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Posts posted by MMan

  1. E cineva pe aici care e in stare sa transcrie codul asta in java ?

    // SimpleModulus.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application.
    #include "Header\StdAfx.h"
    #include "SimpleModules.h"
    DWORD CSimpleModulus::s_dwSaveLoadXOR[4]={0x3F08A79B, 0xE25CC287, 0x93D27AB9, 0x20DEA7BF};
    //#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
    CSimpleModulus::CSimpleModulus()	// Completed
    CSimpleModulus::~CSimpleModulus()	// Completed
    VOID CSimpleModulus::Init()	// Completed
    memset(this->m_dwEncryptionKey, 0, sizeof(this->m_dwEncryptionKey));
    memset(this->m_dwModulus, 0, sizeof(this->m_dwModulus));
    memset(this->m_dwDecryptionKey, 0, sizeof(this->m_dwDecryptionKey));
    int CSimpleModulus::Encrypt(void * lpDest, void * lpSource, int iSize)	// Emulated - Completed
    int iTempSize = iSize;
    int iTempSize2;
    int iOriSize ;
    unsigned char * lpTempDest = (LPBYTE)lpDest;
    unsigned char * lpTempSource = (LPBYTE)lpSource;
    int iDec = ((iSize+7)/8);
    iSize = (iDec + iDec*4)*2 + iDec;
    if ( lpDest != NULL )
    	iOriSize = iTempSize;
    	for ( int i=0; i<iTempSize; i+=8,iOriSize-=8,lpTempDest+=11)
    		iTempSize2 = iOriSize;
    		if ( iOriSize >= 8 )
    			iTempSize2 = 8;
    		this->EncryptBlock(lpTempDest, lpTempSource+i, iTempSize2);
    return iSize;
    int CSimpleModulus::Decrypt(void * lpDest, void * lpSource, int iSize)
    if ( lpDest == NULL)
    	return iSize*8/11;
    LPBYTE lpTempDest = (LPBYTE)lpDest;
    LPBYTE lpTempSrc = (LPBYTE)lpSource;
    int iResult = 0;
    int iDecLen = 0;
    if ( iSize > 0 )
    	while ( iDecLen < iSize )
    		int iTempResult = this->DecryptBlock(lpTempDest, lpTempSrc);
    		if ( iResult < 0 )
    			return iResult;
    		iResult += iTempResult;
    		iDecLen += 11;
    		lpTempSrc += 11;
    		lpTempDest += 8;
    return iResult;
    int CSimpleModulus::EncryptBlock(void*lpDest,void*lpSource,int iSize)
    DWORD dwEncBuffer[4];
    DWORD dwEncValue=0;	// TempVar1
    LPBYTE lpEncDest = (LPBYTE)lpDest;
    LPBYTE lpEncSource = (LPBYTE)lpSource;
    memset(lpEncDest, 0, 11);
    int i=0;
    for ( i=0;i<4;i++)
    for ( i=0;i<3;i++)
    	dwEncBuffer[i] = dwEncBuffer[i] ^ this->m_dwXORKey[i] ^ ( dwEncBuffer[i+1] & 0xFFFF );
    int iBitPos = 0;
    for ( i=0;i<4;i++)
    	iBitPos = this->AddBits(lpDest, iBitPos, &dwEncBuffer[i], 0, 16);
    	iBitPos = this->AddBits(lpDest, iBitPos, &dwEncBuffer[i], 22, 2);
    BYTE btCheckSum = 0xF8;
    for ( i=0;i<8;i++)
    	btCheckSum ^= lpEncSource[i];
    ((LPBYTE)&dwEncValue)[1] = btCheckSum ; 
    ((LPBYTE)&dwEncValue)[0] = btCheckSum ^ iSize ^ 0x3D; 
    return this->AddBits(lpDest, iBitPos, &dwEncValue, 0, 16);
    int CSimpleModulus::DecryptBlock(void*lpDest,void*lpSource)
    memset(lpDest, 0, 8);
    DWORD dwDecBuffer[4]= {0};
    int iBitPosition = 0;
    LPBYTE lpDecDest = (LPBYTE)lpDest;
    LPBYTE lpDecSource = (LPBYTE)lpSource;
    int i=0;
    	this->AddBits(&dwDecBuffer[i], 0, lpDecSource, iBitPosition, 16);
    	iBitPosition += 16;
    	this->AddBits(&dwDecBuffer[i], 22, lpDecSource, iBitPosition, 2);
    	iBitPosition += 2;
    	dwDecBuffer[i] = dwDecBuffer[i] ^ this->m_dwXORKey[i] ^ (dwDecBuffer[i+1]&0xFFFF);
    DWORD Temp=0,Temp1;
    	Temp1 = (( this->m_dwDecryptionKey[i] * (dwDecBuffer[i])) % ( this->m_dwModulus[i])) ^ this->m_dwXORKey[i]^Temp;
