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Πως Θα Ανοίξετε Έναν L2J Hi Five Server.(+ Compile)

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μετά από πολύ καιρό που ήμουν inactive ένας φίλος με τσίγκλισε να του δείξω πως να φτιάξει έναν server , έτσι σκέφτηκα με την ευκαιρία να κάνω ένα topic :)

Eπειδή το topic τις Papaditsa είναι παλιό σκέφτηκα να φτιάξω ένα πιο καινούργιο
Εδώ σας δίνω τα link των προγραμμάτων που θα χρειαστούμε ένα προς ένα

*JDK   http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html


*MySql   http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/

*HeidiSql   http://www.heidisql.com/download.php


*Eclipse   http://ftp.ntua.gr/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/kepler/SR1/eclipse-standard-kepler-SR1-win32.zip   

*Slick-Subversion   http://www.sliksvn.com/pub/Slik-Subversion-1.7.10-win32.msi


λοιπόν λίγο πολλοί ξέρουμε πως να εγκαταστήσουμε το MySQL συν του ότι είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο από τις παλιότερες εκδόσεις γιατί είναι σε βήματα .

εγκαθιστούμε την jdk που κατεβάσαμε παντώντας διπλό κλικ πάνω του και ακολουθούμε τα βήματα της εφαρμογής .

εγκαθιστούμε το HeidiSQL που είναι παρόμοιο με το navicat ( ίδια λειτουργία ) και ακολουθούμε τα έξεις βήματα




κάνουμε δεξί κλικ πάνω στην λευκη επιφάνεια μέσα στο πρόγραμμα



Το password βάζουμε ότι έχουμε βάλει στο MySQL . Στην περίπτωση που δεν έχουμε βάλει κάτι το αφήνουμε καινό

αν αφού πατήσουμε open δεν μας πετάξει κάποιο error σημαίνει ότι τα πάμε καλά μέχρι στιγμής .

δεξί κλικ πάνω στον unnamed -> create new -> database


γράφουμε l2jls (login server δηλαδή) όπως στην φωτογραφία


κάνουμε το ίδιο βήμα για το l2jcs (community server) και το l2jgs (game server)
τελειώσαμε με το HeidiSQL τόσο εύκολα και απλά . :D

τώρα ας ασχοληθούμε με το θέμα του eclipse . πρώτα κάνουμε install το slik-subversion που κατεβάσαμε εύκολα και γρήγορα όπως και το jdk .

προχωράμε στο eclipse . το ανοίγουμε κανονικά αν δεν μας ανοίγει το ανοίγουμε "ως διαχειριστής"

** Σε περίπτωση που έχετε windows 7 professional μπορεί το Java να σας κάνει νερά . dont worry υπάρχει λύση , δεν χρειάζεται ούτε θυμος ούτε τίποτα , μονο υπομονή και να ακολουθήσουμε πιστα τα παρακάτω βήματα .

χρησιμοποιουμε την offline installer java σας δείνω και το link

και όλα κομπλέ .Τώρα θα μας ανοίγει και το eclipse . και θα μας βγάλει την παρακάτω εικόνα

Τώρα στο workspace βάζουμε την τοποθεσία μέσα στον υπολογιστή μας που θα αποθηκεύουμε όλες τις αλλαγές που θα κάνουμε στον server μας από μεριάς coding.Αφού διαλέξουμε πατάμε ΟΚ.

Μετά πατάμε help->Install new software..

πατάμε add και στο κάτω κουτάκι βάζουμε αυτό
όπως και στην εικόνα

πατάμε select all και μετά next

πατάμε next στο επόμενο παράθηρο που θα μας εμφανηστεί και μετά I AGREE  όπως και στην εικόνα και μετα Finish .

περιμένουμε λίγα λεπτά , αν μας βγάλει κάποιο error πατάμε ok και συνεχίζουμε . μόλις τελειώσει η εγκατάσταση του νέου μας λογισμικού στο eclipse πατα στην επανακίνηση του προγράμματος.
Μετά πάμε Window -> Preferences-> Team -> SVN -> Console

Μετά αν θέλουμε βάζουμε και την εντολή να βρίσκει τα καινούργια update του eclipse

Μετά πάμε Window -> Show View -> Other και επιλέγουμε SVN Repository.


