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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Mate I respect you but please do not mess with this topic it's serious, really
  2. h gata pe8ane kana dywro meta pou to postara dn yphrxe periptwsh na thn prolavw, an thn evlepes 8a katalavaines. Dn kounouse, evgaze kati afrous, htan teleiwmenh ypo8esh fysika kai prospa8hsame na tis dwsoume arketa, alla efoson to dhlhthrio exei proxwrhsei mesa den yphrxe periptwsh na kanoume kati exw kai mia fwtografia pou evgala prin mazepsw to ptwma, dn thn postarw giati einai out of rules alla 8a thn dwsw sta analoga site TRANSLATION The cat died 2 hours after the post there was no way i could save it, if you saw it you would also notice, there were foams all over its face, it was a lost case ofc we tried to give her enough products to reverse it but since the poison was deep inside , it was impossible for us to do something I also have a picture i took before I remove the body from that place, but I wont post it since it's out of rules, i'll give it to the proper sites
  3. The cat died, 2 hours after the post, it was obviously poisoned, cause I remember the same cat one week or so I have some suspicions about the killers , they are the owners of the building next to mine, we share the same backyard , with only a wall separating ours from theirs. The cats hang around in both backyards, mostly because they are gardens with trees and they give them cover for the rain Fortunately , there are still 3 cats around (I found one lying over the dead one before) . If ANYTHING happens to them, I'll be obliged to make some calls.
  4. There are several stray cats in my area. I used to feed them along with my dog every day, there were 9 of them so it was a bit costly but never mind Recently, I noticed a decrease in their numbers, only 3-4 of them showed up. I also noticed some people giving them raw meat, but I thought they changed their minds about them and started to feed them. Bullshit. Now there was only one cat, and there's another one outside my house, laying down, with some weird foam in its mouth, unable to move or react. I gave it food but it didnt eat it, nor water. We called a vet but he wasn't there, and I really doubt it's gonna be of any use - the cat is doomed What can I do? Who can I talk to? I feel fucking disgusted at the moment
  5. well they've only seen signatures in MxC, so they do not have any idea about the stuff that can be created
  6. Analogws ti akoute an eiste Metallades , kati 8a vreis eimai sigouros (Metallica Iron Maiden Dream Theater Firewind kai den symmazevetai) an eiste tou laikou , mporeis na katafygeis sta gnwsta (Ploutarxos Gonidhs Mhtropanos kai fygame) an eiste tou house h tou rap, trava symvoulepsou allon giati egw dn exw idea
  7. I think he is with Avenged Sevenfold, he left Dream Theather cause he "needed" a break, and he asked the whole group to pause for a bit but they didn't agree so they kicked him out
  8. No Michael Portnoy on drummers? No Satriani, Malmsteen or Stump at the top 10 guitarits Since when is Jimi page, jeff beck and eric clapton metal? I think they are confused. They play electric guitar but that DOESN'T MEAN they are into metal. Jee. PFFT ask from the WAHHHWAHHH master Kirk Hammet to play this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxQZsW0H7LU
  9. How can you put Rolling Stones and The Flood in that pile of shit?
  10. an den ta kataferneis sthn zwgrafikh pisteueis oti exeis perissoteres elpides se programmata typou photoshop ?
  11. Aυτοκτόνησε όταν έμαθε ότι του 'κανε διαφήμιση o OΠΑΠ
  12. o Warzycha ήταν ένας πολύ έμπειρος παίκτης και η συμβολή του ήταν εκπληκτική στην ομάδα. Ο Rivaldo αν και παίκτης κλάσης και παγκοσμίως γνωστός, την εποχή που πέρασε από την Ελλάδα δεν πιστεύω ότι έπαιζε με το 100% της διάθεσης και των ικανοτήτων του. Γι'αυτό ... Warzycha
  13. Sucky Warrior ,Hunter, Mage and Druid sets, amazing rogue Seems like blizzard is loosing their inspiration... I mean the tier sets get worse every tier..
  14. Does anyone play RF online? It seems like a nice game from what i've seen, and I think imma try it It is free? Is it easy? What class/race should I choose? Thanks!
  15. Eisai apotyxhmenos. Egw mporesa ki 3ekopsa apo autes tis malakies me enan eukolo tropo xwris na ekte8w stous goneis mou Esy fantazomai akoma kleinesai mesa to Savvato kai malwneis me th mana sou ka8e mera. Elpizw na niw8eis perifanos.
