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Posts posted by NipperS

  1. you are a liar raising their number of posts writing slander. Want to say that I have 10 and each akkuntov I write myself to raise my rating here? How do I know why I traded with him for a long time that day he wanted me to cheat? there is evidence that I am someone cheated?

    mine is only evidence to the contrary so Prop.


    I cannot even understand what you are trying to say. Why dont you explain to people how you had your first account here banned?

  2. this guy wants to convince me im scammer :D

    i dont know whats his problem i just wanted him to find another middleman

    and i dont think thats so big problem... look if you dont trust me i can ask people who i sold accounts to write positive posts here for me



    Sure make another account for you self and recommend your self. As if noone knows you are going to do that

  3. This thing smells from miles. First people proved that bojurin87 was scammer and was using multiple accounts to scam and recommend him self. Now Coenna posts this about ojsimpson87 who is also bulgarian and has several posts. bojurin87 same as ojsimpson87 was selling chars. Also Coenna has this posted in his skype conversation " (21:35:13 — редактирано)] hamui: waiting" which obviously is not in italian. Now either Coenna (the italian guy) keeps his skype in bulgarian for some strange reason, or again bojurin87 is trying to create a trusted account for him self.

  4. Attantion Scammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    Chomakova and bojurin87 1 man

    icq 229323376

    name Borislav Bojurin

    skype Bojurin and GamesGoldSeller

    paypal  chomakova@abv.bg

    2nd pp Bojurin@abv.bg

    moneybooker Bojurin@abv.bg Borislav Bojurin



    We know people have already reported that. Also we know that you are the same person or that you work with them

  5. bojurin87 - http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?reportsent;topic=249106.msg2298687#msg2298687 he already scammed someone but they did not report it here so I thought I should. Also Chomakova - http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=249103.0 is the same person as bojurin87, they use the same paypal. Also, citygamers is the same person or working with them. They are uping each other's posts and are recommending each other. Take care!

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