Πατάμε οπουδίποτε στο SVN Repository παράθηρο,δεξί click
Choose New -> Repository Location


Βάζουμε για Hi-five από l2jserver το : http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/L2J_DataPack/
και http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_Server


ομοιως και με το Datapack . (http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/L2J_DataPack/)

Μετά δεξί click στο l2j_server και πατάμε Checkout και finish

Αφού τελειώσει το checkout αριστερά μας θα έχει εμφανηστεί ενας φάκελος με το όνομα L2j_server ή l2j_Datapack ανάλογα τι κάναμε πρώτο checkout .
Κάνουμε exband το φάκελο και βρίσκουμε το build .
Δεξί click στο build.xml -> Run As -> 1 Ant Build


Αφού τελειώσει το compile θα εχει δημιουργηθεί στο worckspace σας μεσα στο l2j_server ή l2j_datapack μεσα στο build ένα .zip άρχειο το κάνετε extract μέσα σε ενα φάκελο και από το l2j_server και από το l2j_datapack . Μέσα στο φακελο που κάναμε το extract θα είναι ο server μας .
Για να ανοίξουμε το server μας το μαρτύριο μας συνεχίζεται αλλα σύντομα θα τελειώσει και θα είναι έτοιμος για χρήση .

Κάνουμε install το L2J DataBase στο MySQL DataBase

  1. παμε στο φάκελο που κάναμε extract και πατάμε στο φάκελο tools .

Για Windows

  • Ανοίγουμε το database_installer.bat

Για Linux

  • Ανοίγουμε το database_installer.sh

και ακολουθούμε τα βήματα που θα μας εμφανηστούν.

  • Για να κάνουμε install μια καινούτγια L2J DataBase πατάμε FULL (f).
  • Για να κάνουμε upgrade μια υπάρχουσα L2J DataBase πατάμε UPGRADE (u).

LoginServer Setup

  • Ανοίγουμε το login/config/loginserver.properties

Μέσα στο αρχείο θα δούμε :

# Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)
Login = root

# Database connection password
Password = εδώ βαζουμε το κοδικο του mysql (αν δεν εχουμε βάλει το αφήνουμε κενό )

GameServer Setup

  • Ανοίγουμε game/config/server.properties

Μέσα στο αρχείο θα δούμε :

# Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended)
Login = root

# Database connection password
Password = εδώ βαζουμε το κοδικο του mysql (αν δεν εχουμε βάλει το αφήνουμε κενό )


Registering GameServer Windows

  • Ανοίγουμε /login/RegisterGameServer.exe


  • Ανοίγουμε /login/RegisterGameServer.bat


  • Ανοίγουμε /login/RegisterGameServer.sh

και διαλέγουμε τον αριθμό με το όνομα που θέλουμε να εμφανίζετε στο GameServer, μετά κάνουμε αντιγραφή το "hexid(server-x).txt" στο /game/config/ φάκελο του  GameServer και το μετονομάζουμε σε  "hexid.txt".

Επείσης μπορύμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το RegisterGameServer.exe (για Windows) ή RegisterGameServer.sh (για Linux)


Πως τρέχουμε το  L2J Server μας για Windows

  • για να ανοίξουμε το  LoginServer πατάμε το /login/startLoginServer.bat
  • για να ανοίξουμε το GameServer πατάμε το /game/startGameServer.bat

για Linux

  • για να ανοίξουμε το LoginServer πατάμε το /login/startLoginServer.sh
  • για να ανοίξουμε το GameServer πατάμε το /game/startGameServer.sh

Για να καταλάβουμε οτι δουλεύει ο server μας σωστά θα πρέπει το login και το gameserver να είναι παρόμοια με τα παρακάτω.
L2J Login Server.