  16. Gia Programmatisths eprepe na pas EPAL, 8a erxotan pio eukolo Yparxoun arketes sxoles apo geniko. Enas gnwstos mou einai EMP sto tmhma mhxanikwn ypologistwn, to palikari 3erei ta apisteuta, alla h sxolh einai arketa ypsilova8mh (19.000 +++) kai PARA POLY dyskolh. Yparxei h plhroforikhs ston Peiraia pou 8elei gyrw sta 16k, alla apo oti exw ma8ei den einai kai h kalyterh. Meta pas se TEI pou exei apo 12k ews poly xamhla, analogws me to pou 8es.
  17. Otan egw eixa kollhsei, phra ena vismataki pou xreiazetai h o8onh mou gia na synde8ei emesa me to pc kai to edwsa ston patera mou kai tou eipa na to krypsei. Ekana kamposes vdomades xwris auto kai 3ekopsa xwris polla polla, kai veltiwsa kai va8mous ;)
  18. Πάντως πιστεύω ότι φέτος αξίζει να γίνουν κάποιες καταλήψεις ή έστω κάποιες εκδηλώσεις , ώστε να προλάβουμε την εφαρμογή του άθλιου μελλοντικού εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος που θα εφαρμοστεί για αυτούς που θα μπούν του χρόνου στο Λύκειο. Το καινούργιο σύστημα, όχι μόνο δεν βελτιώνει την κατάσταση περιορίζοντας τα φροντιστήρια , αλλά την κάνει ακόμα χειρότερη! Κι αυτό δεν το βγάζω από το μυαλό μου, έχω συζητήσει με άτομα που μετρούν 30-35 χρόνια στην εκπαίδευση. Ένας αγώνας από μέρους μας για την προστασία των επόμενων δεν μου φαίνεται άσκοπος. Κι εσύ που πας τώρα γυμνάσιο, όποιος και να είσαι, κάτσε ψάξε και μάθε γιατί του χρόνου δεν θα περάσεις καθόλου καλά. Η κατάληψη είναι μια διαδικασία που παλιώτερα θα φάνταζε απίθανη, και κάποιοι έχυσαν αίμα ώστε να μπορούμε εμείς σήμερα να αγοράζουμε 2 αλυσίδες, να κλειδώνουμε την πόρτα και να την σκαπουλάρουμε μονο με μια επίπληξη. Με σωστο σκοπό , συλλογικότητα αλλά και ΛΟΓΙΚΗ, μια κατάληψη ίσως βελτιώσει την κατάσταση. Αν τώρα γίνει κατάληψη για το χάσιμο του μαθήματος, αξίζει ένα ομοιόμορφο /πάρτα σε αυτούς που την κάνουν. Όσο για τις απουσίες, ισχύει το προπέρσινο σύστημα (πέρισι υπήρξε αύξηση λόγω γρίπης) , οπότε πρέπει να σταματήσει αυτή η προπαγάνδα. (Κι όταν σας μοιράζουν φυλλάδια απ'όξω από το σχολείο οι παραταξιακοί, διαβάστε τα με λίγη συγκέντρωση και θα τους κοροϊδεύετε και εσείς όπως πλέον τους δουλεύω και εγώ. Κάνα δυο κουκουέδες που μου 'δωσαν ενα φυλλάδιο έφαγαν της μουρλής το δούλεμα : Το χαρτί έλεγε οτι οι απουσιες μειώνονται στις 15 (!!!) ενώ ακριβώς από πίσω υπήρχε χαρτί που έλεγε τι ίσχυε με το θέμα των απουσιών , hahahaha!
  19. Na mas valoune apo ta Anwgeia mexri to re8ymno kai 8a pesei gelio.
  20. NotAbastard


    h or8ografia sou einai akoma xeiroterh apo to humour sou .
  21. NotAbastard


    To WoW mono dead dn einai , isa isa pou ka8e mera arxizei kai an8izei olo kai perissotero. Aplws sto mxc kaneis den paizei L2 akrivws epeidh gia na pai3eis swsta prp na mpeis official kai na skas 26.5 to dimhno. To Aion dn ekane to mpam pou perimename na kanei.. egw proswpika apogohteutika apo to paixnidi ws synolo giati ousiastika prospa8ouse na lancarei kati dokimasmeno ki oxi kati prwtoporiako. Me L2 dn asxoloumai pleon giati ta clients meta to C4 kai to Interlude (ante kai Oath of blood eixe diafora endiaferonta pragmata) einai aparadekta. To Freya dn exw skopo na to dokimasw, oute to L3. WoW stamathsa pleon (poly kapsimo dike mou) alla isws 3anaarxisw se foithtikes periodoous an kai dn to xw sigouro akoma.
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