you. Hence you have to show & prove us your achievements cuz what you presented previously as photoshop work sucked into my eyes and as about coding, well if you know how to code it means nothing for me. It's good for yourself to have mastered a skill or w/e but the point is to show us your achievements by using that skill eg: opening a server and succeeding to the complete strategy rather than spending all day here criticising others and posting hate comments. Trust me posting a bad criticism for someone else doesn't make you better if you don't have arguements and define the reasons you do so plus others might like it and you are equal to every single member. You are not a kind of God over here neither you or xdem. That's why I referred to Sofoklis and as about the greek quote on a non greek section it seems that I passed my message and you know how to read greek so.. ;) you can fuck yourself or commit a suicide for not accepting something that is pretty cool. Gtfo already

  6. @ Ave don't give a shit for the "I have bigger dick than yours" comments. It's a stunning work into my eyes : ) GG.


    Cut the fun, ya know how hard is this  :dat:  At least 5 min in photoshop 


    Its literally 10 minutes of work for a photshop professional, I would consider this amateur if it was coding, idk why you felt like posting


    Το ίδιο ισχύει και για τους δυο σας.


  7. Hmm I don't see how that makes sense since all donations are refunded. But ok, thanks for the bump on the topic.


    So people must know that if they join you they will play on a donators refunded server. That's coool 




    You bumped your topic right before me so it's ok. 

  8. Hayze will be completely wiped and start fresh on July 13th 2016. Hope to see you there.




    So in fact you are telling people that you took their money from op donations, closed the server because of that and then you tried to open a second project which failed since grand opening because of 20 people online and now you come here to open back your "hayze" because you miss the donation money. I'm laughing at you

  9. I like the potential of this server but I like it even more since it has never been wiped into my eyes it's gz mate just for that reason. It tells me a lot  :) serious players should give it a try !

  10. Thank you for your post victoria,


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    Let me know if you have any other questions. You can also contact us directly via contact on our website: https://smart-guard.eu/en/


    Could you reply on email, here or skype on the messages I sent you ? I would be pleased.


  11. le memer states that he/she/it is openly racist and flamed about greek ppl but he is a moderator so if i report his fucking posts cause based on the rules they must get deleted  he will just ignore the report lmao. legit

    when u hate something or some1 u just prove  that ur sad and ur life sucks otherwhise u dont have a reason to hate if ur happy, little shit. both middle fingers up 



  12. Im not, but you said it like greeks developed everything. Plus a gr server has nothing to do with developing. That was a private server, so they didn't share a single fix, I bet. They did it for themselves, so your argument is simply invalid. Thats my point :P


    I didn't say Greeks developed everything but the perseus admin le meme or what is his name says that lineage 2 has been destroyed by the Greek community. And the only reason that he is able to write and post here is because of a greek admin Maxtor who gave him the access. 

  13. What developing side? You want to say that l2jserver and l2jfree team (mainly) was/is full of greeks? O.o


    If you are talking about frozen then ha, right. Russian pack with their own fixed fixes which require a fix.


    Being a moderator doesnt mean that we cant have our own pov and we have to be kind for community and agree what you say, get real.


    Greeks contribution to lineage is huge. I can remember very successful servers with thousands of people inside. Famous names such as bnb, l2gold were made by Greeks. This forum's creator is a Greek. L2 would never be what it was without the greek community get over it. If you think Brazilians, mexicans are better in developing or in community or even russians that play on official l2 off type servers have higher perspective than Greeks then you are fooled. 

  14. greeks are the reason why l2j interlude is the laughing stock of the gaming community

    yes, im sure the world can take notes on how to put their country into massive debt 

    You shut the fuck about Greeks. You are moderator on a greek forum here, whose admin is a Greek. Lineage 2 would never be what it is without the greek community player and developing side. 

  15. Σιγά ρε γαμιά των 5  Ηπείρων.....


    Εσένα σου μίλησε κανείς ; ή θες απλά να το παίξεις ο μάγκας και ας είσαι εκτός θέματος ; Εγώ ότι είχα να πω στον xdem το είπα. Ξέρω το πατρικό του, τις αδερφές του τη μάνα του τον πατέρα του ξέρω τα πάντα αυτός ούτε το όνομά μου δεν ξέρει. Ας καταλάβουν οι πιο έξυπνοι ποιος είναι σε πλεονεκτική και ποιος σε μειονεκτική θέση. 