Loading LoginController...
Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication
Stored 20 keys for Blowfish communication
GameServerTable: Loaded 127 server names
GameServerTable: Loaded 1 registered Game Servers
GameServerTable: Cached 10 RSA keys for Game Server communication.
Loaded 2 IP Bans.
Listening for GameServers on
Telnet server is currently disabled.
Login Server ready on *:2106

και το Game Server:

Loaded 6 Filter Words.
-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Database ]
L2J Server Version: 5592
L2J Datapack Version: 9116
Updated characters online status.
Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s
Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.
BitSetIDFactory: 102912 id's available.
------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Engines ]
Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.0 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.
Script Engine: Mozilla Rhino 1.7 release 3 PRERELEASE - Language: ECMAScript - L
anguage Version: 1.8
Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
Script Engine: java 1.7 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.7
--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ World ]
InstanceManager: Multiverse Instance created.
InstanceManager: Universe Instance created.
InstanceManager: Loaded 160 instance names.
L2World: (128 by 136) World Region Grid set up.
MapRegionManager: Loaded 57 map regions.



etc ...

[EnhanceYourWeapon] Loaded 240 npc Leveling info data.
Bandit StrongHold siege scheduled for: Fri Sep 07 12:00:00 CEST 2012
Beast Farm siege scheduled for: Fri Sep 07 12:00:00 CEST 2012
Devastated Castle siege scheduled for: Fri Sep 07 12:00:00 CEST 2012
Fortress of Resistance siege scheduled for: Fri Sep 07 12:00:00 CEST 2012
Fortresss of the Dead siege scheduled for: Fri Sep 07 12:00:00 CEST 2012
Loaded: 634 quests
Loaded: 111 transformations.
SevenSignsFestival: Initialization bypassed due to Seal Validation in effect.
Event ID: (Valentines Event) has passed... Ignored.
FaenorScriptEngine: Loaded Valentines.xml successfully.
AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.
AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 131 handlers in total.
Mail Manager: Successfully loaded 0 messages.
IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1878999690
TvTEventEngine[TvTManager.TvTManager()]: Engine is disabled.
GameServer Started, free memory 221 Mb of 928 Mb
Connecting to login on
CommunityServerThread: Deactivated by config.
Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 100
Server Loaded in 125 seconds
AutoAnnoucements: Loaded 0 Auto Annoucement Data.
Telnet server is currently disabled.
Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz


Edited by slayerofdark
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Έχει γίνει πολλές φόρες άλλα μπράβο σου για την προσπάθεια θα βοηθήσεις πολλά παιδιά.. 

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Όταν ανοίγω το RegisterGameServer.exe ή .bat, στο .exe όταν το ανοίγω με βγάζει ένα error:

No available names for GameServers, verify servername.xml file exists in the LoginServer 



Όταν ανοίγω το .bat, μου λέει το εξής:

Error: Could not find or load main class com.l2jserver.toolsgsregistering.BaseGameServerRegister
Press any key to continue...


Edited by PqnnZ
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ρε παιδια,εκανα οτι εγραψε ο φιλος αλα παντα στο compile μου βγαζει error και δεν ξερω γιατι,τσατιστικα και τα διεγραψα ολα,οτι και να κανω παντα εκι τα βρησκω σκουρα

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ρε παιδια,εκανα οτι εγραψε ο φιλος αλα παντα στο compile μου βγαζει error και δεν ξερω γιατι,τσατιστικα και τα διεγραψα ολα,οτι και να κανω παντα εκι τα βρησκω σκουρα

giati o filos mas mou fenetai kati exei mperdepsei kai exei mperdepsei kai mas

emena ta arxeia ta zip pou les sto workspace den mou ta vgazei kai sta built mesa exei codes. extract den mporw na kanw  archive omws mporw gia vres to lathos