    	Temp = dwDecBuffer[i]&0xFFFF;
    	((WORD*)lpDecDest)[i] = WORD(Temp1);
    this->AddBits(&dwDecBuffer[0], 0, lpDecSource, iBitPosition, 16);
    ((LPBYTE)dwDecBuffer)[0]=((LPBYTE)dwDecBuffer)[1]^ ((LPBYTE)dwDecBuffer)[0]^0x3D;
    BYTE btCheckSum=0xF8;
    	btCheckSum ^= lpDecDest[i];
    if( btCheckSum != ((LPBYTE)dwDecBuffer)[1] )
    	return -1;
    return ((LPBYTE)dwDecBuffer)[0];
    int CSimpleModulus::AddBits(void*lpDest,int iDestBitPos,void*lpSource,int iBitSourcePos,int iBitLen)	// Completed Emulated
    // Get Buffer Lens
    int iSourceBufferBitLen = iBitLen + iBitSourcePos ;
    int iTempBufferLen = this->GetByteOfBit(iSourceBufferBitLen-1);
    iTempBufferLen += 1 - this->GetByteOfBit(iBitSourcePos);
    // Copy the Source Buffer
    unsigned char * pTempBuffer = new unsigned char[iTempBufferLen+1];
    memset(pTempBuffer, 0, iTempBufferLen+1);
    memcpy(pTempBuffer, (unsigned char *)lpSource+ this->GetByteOfBit(iBitSourcePos), iTempBufferLen);
    // Save the Last ibt if exist
    if ( (iSourceBufferBitLen%8 ) != 0 )
    	pTempBuffer[iTempBufferLen - 1] &= 255 << (8 - (iSourceBufferBitLen%8));
    // Get the Values to Shift
    int iShiftLeft = (iBitSourcePos%8);
    int iShiftRight = (iDestBitPos%8);
    // Shift the Values to Add the right space of the desired bits
    this->Shift(pTempBuffer, iTempBufferLen, -iShiftLeft);
    this->Shift(pTempBuffer, iTempBufferLen+1, iShiftRight);
    // Copy the the bits of Source to the Dest
    int iNewTempBufferLen = (( iShiftRight <= iShiftLeft )?0:1) + iTempBufferLen;
    unsigned char * TempDist = (unsigned char *)lpDest + this->GetByteOfBit(iDestBitPos);
    for ( int i=0;i<iNewTempBufferLen;i++)
    	TempDist[i] |= pTempBuffer[i];
    // Delete the temp Buffer
    delete [] pTempBuffer;
    // Return the number of bits of the new Dest Buffer
    return iDestBitPos + iBitLen;
    VOID CSimpleModulus::Shift(void*lpBuff,int iSize,int ShiftLen) // Need To be Checked
    unsigned char * TempBuff = (unsigned char *)lpBuff;
    // Case no Shift Len
    if ( ShiftLen != 0  )	
    	// Shift Right
    	if ( ShiftLen > 0 )
    		if ( (iSize -1 ) > 0 )
    			for ( int i=(iSize-1); i>0 ; i--)
    				TempBuff[i] = (TempBuff[i-1]<<((8 - ShiftLen))) | (TempBuff[i]>>ShiftLen );
    		TempBuff[0] >>=  ShiftLen;
    	else	// Shift Left
    		ShiftLen = - ShiftLen;
    		if ( (iSize-1) > 0 )
    			for ( int i=0; i<(iSize-1) ;i++)
    				TempBuff[i] = (TempBuff[i+1]>>((8 - ShiftLen))) | (TempBuff[i]<<ShiftLen );
    		TempBuff[iSize-1] <<= ShiftLen;
    int CSimpleModulus::GetByteOfBit(int btByte)
    return btByte >> 3;
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::SaveAllKey(LPSTR lpszFileName )
    return this->SaveKey(lpszFileName, 4370, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::LoadAllKey(LPSTR lpszFileName)
    return this->LoadKey(lpszFileName, 4370, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::SaveEncryptionKey(LPSTR lpszFileName)
    return this->SaveKey(lpszFileName, 4370, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::LoadEncryptionKey(LPSTR lpszFileName)
    return this->LoadKey(lpszFileName, 4370, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE ,TRUE);
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::SaveDecryptionKey(LPSTR lpszFileName)
    return this->SaveKey(lpszFileName, 4370, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::LoadDecryptionKey(LPSTR lpszFileName)
