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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. http://imgur.com/cNtkJ5B http://imgur.com/2yRG7Na
  2. 8k ppl and at screen is like 50 ppl ;D
  3. if you have retarded real friend who will farm for u, so yea
  4. i have lot of randoms at skype, so its fine ;D
  5. dat guy rly added me at skype ;D
  6. nice but you said serber interlude and gracia final, for h5 u need 100% more ppl than those both client. u should first open mid rate / high rate make some donate for itemkas and after rush low rate and pay advert ... i though u played so much h5, but seems like u have no idea about h5 low rate
  7. how increase buff slot make mages op? i though its make mage nerfed, since you can buff ressist
  8. idk when we were playing at dex, w/o full cp active we cant farm even drakos ;D and with 2 parties at zaken it took 30min
  9. k didnt played interlude for 4years ;D
  10. i mean about real players w/o boxes , for interlude is enough 500+ real ppl, since there is not so much location and still u will have fun everywhere, but at h5 its more "dead" with 500 real ppl , since there is 100% more locations than at interlude and h5 80+ location is only for parties at interlude u can log just box buffer + main and solo every location
  11. oh my bad, but still at h5 low rate u cant kill 7rb w/o 2 parties , or zaken also need 2 parties... still u need like 1,5k+ for low rate and at 2k17 its hard find since there is 20000 homemade serber every day
  12. classic > h5 low rate since at h5 low rate 79+ you are stucked and cant do anything w/o comunity
  13. if its interlude, u dont need more than 500+ ;D but h5 low rate w/o paid advert / skilled developers, its no point even opening , since h5 low rate with 500 ppl its like playing vs npcs ;D
  14. i wont play homemade low rate at 2k17 gosh ;D not even l2
  15. Who don't like automatics events? Reality is glad to present the first PTS platform with automatics event's! Reality is an Hybrid server's we use L2Off extender but in the same time we had to do some fix for improve server life (as the one's explained upthere) Song/Dance can be click-removed (offlike isn't possible) with java features , so what files are u using? tales for sure ;D http://www.l2reality.eu/index.php web info from 2k9/11 also good
  16. early game = mages late game = archers
  17. since hopzone working with destiny, and geting 50% fake vote ;D
  18. idk about what chronicle you talk, but you cant make balanced l2 its simple, if you ara brainless you will cry about enemy char is op, but everything is about equip / brain / team play, not about classes balanced ;d
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