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οι διευθηνσεις για το svn που χρειαζετε να κατεβασεις datapack και gameserver δεν λειτουργουν,εψαξα αλες διευθηνσεις τις οπιες μου τις φορτονει αλα μου βγαζει error 2,γενικοτερα εδω και μια εβδομαδα προσπαθω να ξεκηνισω και ακομη δεν εχω κανει τιποτα.Ουτε και εμενα μου βγαζει κατι στο workspace,το jdk ειναι στην 8η εκδοση του πλεον,απο os εχω τωρα τα 8.1 pro χ64 αλα και πριν ειχα τα 7 ultimate x64

Edited by Seirios
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οι διευθηνσεις για το svn που χρειαζετε να κατεβασεις datapack και gameserver δεν λειτουργουν,εψαξα αλες διευθηνσεις τις οπιες μου τις φορτονει αλα μου βγαζει error 2,γενικοτερα εδω και μια εβδομαδα προσπαθω να ξεκηνισω και ακομη δεν εχω κανει τιποτα.Ουτε και εμενα μου βγαζει κατι στο workspace,το jdk ειναι στην 8η εκδοση του πλεον,απο os εχω τωρα τα 8.1 pro χ64 αλα και πριν ειχα τα 7 ultimate x64

pare auto to pack http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178701-l2ps-phoenix-fandc-based-pack-and-svn-h5/?hl=l2ps aksizei polu parapano

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๖ۣۜinfamousbytes๖ۣ  να σε καλα,αφου μου εδωσες αυτην την λυση θα ξανακατεβασω τα προγραματα απο την αρχη και θα το δοκιμασω,σε ενα τοπικ εδω ειδα οτι για τα 64 μπιτα pc πρεπει να κατεβασω και τις 2 εκδοσεις απο το π.χ  jdk 8,αληθευει;



volitakis  φιλε εψαξα ενα παρομιο guide και κοιτα τι εγραψε ο   xdem και θα δανιστω λιγα απο τα λογια του .la9os to eclipse giati einai pia Indigo, la9os i DataBase gia tora exoun xoristei, la9os o tropos p katevazeis to pack apo to source tora pia den ginete etsi ginete me SVN Turtoise i alo,εγραψε και κατι ακομα


παιδια εαν δεν ξερετε ακριβως πως μπορουμαι να ανοιξουμαι εναν hi5 τοτε μην το ποσταρετε να ποσταρετε εαν κατεχετε το αντικειμενο 100% (φανταστιτε ειδηκα εμας που δεν ξερουμαι την τυφλα μας πως νιωθουμαι οταν βλεπουμαι τα errors να πηγενοερχονται :-)  )βλεπω σε πολα guide οτι δεν υπαρχουν φωτογραφιες και ο εκαστοτε ''μαστορας'' δεν λεει να το διορθωσει

Edited by Seirios
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Μεχρι εδω ολα καλα... πιος μπορει να μου πει πως θα κανω login στον δικο μου σερβερ ειτε απο το pc μου ειτε απο αλλο pc.




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Μεχρι εδω ολα καλα... πιος μπορει να μου πει πως θα κανω login στον δικο μου σερβερ ειτε απο το pc μου ειτε απο αλλο pc.




1* Για να μπεις στον δικο σου σερβερ απο το PC σου ανοιγεις L2Fileedit βρισκεις την διαδρομη για να πας στο system και μεσα στο system βρισκεις το l2.ini το ανοιγεις και γραφεις εκει που λεει SerAddr= "Εδω βαζεις"


2* Για να μπεις απο αλλο PC στον σερβερ σου πρεπει να τον κανεις πρωτα online.Εχουν γινει παρα πολλα guides πως να κανεις εναν σερβερ online.


Ελπιζω να βοηθησα.