    return this->LoadKey(lpszFileName, 4370, TRUE, FALSE ,TRUE ,TRUE);
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::SaveKey(LPSTR lpszFileName, WORD wFileHeader, BOOL bSaveModulus, BOOL bSaveEncKey, BOOL bSaveDecKey, BOOL bSaveXORKey)
    // MAde by Deathway
    int iSize;
    DWORD XORTable[4];
    if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
    	return FALSE;
    HeaderBuffer.sFileHeader = wFileHeader;
    HeaderBuffer.dwSize = ( bSaveModulus + bSaveEncKey + bSaveDecKey + bSaveXORKey ) * sizeof(XORTable) + sizeof(ENCDEC_FILEHEADER);
    WriteFile( hFile, &HeaderBuffer, sizeof(ENCDEC_FILEHEADER), (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    if ( bSaveModulus != FALSE )
    	for ( int n = 0 ; n < 4 ; n++ )
    		XORTable[n] = this->m_dwModulus[n] ^ s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n];
    	WriteFile(hFile, &XORTable, sizeof(XORTable), (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    if ( bSaveEncKey != FALSE )
    	for ( int n = 0 ; n < 4 ; n++ )
    		XORTable[n] = this->m_dwEncryptionKey[n] ^ s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n];
    	WriteFile(hFile, &XORTable, sizeof(XORTable), (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    if ( bSaveDecKey != FALSE )
    	for ( int n = 0 ; n < 4 ; n++ )
    		XORTable[n] = this->m_dwDecryptionKey[n] ^ s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n];
    	WriteFile(hFile, &XORTable, sizeof(XORTable), (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    if ( bSaveXORKey != FALSE )
    	for ( int n = 0 ; n < 4 ; n++ )
    		XORTable[n] = this->m_dwXORKey[n] ^ s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n];
    	WriteFile(hFile, &XORTable, sizeof(XORTable), (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    return TRUE;
    BOOL CSimpleModulus::LoadKey(LPSTR lpszFileName, WORD wFileHeader, BOOL bLoadModulus, BOOL bLoadEncKey, BOOL bLoadDecKey, BOOL bLoadXORKey)
    int iSize;
    DWORD XORTable[4];
    if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
    	ReadFile( hFile, &HeaderBuffer, sizeof(ENCDEC_FILEHEADER), (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    if ( HeaderBuffer.sFileHeader == wFileHeader  )
    	if ( (HeaderBuffer.dwSize) == (int)((( bLoadModulus + bLoadEncKey + bLoadDecKey + bLoadXORKey )*sizeof(XORTable))+sizeof(ENCDEC_FILEHEADER)) )
    		if ( bLoadModulus != FALSE )
    			ReadFile(hFile, XORTable, sizeof(XORTable) , (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    			for ( int n = 0 ; n<4;n++)
    				this->m_dwModulus[n] = s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n] ^ XORTable[n];
    		if ( bLoadEncKey != FALSE )
    			ReadFile(hFile, XORTable, sizeof(XORTable) , (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    			for ( int n = 0 ; n<4;n++)
    				this->m_dwEncryptionKey[n] = s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n] ^ XORTable[n];
    		if ( bLoadDecKey != FALSE )
    			ReadFile(hFile, XORTable, sizeof(XORTable) , (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    			for ( int n = 0 ; n<4;n++)
    				this->m_dwDecryptionKey[n] = s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n] ^ XORTable[n];
    		if ( bLoadXORKey != FALSE )
    			ReadFile(hFile, XORTable,sizeof(XORTable) , (ULONG*)&iSize, NULL);
    			for ( int n = 0 ; n<4;n++)
    				this->m_dwXORKey[n] = s_dwSaveLoadXOR[n] ^ XORTable[n];
    		return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