    ~ Cheers 

  16. a kai pes mou kai pia giati exw 3


    Την Έλενα  :-*  


    Ξέρω τα πάντα για εσένα σου λέω ενώ εσύ δεν ξέρεις τίποτα και πιστεύεις ότι είμαι και χοντρός  :happyforever:  ΑΧΑΧΑΧ είσαι το τσίρκο του φόρουμ ρε φίλε σοβαρά σε λυπάμαι. Ο ένας σου γαμάει τη μάνα ο 2ος admin μου σου γαμάει τη μια αδερφή και ο άλλος την άλλη. Το μόνο που μένει είναι να γαμήσω και εγώ εσένα να δέσει το πράμα. 

  17. gia pes mou na ma9w kai egw. giati nai genika oi ginekes den gamiounte stin elada kai mou kanei entipwsi.


    eiste pou9enades edw mesa kai mazi sas ginome kai egw oso asxoloume

    Μια χαρά γαμιούνται αφού σου γάμησε την αδερφή έχω και υλικό.


    BTW τον έχω στο staff μου αυτόν που στην έκανε τη δουλειά  

  18. γτ σ γαμαγα τη μανα πριν την σχολη και μετα



    AXAXAXAXAXAX Δώσε δώσεε. Ξέρω και άλλους που του γάμαγαν την αδερφή :D μπορώ να μιλήσω και επώνυμα. 

  19. arakse opws sou ipa den vgiazome


    Κοίταξε, αυτό το υφάκι σε εμένα όχι. Εγώ σε απειλώ όχι εσύ και πρέπει να το καταλάβεις αυτό διότι ξέρω άτομα που σε ξέρουν σαν φυσιογνωμία, ξέρουμε σε ποια σχολή πας, που μένεις ξέρουμε τα πάντα. Οπότε αν καταφέρεις να μην κινδυνέψεις εσύ ο ίδιος μπορεί να την πληρώσει καμιά μάνα σου, κανένας πατέρας σου ή καμιά αδελφή σου, οπότε μπασταρδάκι μετρίασε τις απειλές σου και ξανά σκέψου σοβαρά τις λες γιατί το κουμάντο εγώ στο κάνω εσύ μόνο μπαρούφες είσαι. Οπότε, ξανά σκέψου ξανά πριν κάνεις κάτι και αν το καταφέρεις να ξέρεις ότι θα υπάρχουν οι συνέπειες των πράξεών σου.  Γκεγκε μόγγολε ; 

  20. 9a sta kopsw ta xamogela mia kai eksw, apla perimenw tin katalili stigmi den viazome.

    Θα μου κλάσεις τον πούτσο. Και όσον αφορά το ότι εγώ ενοχλώ, εγώ τη δουλειά μου κάνω.. εσύ ασχολείσαι μαζί μου :)

  21. den arni9ikes kati pantws, afto sto dinw


    Να αρνηθώ τι ρε βλήμα αφού δεν ξέρεις τίποτα απολύτως ούτε για εμένα ούτε για το ποιος είμαι ούτε και για τον server μου. Αν είχες μόνο το προφιλ μου στο fb θα καταλάβαινες ακόμα και με τα άχυρα που έχεις για μυαλό ότι τίποτα από όσα έγραψες δεν ισχύει. Σε αντίθεση ξέρω τα πάντα για το ποιος είσαι από που είσαι που μένεις τι σπουδάζεις έχω το προφίλ σου έχω τα πάντα μαλάκα μου. Απλά δεν με αγγίζουν αυτά που λες διότι δεν ισχύουν αν με ενοχλούσε κάτι θα στο έσπαγα το κεφάλι μόνος μου είτε στην Καλαμάτα είτε στην Πάτρα, δεν χρειαζόταν να σου απαντήσω από εδώ. Οπότε μην προσπαθείς να κλέψεις τον πολύτιμο χρόνο μου σκουπίδι, μάθε πρώτα πληροφορίες και μετά έλα γράψε ό,τι πίπα θες αλλά να ισχύει πρώτα.  :-*

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