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    • Painless Abortion Pills A b o r t i o n P i l l s NAME AND PRICE WhatsApp/call +971552965071 Cytotec Pills in Sharjah. Legal Abortion From 1-27 Weeks | Safe Abortion Pills For Sale +27632505360. CALL OR WHATSAPP US NOW : SCHONE  +27632505360 treatment at home Al Ain Al *Satwa* +971552965071_____________________Ajman MA +971552965071 *Price Abortion Pill* in Abu Dhabi *Satwa* ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN Dubai mifepristone cost In Ajman +27632505360 Abortion Pill99/Cytotec in Satwa JVC/ Al ain/ Ajman/ Ras Al Khaimah/ UAE mifepristone cost In Ajman Al Aziziyah +971552965071 ________ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN DUBAI ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ABU DHABI ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SHARJAH ABORTIaON In the Middle East countries such as UAE( Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah), Kuwait, Qatar, etc., the laws and regulations are based on Islam. Islam forbids killing a life. Islam considers that an individual will have a life after he has attained a soul. It is believed that the fetus attains the soul after 120 days of fertilization. The four schools of thought: Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, and Maliki, have different views regarding the abortion of pregnancy. According to the Hanafi school, it is believed that the fetus attains the soul after 120 days of gestation. In contrast, the Maliki school believes that the fetus is ensouled at the point of conception, so abortion is not allowed at any stage of pregnancy. The Shafi school believes that the fetus is ensouled at 80 days, so abortion is only allowed until 80 days. The Hanbali school believes that the fetus attains the soul at 40 days. Some scholars believe that the child of rape is also legitimate, so it is a sin to kill a child. Pregnant mothers have to face a lot of difficulties if they want to abort their child. A woman cannot terminate an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy unless the health of the woman is in danger. The laws of the UAE permit abortion before 120 days of conception. Article 340 of the UAE Penal Code mentions that any woman who undergoes an abortion will be detained for a maximum of one year period and/or fine not exceeding ten thousand dirhams. Safe abortion methods for various stages of pregnancy: UAE Sharjah Dubai Abu Dhabi · Ajmān · Al Ain · Al Awdah · Al Fahlayn · Al Fulayyah · Al Fara' · Al Ghabah COD/ COP Call/WhatsApp+27632505360 ASAP 1. Early Pregnancy (Up to 9 Weeks): • Medical Abortion (Abortion Pill): A combination of medications, typically mifepristone followed by misoprostol, is used to induce a miscarriage. Mifepristone is taken at a healthcare provider's office, followed by misoprostol taken at home. This method is effective up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. • Aspiration (Suction) Abortion: A surgical procedure where a gentle suction is used to remove the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This method is commonly used for pregnancies up to 9 weeks. 2. First Trimester (Up to 12 Weeks): • Medical Abortion: The abortion pill regimen may continue to be an option up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. • Aspiration Abortion: Suction abortion remains a safe and common method during the first trimester. 3. Second Trimester (13-24 Weeks): • Aspiration Abortion: Suction abortion may still be an option in the early second trimester, although the procedure may be slightly different from the first trimester. • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): A surgical procedure where the cervix is dilated, and suction and medical instruments are used to remove the pregnancy tissue. This method is commonly used in the second trimester. 4. Late Second Trimester (After 24 Weeks): • Induction Abortion: In cases of medical necessity or severe fetal anomalies, an induction abortion may be considered. It involves inducing labor to deliver the fetus and pregnancy tissue. It's important to emphasize that abortion decisions are personal and medical in nature. A healthcare provider should be consulted to discuss the available options, risks, benefits, and considerations based on the specific circumstances of the individual. If you or someone you know is considering an abortion, seeking guidance from a qualified healthcare provider, gynecologist, or abortion clinic is crucial to ensure a safe and informed decision-making process.