    contra o suma de bani, e posibil.

  2. Eu petrec 30 min/2-3 zile pe forum, daca stai sa te gandesti oricine vrea poate ajunge moderator, mare frectie nu faci, dar eu nu sunt ca tine sa ma zbat sa ajung un mod ca sa am si eu un rank diferit sau mai mare, pentru ca in fata altora tot acelas nimeni ramai orice rank ai avea. Nu-i asa? Respectul nu se castiga in rankuri.




    Numai suferi atat, te zbati degeaba.


    Eu am facut ceva sa merit rankul respectiv, respectiv market mod ( la cs mod am restructurat tot section-ul ) iar market mod am facut mm pentru multi useri asa ca nu-mi vorbi tu mie.

  3. Sure, you got hacked?

    I have talked to you on msn and you said: " I have scammed people because Maxtor is always ignoring me"

    You scammed me 120 euros because you got trouble with the admin Maxtor,do not lie about that.

    I think you should not trust him guys , better use Lain.

    I just got my msn account yesterday, so the guy to who you spoke wasn't me.

  4. MiddleMan Services


    First of all, let me tell you what is this topic about. I have created this topic to help all the members of mxc that want to trade between them but they don`t trust each other.Here`s where I come with the help and experience in mm-ing ( over 2 years of mm-ing on a website where there are sales of all kinds : steam accounts, runescape, pscards etc. )


    my e-mail : middleman_mxc@hotmail.com

    what trades I can MM : steam accounts, l2 accounts/items, pscards, paypal money


    • Note I reopened the services after all my accounts have been hacked, so I changed all passwords and made them more secure, so won't be anymore issue in the future and for the new guys, my services are FREE
    • Note 2: If you want to use my services, fine, if not, don't spam in my topic, thank you.


  5. ma scuzi, dar de cand "nu esti cineva"ca stai pe un forum de mult timp ? nu e un joc sa zici ca te saturi si pleci, ci o communitate... unde interactionezi cu oamenii.


    iar VIP = grup obtinut prin plata, ceea ce tu nai.

    dar daca bati apropo la faptu ca tu ai fost CSmod... te inseli amarnic.

    Puma te tin minte de pe ventrilo din Lextalions

  6. So you joined back then under some proxy and now you claim that your account got hacked. That's how it looks to me. Plus, if your account got "hacked|, its not Maxtor's fault. If you cant take care of your account feel the consequences.

    So you came on the topic just to "troll" a bit like you allways did on this forum, don't you ? And regarding to your affirmation, I'm not using or ever used any proxy ever so how about you go back in your spam topic and do what you do best : spam

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