    • Mtp-Kit Prices »Abu Dhabi Abortion Pills In Abu Dhabi,Dhabi/Alain/Sharjah/RAK city Dubai Al Quoz Muteena Al Nadha Al Khail Al Khan Al Warqa Al Ain Ajman Deira Sonapur Bur Dubai  Umm Al Quawain Al Qusisio Al Qusais Metro station Dubai Deira UAE Al Mafraq Abu Dhabi Jumeirah 1  Jumeirah Dubai Al satwa Dubai Jebel Ali Dubai Al Qusais Sports city Dubai Al Barsha Ogun State Downtown Dubai Arabian Ranches 2 Umm suqeim Al Barari Business Bay Dubai Dubai Marina Palm Jumeirah Al khabisi Ashare DIFC Al Safa Dubai Media CIty Al Qusais Metro station Dubai Deira UAE Al Mafraq Abu Dhabi Jumeirah 1  Jumeirah Dubai Al satwa Dubai Jebel Ali Dubai Al Qusais Sports city Dubai Al Barsha Ogun State Downtown Dubai Arabian Ranches 2 Umm suqeim Al Barari Business Bay Dubai Dubai Marina Palm Jumeirah Al khabisi Ashare DIFC Al Safa Dubai Media CIty  Legal Abortion From 1-27 Weeks | Safe Abortion Pills For Sale +27632505360. CALL OR WHATSAPP US NOW : SCHONE  +27632505360 treatment at home Al Ain Al *Satwa* +971552965071_____________________Ajman MA +971552965071 *Price Abortion Pill* in Abu Dhabi *Satwa* ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN Dubai mifepristone cost In Ajman +27632505360 Abortion Pill99/Cytotec in Satwa JVC/ Al ain/ Ajman/ Ras Al Khaimah/ UAE mifepristone cost In Ajman Al Aziziyah +971552965071 ________ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN DUBAI ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ABU DHABI ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SHARJAH ABORTIaON In the Middle East countries such as UAE( Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah), Kuwait, Qatar, etc., the laws and regulations are based on Islam. Islam forbids killing a life. Islam considers that an individual will have a life after he has attained a soul. It is believed that the fetus attains the soul after 120 days of fertilization. The four schools of thought: Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, and Maliki, have different views regarding the abortion of pregnancy. According to the Hanafi school, it is believed that the fetus attains the soul after 120 days of gestation. In contrast, the Maliki school believes that the fetus is ensouled at the point of conception, so abortion is not allowed at any stage of pregnancy. The Shafi school believes that the fetus is ensouled at 80 days, so abortion is only allowed until 80 days. The Hanbali school believes that the fetus attains the soul at 40 days. Some scholars believe that the child of rape is also legitimate, so it is a sin to kill a child. Pregnant mothers have to face a lot of difficulties if they want to abort their child. A woman cannot terminate an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy unless the health of the woman is in danger. The laws of the UAE permit abortion before 120 days of conception. Article 340 of the UAE Penal Code mentions that any woman who undergoes an abortion will be detained for a maximum of one year period and/or fine not exceeding ten thousand dirhams. Safe abortion methods for various stages of pregnancy: UAE Sharjah Dubai Abu Dhabi · Ajmān · Al Ain · Al Awdah · Al Fahlayn · Al Fulayyah · Al Fara' · Al Ghabah COD/ COP Call/WhatsApp+27632505360 ASAP 1. Early Pregnancy (Up to 9 Weeks): • Medical Abortion (Abortion Pill): A combination of medications, typically mifepristone followed by misoprostol, is used to induce a miscarriage. Mifepristone is taken at a healthcare provider's office, followed by misoprostol taken at home. This method is effective up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. • Aspiration (Suction) Abortion: A surgical procedure where a gentle suction is used to remove the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This method is commonly used for pregnancies up to 9 weeks. 2. First Trimester (Up to 12 Weeks): • Medical Abortion: The abortion pill regimen may continue to be an option up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. • Aspiration Abortion: Suction abortion remains a safe and common method during the first trimester. 3. Second Trimester (13-24 Weeks): • Aspiration Abortion: Suction abortion may still be an option in the early second trimester, although the procedure may be slightly different from the first trimester. • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): A surgical procedure where the cervix is dilated, and suction and medical instruments are used to remove the pregnancy tissue. This method is commonly used in the second trimester. 4. Late Second Trimester (After 24 Weeks): • Induction Abortion: In cases of medical necessity or severe fetal anomalies, an induction abortion may be considered. It involves inducing labor to deliver the fetus and pregnancy tissue. It's important to emphasize that abortion decisions are personal and medical in nature. A healthcare provider should be consulted to discuss the available options, risks, benefits, and considerations based on the specific circumstances of the individual. If you or someone you know is considering an abortion, seeking guidance from a qualified healthcare provider, gynecologist, or abortion clinic is crucial to ensure a safe and informed decision-making process.
    • ( Al Twar)][@][( +971552965071 )][ Cytotec Pills in Sharjah, Abu Dhabi/Al ain Deira, Dubai Mall, Dubai Al Quoz Muteena Al Nadha  A 30% DISCOUNT ABORTION +27632505360 CLINIC IN SHARJAH, DUBAI, UAE // QATAR, DOHA, SAUDI ARABIA BAHRAIN, LEGAL & PAIN FREE // SAFE IN , KUWAIT, OMAN, MANAMA//+27632505360 v Al Nahda Women’s Clinic+27632505360 Medical abortion is a term applied to an abortion brought about by medication taken to induce it. This can be accomplished with a variety of medications given either as a single pill or a series of pills and it much safer than surgical abortions. Contact Us To Make An Appointment! On  Abortion pills RU486 (Mifepristone) and Cytotec (Misoprostol) came into use in the early 1990s. RU486 alone or with Cytotec give excellent results when used correctly. RU486 is available only in few countries. In Singapore, the HSA has not approved the use of RU486. Even Cytotec is not licensed for abortion. Studies have confirmed the use of Cytotec before standard abortion procedures have improved safety (that is, less complication) and reduced procedure discomfort. Injudicious use of Cytotec has however resulted in serious side effects to the pregnant women with few deaths reported. These women include those who have already given birth to three or more children, who have not passed their PSLE or have no secondary education, and who are non-Singaporean. Minimizing Abortion Complication Every surgical procedure has its complication. Abortion or termination of pregnancy is no exception. The reason to legalize abortion was to prevent the serious complications that a ccompany back-street abortions. Gynecologists receive extensive training surgery of the womb and when it is performed in the right set-up, the risk of the procedure is substantially reduced. Injury to Womb When TOP is performed, the neck of the womb has to be progressively dilated to a diameter that allows the smallest appropriate vacurette to be used. If the neck is dilated less than adequate, subsequent insertion of other instruments will be difficult and increased the risk the uterus being pierced through by the instruments. Perforating the uterus does no permanent harm to the uterus but additional steps have to be taken to ensure that other abdominal organs are not injured by the event. 
    • Legal Abortion From 1-27 Weeks | Safe Abortion Pills For Sale +27632505360. CALL OR WHATSAPP US NOW : SCHONE  +27632505360 treatment at home Al Ain Al *Satwa* +971552965071_____________________Ajman MA +971552965071 *Price Abortion Pill* in Abu Dhabi *Satwa* ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN Dubai mifepristone cost In Ajman +27632505360 Abortion Pill99/Cytotec in Satwa JVC/ Al ain/ Ajman/ Ras Al Khaimah/ UAE mifepristone cost In Ajman Al Aziziyah +971552965071 ________ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN DUBAI ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN ABU DHABI ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN SHARJAH ABORTIaON In the Middle East countries such as UAE( Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah), Kuwait, Qatar, etc., the laws and regulations are based on Islam. Islam forbids killing a life. Islam considers that an individual will have a life after he has attained a soul. It is believed that the fetus attains the soul after 120 days of fertilization. The four schools of thought: Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, and Maliki, have different views regarding the abortion of pregnancy. According to the Hanafi school, it is believed that the fetus attains the soul after 120 days of gestation. In contrast, the Maliki school believes that the fetus is ensouled at the point of conception, so abortion is not allowed at any stage of pregnancy. The Shafi school believes that the fetus is ensouled at 80 days, so abortion is only allowed until 80 days. The Hanbali school believes that the fetus attains the soul at 40 days. Some scholars believe that the child of rape is also legitimate, so it is a sin to kill a child. Pregnant mothers have to face a lot of difficulties if they want to abort their child. A woman cannot terminate an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy unless the health of the woman is in danger. The laws of the UAE permit abortion before 120 days of conception. Article 340 of the UAE Penal Code mentions that any woman who undergoes an abortion will be detained for a maximum of one year period and/or fine not exceeding ten thousand dirhams. Safe abortion methods for various stages of pregnancy: UAE Sharjah Dubai Abu Dhabi · Ajmān · Al Ain · Al Awdah · Al Fahlayn · Al Fulayyah · Al Fara' · Al Ghabah COD/ COP Call/WhatsApp+27632505360 ASAP 1. Early Pregnancy (Up to 9 Weeks): • Medical Abortion (Abortion Pill): A combination of medications, typically mifepristone followed by misoprostol, is used to induce a miscarriage. Mifepristone is taken at a healthcare provider's office, followed by misoprostol taken at home. This method is effective up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. • Aspiration (Suction) Abortion: A surgical procedure where a gentle suction is used to remove the pregnancy tissue from the uterus. This method is commonly used for pregnancies up to 9 weeks. 2. First Trimester (Up to 12 Weeks): • Medical Abortion: The abortion pill regimen may continue to be an option up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. • Aspiration Abortion: Suction abortion remains a safe and common method during the first trimester. 3. Second Trimester (13-24 Weeks): • Aspiration Abortion: Suction abortion may still be an option in the early second trimester, although the procedure may be slightly different from the first trimester. • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): A surgical procedure where the cervix is dilated, and suction and medical instruments are used to remove the pregnancy tissue. This method is commonly used in the second trimester. 4. Late Second Trimester (After 24 Weeks): • Induction Abortion: In cases of medical necessity or severe fetal anomalies, an induction abortion may be considered. It involves inducing labor to deliver the fetus and pregnancy tissue. It's important to emphasize that abortion decisions are personal and medical in nature. A healthcare provider should be consulted to discuss the available options, risks, benefits, and considerations based on the specific circumstances of the individual. If you or someone you know is considering an abortion, seeking guidance from a qualified healthcare provider, gynecologist, or abortion clinic is crucial to ensure a safe and informed decision-making process.
    • IN DUBAI ?W,A+971552965071//<<>? 𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧 • 24HRS 𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙨𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 UAE OMAN,QATAR, BAHRAIN,SAUDI ARABIA,SHARJAH  A 30% DISCOUNT ABORTION +27632505360 CLINIC IN SHARJAH, DUBAI, UAE // QATAR, DOHA, SAUDI ARABIA BAHRAIN, LEGAL & PAIN FREE // SAFE IN , KUWAIT, OMAN, MANAMA//+27632505360 v Al Nahda Women’s Clinic+27632505360 Medical abortion is a term applied to an abortion brought about by medication taken to induce it. This can be accomplished with a variety of medications given either as a single pill or a series of pills and it much safer than surgical abortions. Contact Us To Make An Appointment! On +27632505360 Abortion pills RU486 (Mifepristone) and Cytotec (Misoprostol) came into use in the early 1990s. RU486 alone or with Cytotec give excellent results when used correctly. RU486 is available only in few countries. In Singapore, the HSA has not approved the use of RU486. Even Cytotec is not licensed for abortion. Studies have confirmed the use of Cytotec before standard abortion procedures have improved safety (that is, less complication) and reduced procedure discomfort. Injudicious use of Cytotec has however resulted in serious side effects to the pregnant women with few deaths reported. These women include those who have already given birth to three or more children, who have not passed their PSLE or have no secondary education, and who are non-Singaporean. Minimizing Abortion Complication Every surgical procedure has its complication. Abortion or termination of pregnancy is no exception. The reason to legalize abortion was to prevent the serious complications that a ccompany back-street abortions. Gynecologists receive extensive training surgery of the womb and when it is performed in the right set-up, the risk of the procedure is substantially reduced. Injury to Womb When TOP is performed, the neck of the womb has to be progressively dilated to a diameter that allows the smallest appropriate vacurette to be used. If the neck is dilated less than adequate, subsequent insertion of other instruments will be difficult and increased the risk the uterus being pierced through by the instruments. Perforating the uterus does no permanent harm to the uterus but additional steps have to be taken to ensure that other abdominal organs are not injured by the event. 
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